Justice Department: NC bathroom bill violates Federal Civil Rights Law.

so you want this guy to use the same bathroom as your daughter?


he would beat the shit out of your dumb racist ass.

i'd pay good money to be there.
id pay good money for you to try...ky
when are the bigots going realize that times are changing & we will not tolerate that old shit any longer?..
a man born a man will always be a man .no mater how much time gos by a man will be a man and also that man will go to hell for sticking his d up a nuther mans a8s..read the bible GOD destroyed a city over the same thing killing all.And your rite GOD will not let this crazey stuff go on much longer and he will come get his children and the gays will burn in hell,gays are sick people in the head and need help to try and get them out of there sickness..jmo and I will stick to it till the day I die...ky...there is no way gay people belive in the word of GOD...
a man born a man will always be a man .no mater how much time gos by a man will be a man and also that man will go to hell for sticking his d up a nuther mans a8s..read the bible GOD destroyed a city over the same thing killing all.And your rite GOD will not let this crazey stuff go on much longer and he will come get his children and the gays will burn in hell,gays are sick people in the head and need help to try and get them out of there sickness..jmo and I will stick to it till the day I die...ky...there is no way gay people belive in the word of GOD...
sometimes people take this bible stuff too far. They should keep it in the church & out of the bathrooms...
he would not beat on me or no one ealse will ever beat on me yes I even watch my back.And I garnte you he is not bullet proff..that's why they make smith and he gos where ever I go for there to mant nuts is this world.no iam not racist they can just piss in the rite reastrooms.it has worked that way all my life.

so the right restroom for that man is with your inbred hilbilly wife and her daughter/sister?
a man born a man will always be a man .no mater how much time gos by a man will be a man and also that man will go to hell for sticking his d up a nuther mans a8s..read the bible GOD destroyed a city over the same thing killing all.And your rite GOD will not let this crazey stuff go on much longer and he will come get his children and the gays will burn in hell,gays are sick people in the head and need help to try and get them out of there sickness..jmo and I will stick to it till the day I die...ky...there is no way gay people belive in the word of GOD...
So you send the women close to you into the woods when they are menstruating? I'm also sure you've never masturbated, torn your clothes, eaten pork or allowed women to speak in church. Because you are devout!
so you want this guy to use the same bathroom as your daughter?


he would beat the shit out of your dumb racist ass.

i'd pay good money to be there.
Every stall has its own door? Whats the issue. Not like you got one big fucking urinal
a man born a man will always be a man .no mater how much time gos by a man will be a man and also that man will go to hell for sticking his d up a nuther mans a8s..read the bible GOD destroyed a city over the same thing killing all.And your rite GOD will not let this crazey stuff go on much longer and he will come get his children and the gays will burn in hell,gays are sick people in the head and need help to try and get them out of there sickness..jmo and I will stick to it till the day I die...ky...there is no way gay people belive in the word of GOD...


a man born a man will always be a man .no mater how much time gos by a man will be a man and also that man will go to hell for sticking his d up a nuther mans a8s..read the bible GOD destroyed a city over the same thing killing all.And your rite GOD will not let this crazey stuff go on much longer and he will come get his children and the gays will burn in hell,gays are sick people in the head and need help to try and get them out of there sickness..jmo and I will stick to it till the day I die...ky...there is no way gay people belive in the word of GOD...

For real??

I can't believe there are still people stuck in this way of thinking. C'mon man, you can't really believe all that shit, right?

Your qualifications for bathroom etiquette pontification seem a little meager.
This is ambiguous. You could either be insulting his intelligence or his bathroom etiquette. It could even be interpreted as an off-the-mark slight on his manhood.

But he is spot on so far, ignoring the ad hominems. The photo is of trans male bodybuilder.
This is ambiguous. You could either be insulting his intelligence or his bathroom etiquette. It could even be interpreted as an off-the-mark slight on his manhood.

But he is spot on so far, ignoring the ad hominems. The photo is of trans male bodybuilder.

Or, I could be insulting both his intelligence AND his bathroom etiquette.

The best person(s) to decide how / who may use a particular bathroom etc. is the owner of the bathroom.
If a non owner is making that decision and imposing it on the owner, a kind of theft has occurred.
The best person(s) to decide how / who may use a particular bathroom etc. is the owner of the bathroom.

we tried that before.


you really think that is the best solution?

if that is the best solution the "free market" can muster, than your dogmatic love of the "free market" is pretty fucked.