Jail Gets a Bad Rap

I have thought about it, and I am in a new town, and it is a great way to get a lot of hook ups for everything (Bhang, Mushrooms, etc), really fast. But, I would want to make sure I could win the case. So it would have to be me getting arrested for Practicing my Religion, which they will arrest me for, but the last 2 times I was stopped they actually listened to me when I explained the laws and my Religion to them. It's just 1 time they went crazy and started searching my car, just didn't arrest me, but took a bunch of stuff and filed no charges because it was all legal. But the second time, they read that first case, and decided just to let me go because I get found with weird substances all the time, so it was probably happening again they said.
You're fucking retarded.. Go do some time and see how it is. You obviously are not making any money or doing anything with your life.. Definitely not "getting any".. No person in the right mind would want to sit in a cage willingly..
I was charged with Class B Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana, I could have been out in 15 days time served, but decided to fight it.

They had put me on probation 6 years ago, and they claimed I violated probation by going to Colorado, and I said that the Probation violated my Religion. I denied all claims I had violated probation, I had a Public Defender submit a 144 page document I had prepared called a Memorandum of Law, and I was expecting to sit in there for 6 Months+.

After I rejected all claims and said it violated my Religion, they motioned for continuation and dropped the case the next day. And it was Deferred Adjudication (6 years ago I let a Public Defender handle my case :lol: ), so I was never originally convicted and still had the ability to get the whole thing dropped. But I had to do all the research and writ writing (basically what a Memorandum of Law is, but a little different) for that myself.
And even my second Public Defender was telling me to plea guilty or go on the stand and say I smoked Marijuana on Probation and I just said no to all his ideas.
He didn't speak to me after they motioned for continuation, and I still haven't talked to him. The Prosecutors just motioned the next day on their own and they made me leave.
I think they had also been hearing a lot about me because I was working through about 30 people's accounts to make requests to the Law Library and Indigent Defense Office. And they were probably like "We have a better chance of convicting all these other people if we just make him leave".
And I was helping people with like Organized Retail Theft, Credit Card Fraud and Involuntary Manslaughter cases, and they were getting case law from these people's accounts.
I was charged with Class B Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana, I could have been out in 15 days time served, but decided to fight it.

They had put me on probation 6 years ago, and they claimed I violated probation by going to Colorado, and I said that the Probation violated my Religion. I denied all claims I had violated probation, I had a Public Defender submit a 144 page document I had prepared called a Memorandum of Law, and I was expecting to sit in there for 6 Months+.

After I rejected all claims and said it violated my Religion, they motioned for continuation and dropped the case the next day. And it was Deferred Adjudication (6 years ago I let a Public Defender handle my case :lol: ), so I was never originally convicted and still had the ability to get the whole thing dropped. But I had to do all the research and writ writing (basically what a Memorandum of Law is, but a little different) for that myself.
You didn't beat your case with looking shit up.. My guess is the prosecution and judge pretty much decided a little pot charge isn't worth a trial. Look into how much it costs the county for a trial where you are
You didn't beat your case with looking shit up.. My guess is the prosecution and judge pretty much decided a little pot charge isn't worth a trial. Look into how much it costs the county for a trial where you are

Exactly, this guy is like Walter Mitty.. Very vivid imagination and loose grasp on reality. Acting like a minor possession charge of weed is a fuckin RICO case.. Smh
Exactly, this guy is like Walter Mitty.. Very vivid imagination and loose grasp on reality. Acting like a minor possession charge of weed is a fuckin RICO case.. Smh
Kid ran from that charge for so long he was probably past the statute anyway. But he obviously didn't learn shit and is exploiting a religion just so he can smoke.
I think they had also been hearing a lot about me because I was working through about 30 people's accounts to make requests to the Law Library and Indigent Defense Office. And they were probably like "We have a better chance of convicting all these other people if we just make him leave".
I was charged with Class B Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana, I could have been out in 15 days time served, but decided to fight it.

They had put me on probation 6 years ago, and they claimed I violated probation by going to Colorado, and I said that the Probation violated my Religion. I denied all claims I had violated probation, I had a Public Defender submit a 144 page document I had prepared called a Memorandum of Law, and I was expecting to sit in there for 6 Months+.

After I rejected all claims and said it violated my Religion, they motioned for continuation and dropped the case the next day. And it was Deferred Adjudication (6 years ago I let a Public Defender handle my case :lol: ), so I was never originally convicted and still had the ability to get the whole thing dropped. But I had to do all the research and writ writing (basically what a Memorandum of Law is, but a little different) for that myself.
Hey if your ever are my lawer please beat my cass befor you have me do 15 days please..ky
Acting like a minor possession charge of weed is a fuckin RICO case..
I have very clearly said that I only ever get arrested for my Religion. I would not get a RICO for my Religion. And people get Murder charges dropped based on Constitutional arguments, such as a murder weapon found without a warrant. It happens all the time.

And on the legal document I posted, it shares cases such as Newton V People, in which Huey Newton received a Voluntary Manslaughter charge for shooting and killing a Police Officer, and the charges were dropped based on the fact that he was not getting a fair trail, because he was shot first and claimed he blacked out, meaning he was not culpable, and since that angle was not presented to any Jury or Grand Jury, the charges were simply dropped at the State Supreme Court level.
And just as an example.

I helped someone get a weapons charge dropped while I was there. He was drunk in a car with a drunk driver when they were pulled over, he had an illegal gun in his waistband and the officer had arrested him for an illegal weapon before, so he recognized him. The officer asked if he could search him, and he said "I do not give consent", and when I gave him the 4th Amendment wording and 4th Amendment case law to give to his Public Defender, the charges were dropped after the DA reviewed the Police Dash cam and saw that he did say that he did not consent to a search. And he was not the driver, so they had no reason to search him.
And just as an example.

I helped someone get a weapons charge dropped while I was there. He was drunk in a car with a drunk driver when they were pulled over, he had an illegal gun in his waistband and the officer had arrested him for an illegal weapon before, so he recognized him. The officer asked if he could search him, and he said "I do not give consent", and when I gave him the 4th Amendment wording and 4th Amendment case law to give to his Public Defender, the charges were dropped after the DA reviewed the Police Dash cam and saw that he did say that he did not consent to a search. And he was not the driver, so they had no reason to search him.
Good job man.. You helped an asshole get back on the streets. If you're carrying a gun in your waistband... You're up to no good
The best 4th Amendment case law is Jardines V Florida, Soldal V Cook County and Bivens V 6 Unkown Named Narcotics Agents.

They give all the definitions (Property, Search, Reasonable, etc) and connected case law that anyone would be able to use in a court room.