Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

Gigahertz-Optik MSC-15- I have emailed them, but never got an answer on anything. I couldn't find a price either. If anyone has time to get ahold of them, please post info.

today i did the phonecall, was a friendly woman at phone. She told me the msc-15 cost "only" 1200euro.
I asked her how often i need to recalibrate the msc-15, she said every 1-2years , it depends how accurate i need my measurement. Calibration cost around 300 euros.
It takes around 3-4 weeks until they deliver(after you paid) it.
And she told me, they sell only from business to business (from company to company), i asked why?
She said the reason is the warrenty, they make only 1 year warrenty. Electronic products for privat people need to have longer warrenty in europa(but im not sure about that)
I Wonder How Much Heat A Gold Heat Sink Would Dissipate :hump:

Gold is an excellent heat dissipator. I once watched Julia Child cook with a cast solid gold frying pan- security guard onstage and all- and she spoke glowingly about how evenly the pan heated.

I'd say it's at least on par with copper, if not better.

This would come as no surprise to a chemist, seeing how copper and gold are in the same column on the Periodic Table of elements;
yeah , like I said in the OP its expensive ish. I think thats like $40 worth of fiber, resin and consumables to make one bar. plus another $25 for the mould which is reusable. I get all my stuff from they are pretty reasonable. If I went the ebay route, Ill be I could get the cost down to $30.

giant fake tits and carbon fiber are both useless in the growroom @The Dawg but would you kick either one out?
yeah , like I said in the OP its expensive ish. I think thats like $40 worth of fiber, resin and consumables to make one bar. plus another $25 for the mould which is reusable. I get all my stuff from they are pretty reasonable. If I went the ebay route, Ill be I could get the cost down to $30.

giant fake tits and carbon fiber are both useless in the growroom @The Dawg but would you kick either one out?
As A matter Of Fact I Would. Carbon Fiber Belongs On My Pro-Mod And I'm the President Of The IBTC!!!!!!!! My Moto Is Fake Tits Fake Biotch Talk To The Hand.LMAO :P
a video step by step of making the mould would be sweet......instread of carbon fiber wrap, it would be sick to make a composite ......sanded and painted gloss (insert color) similar to car audio and car tuner parts.....bravo on the bar....looks badass....
a video step by step of making the mould would be sweet......instread of carbon fiber wrap, it would be sick to make a composite ......sanded and painted gloss (insert color) similar to car audio and car tuner parts.....bravo on the bar....looks badass....
sorry if the picture wasnt that clear. this is a composite piece 100% carbon fiber, not wrapped around anything else. I have been taking footage for a video eventually.
Painting over carbon fiber is considered a crime in many countries, punishable by death!
But I like your thought process, we could use carbon kevlar weave to introduce some color and some flair. because everyone knows that flair increases yield and potency, lol
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sorry if the picture wasnt that clear. this is a composite piece 100% carbon fiber, not wrapped around anything else. I have been taking footage for a video eventually.
Painting over carbon fiber is considered a crime in many countries, punishable by death!
But I like your thought process, we could use carbon kevlar weave to introduce some color and some flair. because everyone one knows that flair increases yield and potency, lol

Totally. Same principle as chrome parts, metal hoses and racing stripes make your car faster. Bruh.