Well-Known Member
I voted for Ralph Nader in 1996. I voted for Harry Browne is 2000. In 2004, I held my nose and voted for Dubya on the basis of the War only. I will vote for McCain this year to keep Obama out. Obama is dangerous and will collapse our economy with his irresponsible 'Government as Mommy' mentality.PS: It's funny how republicans always start with 'I'm not a republican but I'm going to vote republican...' Grow up, and at least have the balls to call yourself what you are republican, and by extension you should say:'I care only about myself and my immediate family!
Do not presume to dictate to me my own political position.
He sure did....
Nailed it.............

That's all I need. It summarizes the class warfare mentality of the Leftists completely.She obviously did not teach you to to be self-reliant. A Democrat dream come true.
More government is the answer. Steal from the rich and give to the blessed poor.
That's all you've got??? My, you must be getting senile.
You must be regressing back to infancy:
'I want my Mommy!'