High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

heh, only reason I'm dabbing is because I washed some guy's trim for some bubble to get by.... that stuff will go a long way. If I had the equivalent in THC % worth of nugs, it might last a few days.

I had a Durban Poison keeper from a few packs of Mr Nice that was some of the most energetic herb I'd had, it was circa 2008 maybe. Very euphoric, happy, uplifting, kinda racy but did not induce anxiety in me, which a lot of varieties can.

Anyhoo, the only reason I'm on these boards is one day I had a wild hair to check the status and progress on LEDs. When I left the hobby some years back they were kind of a joke, over priced, never produced. Guys running perpetual CFL grows were killing the LEDs at that time.

I ran into Greengenes and Realstyles youtubes and they caught my attention.

Crunched some numbers, put a wet finger to the wind, and yea I think we're about there with the LEDs.

I'll be out in Colorado sometime in June/July, would love to taste some wares RM3.
So now we're on to engineer bashing? I have an EE degree and have worked as a technician and as a software developer. I'm not bashing all technicians, but usually people go into tech over engineering because they don't enjoy math. In my short experience as a technician, I can tell you that my only technician coworker that could really think outside the box also had an EE degree. Sure, there are fakes in every profession, but technicians ultimately end up working as lackies for EE's (holding their hands), hence the obvious resentment coming from technicians.
So now we're on to engineer bashing? I have an EE degree and have worked as a technician and as a software developer. I'm not bashing all technicians, but usually people go into tech over engineering because they don't enjoy math. In my short experience as a technician, I can tell you that my only technician coworker that could really think outside the box also had an EE degree. Sure, there are fakes in every profession, but technicians ultimately end up working as lackies for EE's (holding their hands), hence the obvious resentment coming from technicians.

Thinking outside the box, doing calculus, and quadrilateral equations (like some FET work I was just designing...) I like to play in the real world where models and formulas don't always work as well as we might want to think. Save all that for the theoretical physicists. Not bashing EEs, I learn from em... just saying when it comes down to it, it's not as simple as EE can design, techs cannot... there are many programming engineers that could not design a psu or implement the embedded solution in the hardware world without an off the shelf device. Much respect to you for getting your EE, I know that's some serious work, not playing it down. Don't sell us lowly techs short. How's your SMD rework skills :hug:
So now we're on to engineer bashing? I have an EE degree and have worked as a technician and as a software developer. I'm not bashing all technicians, but usually people go into tech over engineering because they don't enjoy math. In my short experience as a technician, I can tell you that my only technician coworker that could really think outside the box also had an EE degree. Sure, there are fakes in every profession, but technicians ultimately end up working as lackies for EE's (holding their hands), hence the obvious resentment coming from technicians.
wasn't bashing, I've met good ones and bad ones just like any other category ya wanna put folks in and I have worked on equipment that made me cuss the guy that designed it many times, is what it is
I use a whole raw milk and add a bit of whole cream, then hit it with acid before it boils for a great texture and consistency.
Never tried to make it myself, usually keep one of the local Indian guys busy with that. Maybe I'll give it a go though
I love cooking, like others here, and I like to be picky about the ingredients. So I like to make it. Good with spinach (Palak Paneer)
Man its like 330 AM and you are making my mouth water. I love Palak Paneer!!!! Yep I like to cook too and ingredients definitely have a bearing ;)
It's really all about the peppers and the masala. We can't get the good peppers here, as they're sprayed with bad-bad.
All the power to you. I'm not a breeder. I just grow weed and then smoke it. I believe in keeping the breeding to people like you.... unless all you care about is genetic deformities like whorling and that other garbage. (traits nobody cares about) [please Satvied please give me some attention and respond to my sig]

I believe a grower should pick from genetics from a full fledged breeder and not worry about breeding. (most people should not breed, with humans or plants)
Let me give you a tip: when it's so over the top pathetic and butthurt fueled it misses the goal. I'm not led by what others pretend to know about what nobody cares about. I'm only interested in facts, in what is true, not what others wish and "believe", church.

"Intellect refers to the ability of the mind to come to correct conclusions about what is true or real... the capacity for understanding, thinking, and reasoning, as distinct from feeling or wishing"

I have an EE degree and have worked as a technician and as a software developer.
Always entertaining to see you boost a degree but so clearly lack the intellect you think that degree implies. I suspect your crack abuse history plays a role here. The most valuable thing you can get from an education in the 21st century is a mindset, one that involves a high level of intellect and intellectual honest so you can continue to learn on your own and be an engineer. You should have gone for something more hands on... like LED streetlight and billboard maintenance.

Software developer... yet fails at simple if then else logic... oh you must fucking hate booleans :lol:
Interesting last few pages. A few random thoughts;

HPS is for growing greens. If you want resin, you need blue and UV is all the better. And don't forget the AC!

I've met so damned many engineers who couldn't design their way out of a paper bag with both hands and a blowtorch that I've long since gotten into the habit of checking their work. I learn plenty and I've realized that one does not need an engineering degree to design great stuff; often, it just takes a lil common sense and creativity.

I haven't met very many great engineers, and I know why; motherfuckers are busy as shit because they're in demand! Same as with any other profession, it turns out.

So I call myself an 'applications specialist'. What I do is part design, part prototyping- and the rest amounts to more or less elegantly testing to failure, lol

After all, any asshole can go the speed limit; you only learn how to go faster by stomping the gas and hanging on for dear life!