Aliens....Do You Believe?


Well-Known Member
So I'm one of the people who waste a lot of time watching alien videos on the Internet. Conspiracy theories, phony YouTube videos, kinda convincing videos (but not really). There are a ton of theories out there. That Egyptian Kings were really aliens that taught us language and other things. That aliens are still here and the Men in Black really exist. That the secret service are really aliens. That aliens are in the other side of the moon and told us not to come back there. And all the multiple alien sightings and grainy ass videos that you can barely see. So what do you guys believe? I definately believe in alien life. As to whether they are aliens on this planet or not.... I haven't decided.
What I find interesting about reports of alien visitors is how the aliens change over time. For example, it seems the classic saucer shaped crafts were all the rage among aliens back in the 50s, yet no one today reports them. Then there was a shift to cigar shaped ships. For a while in the 80's and 90's the V shaped crafts were in style. Today, many sightings are just fast-moving glowing balls.

So I guess alien crafts are like our cars. Different styles come in and out of fashion. Or, perhaps it's just different kinds of aliens visiting us as different times. But, if we look at sci-fi sources from the decades prior to reports, we see that saucer shaped craft were described in fiction before they started being seen by actual people. The cigar shape was prominent in some old sci-fi movies. An so on. It's just odd that the evolution of aliens ships seems to parallel what Hollywood does in the movies.

You can see a similar pattern with the aliens themselves. Little green men were popular at first. For a while, after the movie The Blob became popular, people started seeing blobs. When Dr Who first became popular, reports of robotic aliens spiked. Perhaps one of the most publicized early incidents, aside from Roswell of course, was the Betty and Barney Hill abduction. They first described the classic big-head aliens we think of today, and it was widely reported by the media. Suddenly people started seeing big-heads everywhere. So, it seems the aliens themselves too change their look according to how the public thinks they should look. That's odd.

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cant say I watch much shit on the ytube. too much shit on there. My ideas come from within and include the influence of Hawking and Sagan among others.
I have some fuxked up ideas like Jesus Christ had alien DNA, the virgin Mary was atifically incininated by aliens. Sightings in the bible of demons and god were aliens. Check out puma punku. Other shit like aliens used us as slaves for something then just left us here when they were done. Idk definitely believe in life on other planets, we can't be the only ones out here...
What I find interesting about reports of alien visitors is how the aliens change over time. For example, it seems the classic saucer shaped crafts were all the rage among aliens back in the 50s, yet no one today reports them. Then there was a shift to cigar shaped ships. For a while in the 80's and 90's the V shaped crafts were in style. Today, many sightings are just fast-moving glowing balls.

So I guess alien crafts are like our cars. Different styles come in and out of fashion. Or, perhaps it's just different kinds of aliens visiting us as different times. But, if we look at sci-fi sources from the decades prior to reports, we see that saucer shaped craft were described in fiction before they started being seen by actual people. The cigar shape was prominent in some old sci-fi movies. An so on. It's just odd that the evolution of aliens ships seems to parallel what Hollywood does in the movies.

You can see a similar pattern with the aliens themselves. Little green men were popular at first. For a while, after the movie The Blob became popular, people started seeing blobs. When Dr Who first became popular, reports of robotic aliens spiked. Perhaps one of the most publicized early incidents, aside from Roswell of course, was the Betty and Barney Hill abduction. They first described the classic big-head aliens we think of today, and it was widely reported by the media. Suddenly people started seeing big-heads everywhere. So, it seems the aliens themselves too change their look according to how the public thinks they should look. That's odd.

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I get what your saying. I think a lot of the trend of alien types is because most sightings are hoax's from ppl trying to get some fame so they saybthebsaw aliens like the ones they have seen reports about and so on.
could be possible that we are just DNA banks. It is also plausible that we are they, modified to exist in this environment. Spread your seed or face destruction on the clock.
Or that we are a food/energy force of some sort and will be harvested once the planet is "ripe"- as in once the planet has as many humans on it possible were are ready to be harvested.
How could you not believe! Have you seen some of the Bud that is grown, well damn the stuff looks like it's from outer space man wholly poop!
Dem Martians got there stuff down....:peace:
Or that we are a food/energy force of some sort and will be harvested once the planet is "ripe"- as in once the planet has as many humans on it possible were are ready to be harvested.
Hmmmm. So we are ALL crackers? lol
It's so interesting to me that people who think that aliens exist are considered the kooky ones. It seems to me that the more we learn, the more possible (likely?) that we are just one planet among many that support life.
I think many (religion, government) have a very vested interest in keeping us kooky.

At the very least it's equally plausible to an omnipotent being who wants us to worship it, lol.
Hmmmm. So we are ALL crackers? lol
It's so interesting to me that people who think that aliens exist are considered the kooky ones. It seems to me that the more we learn, the more possible (likely?) that we are just one planet among many that support life.
I think many (religion, government) have a very vested interest in keeping us kooky.

At the very least it's equally plausible to an omnipotent being who wants us to worship it, lol.
I have another theory that the "big lie" is something to do with aliens that only certain power that be know. Sometimes i think religion was made up by aliens for a way to keep us in line but it backfired and caused a bunch of problems... Idk like i said I own a tinfoil hat lol