subs supersoil

No offense, and I mean this with the utmost respect... But if you're approach to growing is "ahhh... What I've been doing is good enough." than you're cheating yourself...and your teaching others to cheat themselves when you pass that aestic around.

I get the whole if it ain't broke don't fix it mentality, but you should always be trying to learn and improve. And I get it to if you're just a hobby grower and you don't want to push yourself.

But just some perspective, this is a product that people still rob, kill, and arrest each other for. Even in the legal states...if you're willing to take that risk, why aren't you willing to educate yourself more and push yourself to improve your capabilities?
Well Rasta... My approach is just as you stated. This recipe works for me and many others... Works and works well. If OP is a newb then in my opinion this is the best way to start to learn to grow and understand organic growing. Sub has a pretty big name in our hobby yet I see others who swear their recipe is so much better. Most( not saying you ) have piggybacked off of his or Vics recipe. So all im saying is it works. As far as layering soil... Well, I have no problem with it. Never seen any bad things in my plants related to it. For me, as u have said, it works. And for many others. So with all due respect I'll just stick to this recipe until I find something that interests me more and can produce similar results.
Well Rasta... My approach is just as you stated. This recipe works for me and many others... Works and works well. If OP is a newb then in my opinion this is the best way to start to learn to grow and understand organic growing. Sub has a pretty big name in our hobby yet I see others who swear their recipe is so much better. Most( not saying you ) have piggybacked off of his or Vics recipe. So all im saying is it works. As far as layering soil... Well, I have no problem with it. Never seen any bad things in my plants related to it. For me, as u have said, it works. And for many others. So with all due respect I'll just stick to this recipe until I find something that interests me more and can produce similar results.
So you use sub version

When you first switch to flower you can top dress with the high phosphorus Guano, along with the kelp and some worm castings. Do it again every few weeks. But once you're like three weeks from cut down I would just plain water and don't worry about adding anything else.

Now as far as your other ingredients. You don't really need the lime or the perlite yet...but you can use them eventually. Same goes for the blood meal, most organic growers will tell you to avoid blood meal, but hey you bought it so I'll give you a guide for utilizing it.

You can make use of the lime slowly over time. After you harvest, before you reamend and reuse your soil...get one of those cheap soil pH testers at the hardware store. It probably will be fine the first couple times but as it lowers from the peat breaking down over time adding the lime will bring it back up.

Now when it comes to reamending your soil, that's when you can throw in the blood meal. When you reamend the soil for reuse, use the listed amendment recipe for your original soil above, same ratios, but add blood meal to the mix and mix in some of the perlite you bought to make sure it stays nice and aerated. The clay pebbles can probably help serve the same purpose.

When it comes to the Epsom Salts, maybe run yourself a nice hot bath after all that soil mixing and throw in a couple cups and soak your wore out muscles for a bit! Lol...also if you notice any magnesium deficiency during your grow just throw in a tbsp per gallon of em when you water and it'll clear right up. Don't do another feeding of it unless the deficiency returns. Holler if you got any questions man!
Well Rasta... My approach is just as you stated. This recipe works for me and many others... Works and works well. If OP is a newb then in my opinion this is the best way to start to learn to grow and understand organic growing. Sub has a pretty big name in our hobby yet I see others who swear their recipe is so much better. Most( not saying you ) have piggybacked off of his or Vics recipe. So all im saying is it works. As far as layering soil... Well, I have no problem with it. Never seen any bad things in my plants related to it. For me, as u have said, it works. And for many others. So with all due respect I'll just stick to this recipe until I find something that interests me more and can produce similar results.
I'm sorry friend, I have to respectfully disagree with you.

If someone is a newb to organic growing then subs mix is not the best way to get introduced. It is by far from the simplest form of organic growing, it's prone to maintenance issues, it ignores how cannabis root structure actually grows, and it's more expensive. If anything, his mix is more prone to turn someone away from organic growing then onto it.

You wouldn't teach someone to swim by telling them to hug rocks would you?

Masterbaiting works for getting off, but wouldn't you rather have sex?

Just because something seems like it works for you, does not mean you are tapping your full potential. And if you are happy to just know what you know, and do what you do, by all means carry on.

