THE LOT ~ Music Festival Lifestyle

For what it's worth, when I was a young man I spent a lot of time with an off the bus merry prankster(merlin), I think he was also known as rubber duck... He knew Jerry and Hendrix personally. I would listen to him talk for hours and he never mentioned anything like what you hear in those videos. Sounds like Christian anti drug propaganda to me.
That makes the most sense out of anything I have heard all day :)
Not to change the subject back to talking about festies and lot kids & such but reading this thread brings memories. I've never seen the dead live with Jerry...but when he died I had several deadhead freinds who gathered in a park and played music to honor his life. They ended up calling it gathering of the vibes and it became an annual thing. It was my only festival experience at the time and it was the most fun I've ever had.
In 2013 the gathering was still going strong. I had a close friend who always attended but fell on hard times & couldnt afford the outrageous sum that was required for a camping bracelet. That year there was other events happening that weekend that meant I could only attend half the fest. So I did what any good friend would do: promised my bracelet to my homie so ge could rage with all our friends the rest of the weekend.
Saturday morning came and since I had not slept & was still kinda trippin I left quietly whilst many in my camp were just getting into their sacs to sleep. It was a glorious day and the best weather of the weekend was just about to happen; it rained for the 2 days I was there.
Got to my homies house as he readied a bench vise to remove the bracelet. He said dude this year they got rfid tags that explode if you break the bead so be careful I want to get in. It just kept getting tighter on my wrist; looked like it would never come off. Homie got the butter & slapped it up on my wrist and the bracelet slowly wriggled off.
He was grateful and showed it by telling all there he got in for free due to my generosity.
Anyway 6 months later he was gone. Died due to a heart condition. I still see all the pics taken that weekend & never regretted missing the bands but I do miss my homie. GDF NFA
Didn't mean to bring the vibe of this thread down. My homie did sound and recordings for many bands that are now headliners at minor festivals all over the country. The lot was where he would trade tapes or hustle trees; that's why I posted it here. Wasnt trying to display my righteousness in giving up a bracelet my point is you do what you can to help your festival family whether it's in or outside the venue. You never know when one of them won't be there next fest.
With the hiatus of gathering of the vibes I suspect some runoff to other fests. I fear gotv may not return to Bridgeport & could be somewhere else next year if there is a next year. I hear the promoter owes millions in back taxes to the city of Bridgeport plus the new mayor freshly out of jail on corruption charges doesn't like hosting music fests. This guy sent gotv out to upstate ny some years ago & it didn't return until the mayor was jailed. Now he's been reelected; thanks low information voters.
Oh here is one for this thread....
What is with all this bad weather happening at all the major festivals ???

DEMF (Detroit Electronic Music Festival) going on this weekend and Monday in Detroit (Hart plaza). I used to go first started when it was FREE and NOT about making tons of money. Now it's all about the $$$$$$.