Who's willing to..

Seems to me that uncle buck is a tea party fan. That's what I'm getting out of everything he is saying. Liberal? Gtfo. He doesn't think disabled people should have social security. He thinks wives shouldn't take care of their husbands if something bad happens to them. I get it now. He's a tea bagger. Uncle tea bagger.
Uncle buck, I'm going on welfare tomorrow, Can we be friends... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Welfare is fine. Social Security is obviously not. If you get food stamps Medicaid (I get Medicaid because you can't get Medicare I guess until after 2 yrs on ssdi) and hud, and are an illegal, you'll be best of friends. If you're a legal citizen that paid in to the system and recovered their pay in through social security for 2 years, then he hates you. Especially if you have no kids and don't use food stamps.
You said unclebuck was probing me, I don't want him to prob me... ... ... ... ...
I don't think anyone want to be probed by unclebuck except maybe unclebuck himself. That's why I was trying to distract him.

gerund or present participle: probing
  1. explore or examine (something), especially with the hands or an instrument.
    "hands probed his body from top to bottom"
    synonyms: examine, feel, feel around, explore, prod, poke, check
    "hands probed his body from top to bottom

    2. enquire into someone or something closely.
    • "what right had he to probe into her personal life?"
      synonyms: investigate, conduct an investigation into, enquire/enquire into, look into, study, conduct an enquiry/enquiry into, examine, scrutinize, go into, carry out an inquest into, research, analyse, dissect, search into, delve into, dig into; More
I meant the second lol
Oh I'm getting food stamps dude, medicare/caid, free phone, whatever the fuck else uncle buck wants to pay for... He don't care it's only $40 a year from his paycheck, that leaves him 999960 dollars lmao
I don't think anyone want to be probed by unclebuck except maybe unclebuck himself. That's why I was trying to distract him.

gerund or present participle: probing
  1. explore or examine (something), especially with the hands or an instrument.
    "hands probed his body from top to bottom"
    synonyms: examine, feel, feel around, explore, prod, poke, check
    "hands probed his body from top to bottom

    2. enquire into someone or something closely.
    • "what right had he to probe into her personal life?"
      synonyms: investigate, conduct an investigation into, enquire/enquire into, look into, study, conduct an enquiry/enquiry into, examine, scrutinize, go into, carry out an inquest into, research, analyse, dissect, search into, delve into, dig into; More
I meant the second lol
Oh shit yea, that's way too smart for me. My bad

You could see where I was thinking definition 1, this is unclebuck were talking about... ... ...
Oh I'm getting food stamps dude, medicare/caid, free phone, whatever the fuck else uncle buck wants to pay for... He don't care it's only $40 a year from his paycheck, that leaves him 999960 dollars lmao
Lmfao too funny!! It's like he doesn't care if it's his money, he likes paying for illegal shit like blow jobs from hookers, but he totally hates it when people use their own money from taxes (social security).. He's probably not answering my questions because hes speeding over to his grandma's house to punch her in the throat for getting too old to work and collecting her ssd check.
He left cause he doesn't have anyone here to back him up right now. He's a bitch, and we will all have a message from admin tomorrow :)
That's OK, I took screen shots of his tea party views for leverage in other debates. His die hard pc liberal facade has ended lol :D and all it took to bring him out of his shell is a disabled hard working citizen who only wants to use 2.5 years of his social security payments. Man, if only I had collected my payments for 5 years! He would have turned into David Mckinney
He left cause he doesn't have anyone here to back him up right now. He's a bitch, and we will all have a message from admin tomorrow :)
Hello. You suck. I thought you were cool in the yogurt thread. Now you just seem like a juvenile vulgar maniac. Soon as you got comfortable, which didn't take long, you start posting real animal shit and animal dick pics, why is that? Now willingly squabbling with someone who's gonna eat you alive. Rancid Sock! Goodbye
Private property is a gov't granted right. Private ownership of economic infrastructure and natural resources can not exist without a gov't to enforce it. All wealth is created by labor and there can be no excess of wealth without the exploitation of laborers. Class war does not occur as you describe. Class war occurs in the form of capitalists, that is to say "owners of means of production", benefitting from a gov't enforced economic system in which laborers are forced by their own hunger to submit to wage slavery in order to survive.

When the proletariat has collectively sickened of this sufficiently, they will not beg for scraps from capitalists. They will force them into a guillotine, as they have before.

Sometimes when you state things there is a mixture of accurate and inaccurate.

No, private property is NOT a gov't guaranteed right, at least not in every instance. In many instances monopolistic governments subvert property rights, which means there is a need for MORE governments. Except the size of the governments should be as low as 1 person, self governments being the most free and equitable.

Of course you have always been reluctant to define what property is and isn't and who can own it.

I'm curious of your definition of a free market too, and if you think voluntary trade is better than involuntary trade ?
Does anyone think that it's not a problem that there are millionaires, but more so our money is worth much less now.. And that instead of social programs.. We should be capable of paying for Healthcare, food, housing.. The necessities really.. With the money we do make?

I think our money system is broken beyond repair due to inflation and wages being mostly stagnant. Capitalism has given us many great things we take for granted, but at the same time our middle class disappeared. Now I really don't care how much the fat cats make at the top, but I think the money lower class makes should have much more buying power.

Is it even possible to lower the cost of things like Healthcare and housing to a more affordable rate with out messing the economy up?

I guess what I'm saying is I'd rather be able to pay my own way for these things instead of a socialized system built around more taxes..

Just curious how others feel about things like that so I can see the broader picture.

Has anyone thought of other options besides more social programs and taxes?

At the core of where you are heading is the moral rationale and consistency of personal freedom.

The question is - Should (can) a person delegate a right they do not possess ?

The answer is - No.

Government grants itself the exception to do things which are bad if you or I do it, which of course is self evidence of the absurdity of the institution of a coercion based government.

You will find many people who will disagree with what I just said, but nobody who can rebut it.
My apologies for misquoting you sir.

Okay, so absent a single coercion based entity (government) private property could not exist ?
A misquote is one thing, intentionally distorting an argument in order to try to make your misuse of so many words make sense is what actually happened.