I come here to learn and spread what I've learned. If someone teaches me something, or corrects me on something I do wrong I'm going to take that and improve myself (I get you have to take people's opinions with a grain of salt but most people here are here to help each other not just measure how far they can piss). If that's not your thing that's totally cool, but I can't just let people spread misinformation either. And subcool shit is heavy on misinformation.
I'm sorry friend, I have to respectfully disagree with you.

If someone is a newb to organic growing then subs mix is not the best way to get introduced. It is by far from the simplest form of organic growing, it's prone to maintenance issues, it ignores how cannabis root structure actually grows, and it's more expensive. If anything, his mix is more prone to turn someone away from organic growing then onto it.

You wouldn't teach someone to swim by telling them to hug rocks would you?

Masterbaiting works for getting off, but wouldn't you rather have sex?

Just because something seems like it works for you, does not mean you are tapping your full potential. And if you are happy to just know what you know, and do what you do, by all means carry on.

I come here to learn and spread what I've learned. If someone teaches me something, or corrects me on something I do wrong I'm going to take that and improve myself (I get you have to take people's opinions with a grain of salt but most people here are here to help each other not just measure how far they can piss). If that's not your thing that's totally cool, but I can't just let people spread misinformation either. And subcool shit is heavy on misinformation.
I guess we will all have different approaches. So to each their own. Meanwhile, I enjoyed the sharing of info.
I'm sorry friend, I have to respectfully disagree with you.

If someone is a newb to organic growing then subs mix is not the best way to get introduced. It is by far from the simplest form of organic growing, it's prone to maintenance issues, it ignores how cannabis root structure actually grows, and it's more expensive. If anything, his mix is more prone to turn someone away from organic growing then onto it.

You wouldn't teach someone to swim by telling them to hug rocks would you?

Masterbaiting works for getting off, but wouldn't you rather have sex?

Just because something seems like it works for you, does not mean you are tapping your full potential. And if you are happy to just know what you know, and do what you do, by all means carry on.

I come here to learn and spread what I've learned. If someone teaches me something, or corrects me on something I do wrong I'm going to take that and improve myself (I get you have to take people's opinions with a grain of salt but most people here are here to help each other not just measure how far they can piss). If that's not your thing that's totally cool, but I can't just let people spread misinformation either. And subcool shit is heavy on misinformation.
By the way... There's nothing wrong with masturbating... Lol...
I'm sorry friend, I have to respectfully disagree with you.

If someone is a newb to organic growing then subs mix is not the best way to get introduced. It is by far from the simplest form of organic growing, it's prone to maintenance issues, it ignores how cannabis root structure actually grows, and it's more expensive. If anything, his mix is more prone to turn someone away from organic growing then onto it.

You wouldn't teach someone to swim by telling them to hug rocks would you?

Masterbaiting works for getting off, but wouldn't you rather have sex?

Just because something seems like it works for you, does not mean you are tapping your full potential. And if you are happy to just know what you know, and do what you do, by all means carry on.

