2 Questions


Active Member
1. How can I measure how much nutrients are in my water?

2. How often should I give her fertalizer (I read you don't need to give them fertalizer for the first 2 weeks of their life, and not to give them fertalizer everyday)



Well-Known Member
1. TDS meter
2. feed with a schedule, something like water, water, feed, water, water, feed
depends on your plants needs, how big it is, how much water she drinks
i water about once a week and feed every other time.


Well-Known Member
1. TDS meter
2. feed with a schedule, something like water, water, feed, water, water, feed
depends on your plants needs, how big it is, how much water she drinks
i water about once a week and feed every other time.
That is some good info. If in soil i would not worry about the ppm of the nutes. Just follow directions.Other wise like he said TDS meter.


Active Member
Can I get a TDS meter at home depot?
and would that mean you give her fertalizer every 2 weeks? (if it was water water feed)


Active Member
Alright, I know another place called Potters, they have good stuff.
and to jollygreengiant8: would that mean you give her fertalizer every 2 weeks? (if it was water water feed)?


Well-Known Member
He is saying to use plain water twice and the give nutes and then water and water then nutes. Does not matter much on the time just follow those instructions.