I was charged with Class B Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana, I could have been out in 15 days time served, but decided to fight it.
They had put me on probation 6 years ago, and they claimed I violated probation by going to Colorado, and I said that the Probation violated my Religion. I denied all claims I had violated probation, I had a Public Defender submit a 144 page document I had prepared called a Memorandum of Law, and I was expecting to sit in there for 6 Months+.
After I rejected all claims and said it violated my Religion, they motioned for continuation and dropped the case the next day. And it was Deferred Adjudication (6 years ago I let a Public Defender handle my case

), so I was never originally convicted and still had the ability to get the whole thing dropped. But I had to do all the research and writ writing (basically what a Memorandum of Law is, but a little different) for that myself.