EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
More people hate Trump than support him. Clinton will get almost all Sanders supporters. If she plays plays nice nice like she has been with him as of late. 60-40 Clinton Trump and she takes the win. Watch!!!
Back in June 2015 when Trump got in the race everyone laughed at him and his 30% approval rating...

I am watching with interest!!


Well-Known Member
Sanders has a chance now that Cruz is out of the race
Sanders will not be the Democratic nominee for President. I dont like it one bit. I had high hopes....but its not going to happen. Bank on that. His last breath was New York and that was with alot of Superdelegates changing vote. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
More people hate Trump than support him. Clinton will get almost all Sanders supporters. If she plays plays nice nice like she has been with him as of late. 60-40 Clinton Trump and she takes the win. Watch!!!
I doubt many Sanders voters will vote for Hillary she is nothing like Sanders. As well as many states like mine seen the corruption of the Democunt party, Sanders won by 22% of voters Hillary tied in delagates.

Plus as much as I hated Trump he damn sure will bring in change like Obomber promised.


Well-Known Member
I doubt many Sanders voters will vote for Hillary she is nothing like Sanders. As well as many states like mine seen the corruption of the Democunt party, Sanders won by 22% of voters Hillary tied in delagates.

Plus as much as I hated Trump he damn sure will bring in change like Obomber promised.
I bet you my last dollar that Donald Trump will not win the general election


Well-Known Member
I can tell you one thing for certain. ...more regular folks are participating in the whole circus more than ever before. Even if its because we are pissed off. At least we are paying attention somewhat. If regular folks get even more involved all the time and not just during President race circus...you will start to see change.


Well-Known Member
Sanders (my guy) is all but out of it. And if Trump would of toned it down a little...especially in the beginning...he would have a much better chance against the Clinton juggernaut. But its too late for that. He will get some votes...not doubting that..but hes not going to get the Presidency. Not going to happen. More people cant stand Trump than Clinton.


Well-Known Member
A couple of fiery speeches by Sanders to his massive crowds and supporters to support the Democratic Party will seal the deal. Watch and see how much Sanders media coverage he gets now. Now that the establishment knows who the dem nominee will be they arw going to be showing alot of Bernie speeches to his crowds to support Clinton.


Well-Known Member
And if Clinton were truly nervous about Trump she would pick Sanders as a running mate...thats not going to happen. She doesnt have to.

ky man

Well-Known Member
Trump will be are next president,People is tired of being sold out by that bitch and others to the highest bider.TRUMP will get this dem, vote and many others.TRUMP IS THE NEW MAN THAT WILL BRING BACK JOBS TO AMERICA AND HE DONT NEED ARE MONEY.


Well-Known Member
A couple of fiery speeches by Sanders to his massive crowds and supporters to support the Democratic Party will seal the deal. Watch and see how much Sanders media coverage he gets now. Now that the establishment knows who the dem nominee will be they arw going to be showing alot of Bernie speeches to his crowds to support Clinton.
'Oh!..and Bernie Sanders won big in Indiana..now time for commercial break'.
~Joe Scarborough

Don't bet on it.


Well-Known Member
Trump will be are next president,People is tired of being sold out by that bitch and others to the highest bider.TRUMP will get this dem, vote and many others.TRUMP IS THE NEW MAN THAT WILL BRING BACK JOBS TO AMERICA AND HE DONT NEED ARE MONEY.
Even if every republican voted, the Democratic Party outnumbers them.