Jail Gets a Bad Rap

Well I am definitely a legit Hindu. I understand there are random people that do Yoga, and random people that collect Crystals, or random people who talk about Chakras, and some of them may say they are Hindu, and that is no different than someone that goes to Church on Easter, or who likes to wear a cross saying they are Christian.

I have worked and hung out with plenty of people from India and had religious discussion. My last job was for an Oracle Platinum partner who moves the Governments records into the cloud and creates new Government software/applications, so I was actually 1 of 2 white people involved in the entire company, and almost everyone else at the location where I was, was there with a Visa from India. And everyone else we worked with, apart from Oracle and the Government, were actually in India.

And just as another example, I was at the gas station the other day and a Hindu guy said to me "What are you wearing?" because he saw my beads under my shirt.
And I said: "Rudraksha beads"
And he said: "How did you know that?"

Then I told him I was Hindu and specifically that I worship Shiva and am a Shaivite, and he asked when I became Hindu and I told him, and we just talked for a minute. He asked me what book I had started with, I told him the Rig Veda. He asked where I had grown up and I told him I was near Dallas and DFW has a large Hindu Population. He said that there are a lot of Hindus in Austin also.

I don't just Smoke Marijuana for my Religion. I wear Rudraksha beads, I read the Holy Texts, I grow Holy Basil, I observe the Holidays, I understands Chakras (but I don't focus on them, as you shouldn't), I practice Yoga and Meditation, I have some Shaligram, I plan on getting my own cows and starting a Temple, I am definitely a Hindu.

Are you going to practice Kolam with gobar?
How can we look it up? Can you post it here?
I'm not just going to post personal information here, but there are a lot of people here that know who I am and could do it for you in private. They troll me though, so you are going to have to talk to trolls.
I'm not focusing on charas, you are. The whole thread was how you beat a weed charge cause of your religious beliefs, all I'm saying is you in no way NEED to consume cannabis to be a Hindu, therefore your religious rights TECHNICALLY didn't get violated, since you seem to love exploiting technicalitys.
I'm not focusing on charas, you are. The whole thread was how you beat a weed charge cause of your religious beliefs, all I'm saying is you in no way NEED to consume cannabis to be a Hindu, therefore your religious rights TECHNICALLY didn't get violated, since you seem to love exploiting technicalitys.

I never said you need to consume cannabis to be Hindu. Can you find a quote of me saying that all Hindus must smoke Marijuana or they are not Hindu? I have mentioned Holi, the Holiday (and probably where the word Holiday comes from) where Milk infused with Cannabis, Bhang, is consumed by everyone from the Priests (who consume it regularly, but also consume it on Holi), to the Police Officers, to the Mayors. Everyone drinks it, I never said anyone had to drink it, it is just part of the Holiday.

I have also said that I am a Shaivite, and that Shiva is the Lord of Bhang, here are some Indian Sadhus practicing the same Religion as I do and of the same Sect as I am.



Here are the actual words of the Religious Laws in America, because you seem confused about what is protected and what is not.

42 U.S. Code § 2000cc–5 - Definitions
(7) Religious exercise
(A) In general
The term “religious exercise” includes any exercise of religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief.

42 U.S. Code § 2000cc–3 - Rules of construction
(g) Broad construction
This chapter shall be construed in favor of a broad protection of religious exercise, to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of this chapter and the Constitution.

42 U.S. Code § 2000bb - Congressional findings and declaration of purposes
494 U.S. 872 (1990) the Supreme Court virtually eliminated the requirement that the government justify burdens on religious exercise imposed by laws neutral toward religion; and
374 U.S. 398 (1963) and Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972) and to guarantee its application in all cases where free exercise of religion is substantially burdened; and
to provide a claim or defense to persons whose religious exercise is substantially burdened by government.

42 U.S. Code § 2000bb–3 - Applicability
(a) In general
This chapter applies to all Federal law, and the implementation of that law, whether statutory or otherwise, and whether adopted before or after November 16, 1993.
(b) Rule of construction
Federal statutory law adopted after November 16, 1993, is subject to this chapter unless such law explicitly excludes such application by reference to this chapter.
(c) Religious belief unaffected
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorize any government to burden any religious belief.
I'm not just going to post personal information here, but there are a lot of people here that know who I am and could do it for you in private. They troll me though, so you are going to have to talk to trolls.

Oh, cool, so you have no problem with me seeing it? Then i guess you also have no problem sending it to me in a PM?
And the biggest difference between say a Hindu and a Christian is not whether you do Yoga or smoke Marijuana, but is believing or not believing in Reincarnation, or whether or Bury or Cremate deceased family members. The rest is all Sects, different Traditions and books. For example, many people do not read the Rig Veda, and they focus on Krishna or Vishnu but the Rig Veda is all about Shiva/Rudra/Indra and Agni.
Like I said, I know what a sadhu lmao... A sadhu doesn't have any possessions, doesn't go on the internet or do any of the things you say you do... A sadhu travels from village to village and sit around all day while people give them food and drink and charas, they don't do much but smoke and meditate. Yoga has nothing to do with Hindu, you don't have to be a yogi to be Hindu and certainly all yogis are not Hindu.
I still keep my opinion that you are a white bred kid from the burbs that thinks it's cool to be diffent and "deep". I mean I'm a dreddy wookie and I have my wook crystals and stuff, but you just sound fruity and like you trying too hard. If you a Hindu then get off the internet and go be a Hindu and care less wtf anyone here has to say or what they think.