Woman calls out family at Walmart for using food stamps


Well-Known Member

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The issue is that some people believe taxes are theft, that poor people don't deserve any help because they're lazy and/or stupid, and the fairy tale belief that everyone starts off at equal points in life

Your sentence combines many conflicting things.

Taxes are theft if we are to be consistent with how we apply the meanings of words.

Some poor people are lazy and stupid, some are not. Whether you force people to subsidize them or not doesn't address whether the individuals deserve help or not. Some do, some don't.

Fairy tales? Yes, thank you for binging that up.

Fairy tales suspend logic, logic is based in consistency. Governments word smithing of meanings to shape them so they mean something different when it's government doing the same action (tax) as you (theft) to reform the meaning, is inconsistent, hence... a fairy tale .

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
what about CORPRATE welfare?? they get 100X's more alloted than the people ...lol
fuck me i care ...
I am opposed to the forced redistribution of a persons labor or justly acquired property. Fuck corporate welfare.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Do you always look to see how people are paying for their food ?

Except the person you THINK is paying for it, isn't.

Other people are paying for it, under threat of force.

Charity and forced redistribution spring from different wells.


Well-Known Member

Thoughts on this?
I was on food stamps for a couple of months back in the 60's when the IRS shut down the plant I worked at. When I started working there I was making 1.50 an hour with a kid on the way and living with my mom. After a couple of months of saving we rented a small 2 bedroom house. I got a 58 chevy for cheap but I had to trade back my Gibson Les Paul 1955 Custom as I still owed money for it. I worked hard and made it to plant mgr. in a couple of years then the place went under as the boss neglected to pay the withholding from our checks. I was lucky since it was the 60's, I'd like to see someone make it today on minimum wage without working 30 hours overtime.

If that fucking lady wants to berate someone using food stamps well, it's a free country but I would hope that they needed those stamps to feed their kids like I did back in the day.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
wow, now rob "just leave them alone (so they can practice segregation)" roy is accusing others of word smithing.

Nice use of sensationalism.

If you don't have the right to chose your associations on a voluntary basis, the only other alternative is that other people chose them for you on an involuntary basis.

Your persistent ignoring of the means you propose, the same means a rapist uses, forced association, is an affliction of the weak minded and intellectual midget, shorty.


Well-Known Member
Nice use of sensationalism.

If you don't have the right to chose your associations on a voluntary basis, the only other alternative is that other people chose them for you on an involuntary basis.

Your persistent ignoring of the means you propose, the same means a rapist uses, forced association, is an affliction of the weak minded and intellectual midget, shorty.

first of all, everyone has the right to choose their associations on a completely voluntary basis. no one can make you open up a public store.

and once again, you compare desegregation to rape, just like the shitty little klanman that you are.

you are one deluded little shitball.


Well-Known Member
Nice use of sensationalism.

If you don't have the right to chose your associations on a voluntary basis, the only other alternative is that other people chose them for you on an involuntary basis.

Your persistent ignoring of the means you propose, the same means a rapist uses, forced association, is an affliction of the weak minded and intellectual midget, shorty.
How do you not have this choice? You can be as discriminatory as you want in this country. Use your rights Rob.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

first of all, everyone has the right to choose their associations on a completely voluntary basis. no one can make you open up a public store.

and once again, you compare desegregation to rape, just like the shitty little klanman that you are.

you are one deluded little shitball.

No, I'm afraid despite your weak arguments and pissy demeanor, you're wrong and cherry picking to boot.

You never said if anyone can chose their associations, why they have to be compelled to receive permission from some central "authority" to fall into a made up classification of property. In other words, you aren't free to disassociate from SOME people, which is obvious and also why you are demonstrably and factually incorrect.

You've also made an erroneous link between my supporting the racist right to control himself and his property with my saying I would do the same things with my own body and property. If you have to miscast my position in order to address it, you don't have a good argument.
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