I come here to learn and spread what I've learned. If someone teaches me something, or corrects me on something I do wrong I'm going to take that and improve myself (I get you have to take people's opinions with a grain of salt but most people here are here to help each other not just measure how far they can piss). If that's not your thing that's totally cool, but I can't just let people spread misinformation either. And subcool shit is heavy on misinformation.
Thanks for the advice Roy. How often should I water while the soil is cooking?
Thanks for the advice Roy. How often should I water while the soil is cooking?
It can depends on the environment it's stored, but after you mix it all up hit it with some water. You want it damp, not soaking. Think about a sponge after you get it wet and then wring it out. You want it to feel like a wrung out sponge, dampness wise. So mix it up again after watering to make sure it's all a consistent moisture. If you're storing in tubs then make sure it has air holes on the sides, if you're doing it on a floor or ground then make sure you cover with a tarp. The first time I would check it after a few days to see if the area you have is extra dry. You should bear witness to some condensation though, if you do you're probably all good and after that I would just check it once a week, mix it up. If it's too dry and no longer damp add some more water.
It can depends on the environment it's stored, but after you mix it all up hit it with some water. You want it damp, not soaking. Think about a sponge after you get it wet and then wring it out. You want it to feel like a wrung out sponge, dampness wise. So mix it up again after watering to make sure it's all a consistent moisture. If you're storing in tubs then make sure it has air holes on the sides, if you're doing it on a floor or ground then make sure you cover with a tarp. The first time I would check it after a few days to see if the area you have is extra dry. You should bear witness to some condensation though, if you do you're probably all good and after that I would just check it once a week, mix it up. If it's too dry and no longer damp add some more water.
Where I live 504 it's real hot and humid. And I was planning on mixing on a tarp and putting it in totes once it's mixed good. So it's better to drill small holes in the side and not top?
Where I live 504 it's real hot and humid. And I was planning on mixing on a tarp and putting it in totes once it's mixed good. So it's better to drill small holes in the side and not top?
The top works too, I just do the sides as a personal preference cause I like to stack tubs on top of each other to save space. But the top works just as well as the side.
Where I live 504 it's real hot and humid. And I was planning on mixing on a tarp and putting it in totes once it's mixed good. So it's better to drill small holes in the side and not top?
You shouldn't have to check more than once a week if you live in a humid area but you'll be able to gauge pretty quickly. Good luck!
I'm not recommending you use I'm just saying that where someone first pointed out to me how stupid layering your soil is. How espom salts in your soil will throw off your magnesium ratios. I recommend you final a local landscape supplier, to source Hella cheap peat moss and perlite, and if youre lucky a good quality compost. Google for composting places in your area.

1 Part Peat moss
1 Part Perlite
1 Part Compost

1/4 cup per cubic feet (about seven gallons) of each of these

Kelp meal
Alfalfa Meal
Crab Shell meal
Fish Meal

Mix that all up, let it cook if you can!

Plant your shit in that. Get a good quality worm casting brand if you can't make your own. Roots organics big worm is pretty solid for a big name. Top dress with that.

That'll be better than subs supersoil bullshit.

What's absolutely bonky about Subs soil is the fact that he has us buying all those bags of Roots, why the fuck am I already buying premium potting soil? I could just buy a 1,3, and 5 gallon pot and just up pot and get the same results. Absolutely redundant. What I also don't understand is, if SUPPOSEDLY the roots are going to get to the bottom of the pot much later, then why does he have us adding Mychorrazi? Why Epsom Salt if you're putting Dolomite in it? So many questions....He quite literally just takes all the ingredients available on shelves and mixes it all together.
What's absolutely bonky about Subs soil is the fact that he has us buying all those bags of Roots, why the fuck am I already buying premium potting soil? I could just buy a 1,3, and 5 gallon pot and just up pot and get the same results. Absolutely redundant. What I also don't understand is, if SUPPOSEDLY the roots are going to get to the bottom of the pot much later, then why does he have us adding Mychorrazi? Why Epsom Salt if you're putting Dolomite in it? So many questions....He quite literally just takes all the ingredients available on shelves and mixes it all together.
I don't get this whole super soil phenomenon. People overloading soil with animal bi-products for nitrogen, too much phosphorus, not a proper calcium balance. Sure it gets results for one crop.. but you all throw the soil out after one grow and start over? that's what is suggested correct? What a waste. Please learn TLO and stop ruining the environment by promoting this what seems wasteful gardening method. or can someone explain how this is good for the environment? It certainly is good for the pockets of roots organics, but you are paying to have that stuff trucked all over. I can get premium materials less than 2 miles away and make my own soil.
I don't get this whole super soil phenomenon. People overloading soil with animal bi-products for nitrogen, too much phosphorus, not a proper calcium balance. Sure it gets results for one crop.. but you all throw the soil out after one grow and start over? that's what is suggested correct? What a waste. Please learn TLO and stop ruining the environment by promoting this what seems wasteful gardening method. or can someone explain how this is good for the environment? It certainly is good for the pockets of roots organics, but you are paying to have that stuff trucked all over. I can get premium materials less than 2 miles away and make my own soil.
You're preaching to the choir! I tried to share this and some of the technical and economic flaws of subs method on a different thread and got accused of participating in a circle jerk. Lol.

Some people are just happy to buy a can of spaghetti sauce and call that a home-cooked meal. Some of us don't feel like we're really cooking unless we're growing basil and garlic and making our own sauce. As long as you're eating I guess!