Open Show n' Tell 2016

How's soon is too late? Can I add post planting is what im saying.
Yeah, you def wanna add the granular into the soil, not drench with it. The manufacturer says its a no no:-(
This stuff, the liquid version:
Is what you would root drench with. But fuck me runnin, is that shit hella crazy expensive too(as a drench).
I got the shit for when I had russett mites. Foliar spray.
Sorry dude. I just turned messaging back on. I figured if you wanted to get ahold of me, we already had a convo going.
But yeah, I did 30ml/gal, shits fucking bank! I did that 5 days apart. 3 times, on a crop I had to finish. I hit all plants in veg with the nasty stuff, merit75.
No more flyers, everything new shows no signs of RA's at all anymore.
Hit me up.

glad your on the fugus too :) .... i get my new bottle tomarrow from
for 10$ less than amazon ... stoked . @nuggs there is the link for ya ...
love this stuff ... really works well big up too @TWS and @nuggs for helping me to shell out the chedder for the best back when we were rocking the mycotrol ...lolz
Is there any difference between the Botanigard WP22 and the Botanigard ES besides the first one being a wettable powder? Thank you in advance.
wp is better for root drenches ... i read in the flyer ..102_3946.JPG honeybee F2 @genutiy gifted me the seeds .... stoked to see her 8 feet tall in thefall