EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I will write in Sanders like every other Sanders supporters..people see my bumper sticker and coming up to me to tell me they're writing him in..since media doesn't wish to have this conversation about him guess they feel a commeraderie with me.

Where do I get a honk for Bernie bumper sticker?
Can anyone from the Bernie Bunch explain why Bernard Sanders voted yes on Authorization Unilateral Military Force Against Terrorists giving Bush a free war card.
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From the web:

Willfully commission of a crime is not a deciding factor. Ignorance of the law is not a defence neither is stupidity. The multiple warning Hillary Clinton received about her use of unsecured services tells the public many things. She doesn't care about the laws, security or safety of the American people. She feels she is above the laws, he believes she is a noble woman soon to be queen and we are but her subjects. Think people, think back to her history and the history of her closest confidants and husband.


Excellent article. It demonstrates that all Americans support the rule of law and will not tolerate such blatant arrogance and abuse of privilege. Never Clinton! She disqualified herself when she decided to conduct State Dept businsess as if it was her own personal [corrupt] foundation. Not to mention her poor performance in elected and appointed positiions.
Why does Bernie support the F-35 joint strike force warplane. Is he a secret war hawk ?
BERNIE could beat trump I think and I would vote for him,but that hell bitch will never beat trump and I will vote trump and not vote for the hellbitch..ky..the f35 is a great plan to support as any American would to keep America safe..
BERNIE could beat trump I think and I would vote for him,but that hell bitch will never beat trump and I will vote trump and not vote for the hellbitch..ky..the f35 is a great plan to support as any American would to keep America safe..
Seriously are you old enough to be on this site ? No way a grown ass person can write like this. What grade level did you finish ?