I'm sorry friend, I have to respectfully disagree with you.
If someone is a newb to organic growing then subs mix is not the best way to get introduced. It is by far from the simplest form of organic growing, it's prone to maintenance issues, it ignores how cannabis root structure actually grows, and it's more expensive. If anything, his mix is more prone to turn someone away from organic growing then onto it.
You wouldn't teach someone to swim by telling them to hug rocks would you?
Masterbaiting works for getting off, but wouldn't you rather have sex?
Just because something seems like it works for you, does not mean you are tapping your full potential. And if you are happy to just know what you know, and do what you do, by all means carry on.
I come here to learn and spread what I've learned. If someone teaches me something, or corrects me on something I do wrong I'm going to take that and improve myself (I get you have to take people's opinions with a grain of salt but most people here are here to help each other not just measure how far they can piss). If that's not your thing that's totally cool, but I can't just let people spread misinformation either. And subcool shit is heavy on misinformation.