Hay bale growing?


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever grow in a hay bale? An old timer from around my area told me to try it, just wondering if it actually works aha
I'd look into using teas here. Seems so cool to me. I actually put the post up in the Noob tea thread in the organics section.

If you need help, let me know!
We used to do that in 4H, back on the farm as kids.....Tomato's, Broccoli, cabbage and peppers were one's we did over the years!

Yupper's it was a simple sun brewed "tea" we used......

Composted poo's , yard clipping's and certain weeds (Stinging nettles are great for N) ....Dad was pretty tight with any ferts he might be using at the time. I did pinch a good amount of 36-0-0 and my little bro and I did some great corn with it as a booster for the tea (corn likes high N).......I'll bet mom still has pics of that somewhere.....Hell my sister took a ribbon in the county fair for some Broccoli and I was pissed! (Mine was better - dumb girls can't farm. child mentality)

Works well but, keep it watered!
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It's gotta be charged with N, then left to compost for a while, but it works. I've an people douse the hay in urine water, or run compost teas through, then let it sit for a couple weeks to " finish" .

You can do them on the flat side, or turn them sideways for more drainage.

There's some pretty good write ups to be found on the net
It's gotta be charged with N, then left to compost for a while, but it works. I've an people douse the hay in urine water, or run compost teas through, then let it sit for a couple weeks to " finish" .

You can do them on the flat side, or turn them sideways for more drainage.

There's some pretty good write ups to be found on the net

Not just N! Takes a few weeks to "pre charge" or prep it! You tend to add differing things at each week or at least focus on certain aspects as I recall....We did the nutrient bucket "soup" as mom called it. She learned that as a child on the same farm and she passed that to us....We took it to 4H and FFA as non animal projects as young uns.....That farm is now MY home and runs as a 100% organic farm today!