24/7 light


Active Member
hiya this isnt a question its info . I was watching a picture on discovery channel about alaska an how it has the biggest veggies .This is because of the sun cycle they have 2 full months of sunlight non-stop till darkness comes around in the 2 month time they grow their veggies in the non-stop sunlight with huge amounts of ferts an their veggies r HUGE i tell ya they showed a cabbage-head as big as a basket ball an its leaves spand out 6 feet from one end to the other an cuccumbers 5 feet an 18 pounds now seeing that on discovery channel i believe it IS better to grow with 24/7 lighting thats just my 2cents input to this group


Active Member
the alaskan day is weak....check out the daylight cycle on "planet ito", I found this article on overgrow.com 3-4 yrs ago was too scared to try it for the longest time, did it once last year and was sold, the question I have is ...how much light energy can be usefully stored or at what point is the extra light time pointless? enjoy
The only photoperiod manipulation from years of experiments that offered discernible improvements was this adjustment made for 1 or 2 calendar weeks at the point of maximum flowering rate: Daylength of 21 hours, 36 minutes with a dark period of 12 hours. To accomplish this, you need a 7 day, 24 hour digital timer. During a 7 day calendar week on Earth, the "sun" only cycles 5 times. This permits easily switching back to the regular 12/12 at your discretion. You may want to only alter during peak flower production to stimulate the plant's metabolism. Using this photoperiod throughout the flowering cycle will cause this:

A variety that takes 49 days of 12/12 to mature, won't see 49 - 12 hour dark periods under 21:36/12 until almost 10 calendar weeks have passed.

The total increase in light energy is almost 80%, which will produce larger yields, if all of your other enviromental conditions are kept optimal.

The total increase in flowering period is only 40%, half the potential room for improvement. This means you don't have to be perfect to win out.

Selective application of the 21:36/12 photperiod for only 1 or 2 weeks extends the wait only 2 to 4 Earth days, which makes up the missing 2 complete day and night cycles each week on Planet Ito. This permits the additional light energy to be provided without purchasing additional equipment or overloading existing circuits, which maximizes the existing system's capabilities. The main advantage is that matched with co2 and optimal nutrition, the plants metabolism will increase dramatically. I have only successfully tested this photoperiod for two weeks. The potential for a net increase of 40% over the entire cycle (80% increase in light energy vs. 40% longer wait) is worthwhile. Don't be afraid!

Day 1 - Sunday, 6:00am til Monday, 3:36am
Day 2 - Monday, 3:36pm til Tuesday, 1:12pm
Day 3 - Wednesday, 1:12am til Wednesday, 10:48pm
Day 4 - Thursday, 10:48am til Friday 8:24am
Day 5 - Friday, 8:24pm til Saturday 6:00pm


Well-Known Member
keep me posted on that 21:36/12 light cycle id like to give it a try i am not afraid of waiting a little longer just nervous very sick of hermies


Well-Known Member
the only problem with that is that from my research i see have gathered that, a 24/7 light cycle could produce more male plants.. i see where they would get more development from constant photsynthisis but, the dark cycle does have some needed rest and production time. just IMO. :D


Active Member
thats the only thing tha bugs me im hearin a 24/7 light cycle could produce more male plants on here i dont want a big bushy tree if its gonna be a male ...o my it never ends


Uses the Rollitup profile
im not talkin about flowering i mean veggie then flower it when it is at the height u want then go back to 24/7 after 2-3weeks of 12/12
If you go back to veg lighting, after inducing flowering, then the plant will revert to veg growth.

To properly flower a plant indoors, the 'critical daylength' must be achieved every day. For most cannabis strains, that means she must have 12 hours of uninterupted darkness per night, you might get away with giving less than that, but you don't want to give more.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
its a garden secret. the moon affects plants in a strange manor. i grew outdoor since i was 16 and learned alot. full, new and 3/4 moons all play a part in the amount of darkness your plant gets since the light is just a reflection of the sun. there are natural days on earth where plants get almost 24 hours of light in one day. added to the sun coming up and the moon going down you have another 12 hours. thats alomost 36 hours. you are on to something novazone. more research is needed.


Active Member
:) its jus like force sexing the plant to se if its male r female then switchin back for 24/7 light the sexin (of course) is to insure it will be female an not male as ppl here said tha 24/7 breeds most males so after confirming it a female give it 24/7 light to make it big an bushy then carry on like normal swithing to 12/12 for force flowering seems simple enuff dont ya think :)