Anyways I'm done in this thread the wife is starring at me funny now I think she wants to punch me in the back of the head.
I'm glad we could help you rediscover your true self.Good talk guys I'm heading back to the growers forums
Lying lol like I said my shit is half way there. Differnt things excite in differnt ways sometime that condom fits perfectly other times it can't get the shit on for the life of me.
I was thinking of using the women's room at a demo derby over the weekend.
There was a long line at the men's room after every heat. (lotta guys drinking beer)
Those demo derby chicks are pretty big though, they would have beat the fuck outta me
after I spattered piss all over the seat.
serious question though: What dif does it make in a restroom? If you have a vag, you can't use a urinal so you'd prob use a stall, and in the women's room an trans gender male would go into a stall anyway so who cares?I agree.
Just like the law said, whatever gender is written on their birth record is what they are when choosing a restroom.
I don't care what they 'think' they are, you have a penis, you use the mens room.
I could 'think' I'm the queen of England and demand a police escort when I shop at Walmart but that shit's not gonna happen.
Maybe we need to build a third restroom and call it Hodgepodge.
serious question though: What dif does it make in a restroom? If you have a vag, you can't use a urinal so you'd prob use a stall, and in the women's room an trans gender male would go into a stall anyway so who cares?
I think the waters get a bit muddier when you're dealing with say, locker rooms b/c pedophiles can use this to go into the ladies locker room I guess, but bathrooms? who gives a shit.
In fact, I used the men's room at SBUX the other day b/c the line for the women's was so long and the men's was empty. No one cared. @Nutes and Nugs seriously what's the big deal about bathrooms?
for example, when people like you, who think they are smart, are notified about your status as a dumb bigot, you cry and moan and cause trouble.People who 'think' they are this or that is going to cause trouble when their little fantasies are disrupted.