dutch passion orange bud. 1st seed grow.


Well-Known Member
Ya ok, so you have to get the best genetics in the world to create decent pot, sucks for you, I can make great pot out of just decent genes and would blow away anything your ass could grow. Go to a thread where people actually want to hear your ass talk some more cause we are done here. Enough saidkiss-ass



Well-Known Member
OK dude. I just killed all my plants and threw away the seeds I bought. Now what do you recommend? Show us your journals too so we can first hand take a look at all the shitty weed you grew. Im on my 4th harvest and I havnt grown shitty weed yet. The last clones I got were questionable quality, so I said fuck them (supposedly the best club in sacramento) and bought seed.
You already said dp sucks though. Aint it kinda over after that?...you know you said yur opinion.
And moving on....
My 2 plants in flower are all fucked up from the overdose of bushmaster, they recommend 5 ml, so thats what I gave them ande it should have been more like 2. Theyre rammed horned and a bit crimpped and twisted but still green. I flushed with 1 gal 6.4 ph water each so Ill see what they look like in the morning.


Active Member
I was never questioning your grow talents, just simply stating that many strains under the exact optimal conditions will produce different quanities and qualities. Coming from conneticut I understand you only get what you get. I am from Northern Cali where orange was first created. Anyone in cali will tell you the DUTCH one is knowhere near the original even with amazing grow talent.


Well-Known Member
I live 40 miles from supposedly the best med club in sac. All of thier clones were good, they didnt put out the resin and quality that I was hoping for. And if Im not mistaken, isnt orangebud seperate from california orange? Or do they carry the same genetics?


Well-Known Member
I live 40 miles from supposedly the best med club in sac. All of thier clones were good, they didnt put out the resin and quality that I was hoping for. And if Im not mistaken, isnt orangebud seperate from california orange? Or do they carry the same genetics?
Cali orange was taken to Europe by breeders and crossed with a haze/skunk. It was refined till they got orange bud. One pheno isn't that potent, but one is very very potent and tastes like lemon/orange citrus with a hint of haze. Cali Orange has about a 7% THC while Orange Bud has 16.9. One of the phenos I have (the not as potent one) really resembles the original Cali Orange.


Well-Known Member
My 2 plants put in flower on the 27th are showing bushmaster burn pretty bad. The leaves are all crimped and ramhorned and the growing tips look green, theyre just all shrivled up. And the leaves constantly droop. My friend at the hydroponics store told me the recommended dosage was 2ml/gallon and not 5ml like suggested on the lable. He went on to say that the maker of bushmaster would recieve death threats cuz his shit burning everyones plants. I did give one of the larger plants put into flowering yesterday 1.5ml/gal bushmaster to see what it does, but thats it for the bm this grow.


Well-Known Member
My 2 plants put in flower on the 27th are showing bushmaster burn pretty bad. The leaves are all crimped and ramhorned and the growing tips look green, theyre just all shrivled up. And the leaves constantly droop. My friend at the hydroponics store told me the recommended dosage was 2ml/gallon and not 5ml like suggested on the lable. He went on to say that the maker of bushmaster would recieve death threats cuz his shit burning everyones plants. I did give one of the larger plants put into flowering yesterday 1.5ml/gal bushmaster to see what it does, but thats it for the bm this grow.
This is one of the many reasons I stay as organic as possible, something like that will never be a problem for me. Its worth the extra loot and effort in the end.


Well-Known Member
Trust me dude, these are my final days with chemical ferts and snake oils. And Im toatally stoked that Im making the change. I cracked 2 White Berry seeds a while ago that will serve as mothers for my organic S.O.G.


Well-Known Member
Trust me dude, these are my final days with chemical ferts and snake oils. And Im toatally stoked that Im making the change. I cracked 2 White Berry seeds a while ago that will serve as mothers for my organic S.O.G.
Sweet, heya dont give up on OB, take a clone, get a mother of the most citrus smelling one, not the more fruity pheno, you will be happy ya did. Any stressed ass plant can be unstressed for future cloning.


Well-Known Member
I've already chosen 2 mothers that are different phenos. One started out as an afghani pheno but grew more and narrower leaves as it grew out. Really lice looking plant, the other has narrower leaves and looks like the rest of them. The afghani/indica pheno looked completely different than the other 7 so I saved it for a mom since it was a one of a kind.


Well-Known Member
I've already chosen 2 mothers that are different phenos. One started out as an afghani pheno but grew more and narrower leaves as it grew out. Really lice looking plant, the other has narrower leaves and looks like the rest of them. The afghani/indica pheno looked completely different than the other 7 so I saved it for a mom since it was a one of a kind.
One of my phenos has easily 3x the resin production and a distinct haze taste behind a amazingly overpowering lemon/orange candy taste that almost addictive just cause it tastes so good. Plus it's also 3x as potent as the other pheno I have. The only issue I had was since my phenos weren't labeled I had to wait till like day 30 in flower to easily pickem apart so the better one always was put in the worst lighting spot by coincidence. Now I have them all labeled and if they produce the yield I want the other pheno is gettin chopped.


Well-Known Member
Have you really killed your plants? The orange bud is some good shit. When you smoke, it tastes so good you need more. And the high is just happier than anything.

As to whether you have killed them or not, Watch out for hermies in late flowering if you want sensi. Several people including me had this from the feminized orange buds. If you get to your harvest, you and your friends will be very happy with the result.

Orange Bud is good weed.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I kep them watered and let the soild dry out. They've been droopy ever since giving them bushmaster.


Active Member
Good luck on your grow man. I actually have the same strain growing right now. I have a mother 42 days into flower and 6 clones 23 days into flower. GL man, subscribed.


Well-Known Member
Some bad news. It looks like the first 2 plants fed bushmaster is causing them to turn hermaphrodite. I can see what appear to be little stalks right where the female preflowers should be.
Glad your subscribed tehcliffy. Please feel free to post your orange bud pics on here.