Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

We had to keep pillows on both sides of the bed or they would roll off
His older brother wriggled off the changing table one day....thankfully it wasn't me looking after him. He's already 2 months ahead with rolling front and back so it looks like he could be off running soon.:)

Good luck with the rest of the build Mo.
We've kind of had this discussion before Mo:)
I have an ant problem....wasps are not very common in my garden and ladybirds are too random. And when you have ants they just attack the ladybirds. Never seen a mantid here before. If you have a natural way to get rid of ants without poisening kids I am all ears.
I was cycling back from the market today with the kids on the bakfiets when something flew right into my sunglasses. I stopped expecting to find a dead splattered fly or something....low and behold it was a ladybird. It walked around and as soon as I went to show Yin no1 it flew off lol...typisch!

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No - old school - no tats. Well, I do have four dots for lining up the x-ray machine.

I always loved telling my kids I had tattoos.
Windex kills ants? I assume a contact kill...I am looking for something they take back to the nest.....the ant traps I think have neem in them. Maybe I should order a neem tree (not sure it would survive the Dutch weather though.)
Water in some crushed neem cake pellets?
Azaleas really poppin now
About to chop this deep blue
Basil in one od the hanging baskets
Potted up the dolce Rosso seedlings.
The Spanish tomatoes seem to need a bit more heat to germinate....2 new yins poking their heads up.
And a new clone for the stable...GG4.
Peace DST