Lesbian Kicked Out Of Women’s Restroom By Police (VIDEO)

More nonsense from retards

"Texas Woman Harassed For Using The Women’s Restroom

With all of the hysteria surrounding bathroom bills, it was only a matter of time until citizens started taking the matter into their own hands.

On Thursday, Jessica Rush was at the Baylor Medical Center to get her two broken fingers examined. While she was waiting to be seen, she decided to use the restroom. As reported by the Dallas Observer, this commonplace decision turned into a dramatic encounter when a man in the waiting room followed her to bathroom, believing she was a man.

Rush, a woman who identifies as a woman, was, in fact, headed to the women’s restroom. But because she has short hair and was dressed androgynously, the man felt that he must intervene. Rush captured the incident on camera.

“When I saw you enter I thought you was…” the man says.

“A boy?” Rush offers.

“Yeah, it was kind of confusing,” he said. “You dress like a man.”

The man was not apologetic for the encounter, and later explained that he was concerned for his mother.

“The point is I was helping my mom. I was confused when I see someone entering the woman’s bathroom looking like a man,” he said. “Each one of us is man or woman so … I wanted to make sure she was going to the right place.”

Rush told the Observer that this isn’t the first time her gender identity has been publicly questioned in the women’s bathroom, and noted that it can be alarming when a man twice her size confronts her in such a hostile manner.

The obsession over gender identity and bathroom use has reached a fever pitch with the passing of HB2 in North Carolina, a law that requires transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding to the gender on their birth certificate, not their gender identity. Proponents of the bill and others like it have been spreading false propaganda about trandsgender women in particular, alleging that they are predators who want access to the women’s bathroom so they can sexually assault other women.

Of course, this is not true, but the fear mongering has been effective. In Kansas, a bill was proposed that would pay students $2,500 if they discovered they were using the bathroom with a transgender person. Last week, a video surfaced of police forcibly removing a woman from the restroom because they didn’t believe that she was a woman."

I was thinking of using the women's room at a demo derby over the weekend.
There was a long line at the men's room after every heat. (lotta guys drinking beer)
Those demo derby chicks are pretty big though, they would have beat the fuck outta me
after I spattered piss all over the seat.
I was thinking of using the women's room at a demo derby over the weekend.
There was a long line at the men's room after every heat. (lotta guys drinking beer)
Those demo derby chicks are pretty big though, they would have beat the fuck outta me
after I spattered piss all over the seat.

That's so insensitive! Pissing on the seat is the real danger with this issue. Everyone knows there's no pedderass in there trying to do bad shit, it's the fear of dudes pissing on the seat in the women's room and diseases being spread from splattered piss
I agree.
Just like the law said, whatever gender is written on their birth record is what they are when choosing a restroom.

I don't care what they 'think' they are, you have a penis, you use the mens room.
I could 'think' I'm the queen of England and demand a police escort when I shop at Walmart but that shit's not gonna happen.

Maybe we need to build a third restroom and call it Hodgepodge.
serious question though: What dif does it make in a restroom? If you have a vag, you can't use a urinal so you'd prob use a stall, and in the women's room an trans gender male would go into a stall anyway so who cares?

I think the waters get a bit muddier when you're dealing with say, locker rooms b/c pedophiles can use this to go into the ladies locker room I guess, but bathrooms? who gives a shit.

In fact, I used the men's room at SBUX the other day b/c the line for the women's was so long and the men's was empty. No one cared. @Nutes and Nugs seriously what's the big deal about bathrooms?
serious question though: What dif does it make in a restroom? If you have a vag, you can't use a urinal so you'd prob use a stall, and in the women's room an trans gender male would go into a stall anyway so who cares?

I think the waters get a bit muddier when you're dealing with say, locker rooms b/c pedophiles can use this to go into the ladies locker room I guess, but bathrooms? who gives a shit.

In fact, I used the men's room at SBUX the other day b/c the line for the women's was so long and the men's was empty. No one cared. @Nutes and Nugs seriously what's the big deal about bathrooms?

Mostly because what comes next?
The clause of what people "Think" they are sexualy is going to lead to other things like you said locker rooms then spas then ?

People who 'think' they are this or that is going to cause trouble when their little fantasies are disrupted.

We don't need to 'think' when we have physical proof of what we are.

I see Caitln Jenner is to pose nude in this summers Sports Illustrated cover.
He will be wrapped in an American flag so none of his parts (real penis or fake titties) will be hanging out.

Point is, he still has a penis, he should be using the mens room.