Thank you for that. Can you share your amazing shatter recipe. Step by step for us beginners?
I get the highest qualities of end product when the product was slowly dried and in a cold room. When i want REALLY light shatter I will stick material in dehydrator at 30C for a few hours. I have found however a small reduction in taste intensity tho not in its complexity. Maybe 10% reduction max.
I get everything as cold! as i possibly can with dry ice sleeves and freezing material and gas. I dont have any scientific background to this but i get higher yields if everything is cold as hell and much much lighter shatter. I use a 50 micron filter as well as coffee filters.
I cant stress enough how important the material is, and this is not just the quality its how broken up it is, how many trichless leaves there are in the mix. If you hafto break up your material do it by hand and try breaking plant material as little as possible. People who claim higher yields with ground vs non ground are basically extracting shit and not so much cannabinoids.
Avoid scraping at all costs and pour your oil onto parchment. I first pull a vacuum at room temperature and watch how the oil behaves as i slowly increase it. You want that muffin to fall gradually, from my experience, so increase 1C every 5 or 10 min. If you raching temps much above 33 to 35C and muffin doesnt fall or bubbles just dont seem to be of a gooey enough consistency to let butane out under vacuum conditions imo it could be due to lipds and waxes. The terpier the oil the easier it purges at lower temps.
If you like your shatter to look like swiss cheese and make everyone think youre an artist (lol) flip your patty very early on maybe even within first 24h. wait until hardly any reaction happens, flip again, you shgould get some more holes and purge til no reaction. I usually purge from 4 to 8 days. It should look sumat like this:
Or just flip when reaction stops on each side and it should look like this:
Or if you use some kick ASS!! amnesia nugs it could look like this (lol just showing off now):
This one was made with a solvent blend ratio suggested by
@Fadedawg, 50 ntane 50 npane, and im not ever using just butane unless make doing isobutane.
Also heres the LAST! time ive tried making well purged wax. I purged it at shatter temps flipped, and once purged i raised temps to like 50 C maybe even 55C, no vacuum. And in the course of TWO!!! fucking days it waxed up. It tasted like paper.