Jail Gets a Bad Rap


Well-Known Member
And I was helping people with their cases and getting lawyers to visit. And they were calling me Wise Man and Wizard and stuff, people I was literally getting charges dropped (double jeopardy) and lawyers to come visit and Press-Trial Releases.
Could you elaborate on this? What cases did you get the charges dropped from? How, exactly, did that process work? And the cases that involved double jeopardy, what were the facts in those cases?

ky man

Well-Known Member
"You can't form this with no education. Let me give you an example. Jomo Kenyatta formed the [Kenyan] Revolution with no education, and in the end Jomo told those motherfuckers "I'm your brother I'll help you lead the Revolution but now I'm gonna oppress you". Another example Papa Doc in Haiti hated everything white, you couldn't put this white piece of paper in front of Papa Doc's face. But he moved all the white people out then he took over to be the oppressor, because of no education. If the people had been educated they would have said, we don't hate the white people we hate the oppressor, whether he be white, black, brown or yellow. So we need an educational program to find out what it's going to be in the finale. Jomo Kenyatta is called not a Revolutionary but an Ex-Revolutionary, so is Papa Doc, they brought on successful Revolutions. That thing in the Mau Maus and Bantu Freedom Fighters, all that kind of action. What we are talking about is the end, you don't judge Castro now, no one in this room can judge if Castro is going to be a Revolutionary. We're talking about things with China, the People's Republic, and even at the stage they're in now talking about going further into a Communistic State. Without education the people will take this local foundation and start stealing money because they won't understand how it is the people's thing anyway. You might get people caught up because they are poor and they want something, and if they aren't educated they'll want more, and before you know it they'll be capitalists and before you know it we'll have black imperialists"

"I am a Proletarian, I am the people."

"Black people need some peace, White people need some peace, and we are going to have to fight. We're going to have to struggle relentless to bring about some peace, because the people we are asking for peace, they are a bunch of Megalomaniac Warmongers and they don't even understand what peace means. And we've got to fight them. We've got to struggle with them to make them understand what peace means"

"They’re not really aware that-They know some shits going on in this country somewhere but a lot of people out there don’t know where it’s at. They think it’s the black people doing it, you dig? That, “All those riots are causing my life to be miserable in all areas,“ you know. And they really haven’t focused in on the fact that it’s the pigs and their lynchers, the people who control the pigs, the power structure. Those bald headed businessmen at the chamber of commerce, you see. They’re not turned on to that power structure, they just know that life is becoming increasingly miserable for everybody.
But when they find out who it is that’s causing trouble, and who it is that’s making life miserable, and who it is that’s responsible for all their sons being murdered in Vietnam; when they get tuned in to that they’ll now be just like the Panthers. This is what we’re tuned into. We see what’s going on and more and more people are turning on to that.”

Let Freedom Ring with a buckshot
But not just yet
First you need to truly understand the nature of the threat
The pale man walks in the threshold of darkness
So here's the Devil's alpha to the beta
Cause history's best qualified to teach one
Racism is the system of racial subjugation against non-whites
In every areas of human relation
Entertainment, education, labor, politics
Law, religion, sex, war and economics
See blacks were 3/5ths of a man with tax purposes intended
You think you're Afro-American? You're a 14th amendment and a good nigga
Jews don't salute the fuckin' swastika
But niggas pledge allegiance to the flag that accosted ya
They never teach about the break of islands like Jamaica
But before slaves came here Whites would take a
Pregnant women, hang her from a tree by her toes
Slice her stomach with a knife and let the unborn baby fall to the flo'
And stop an unborn child in front of all the slaves
To inbreed fear, so they'd be scared and behave
And not rebel more
Have you took a lot of hard drugs?

ky man

Well-Known Member
I think someone has lost their mind lmao. I've been to jail a few times I've also sat in prison for over a year. And I can tell you I have absolutely no clue what jail you were in where people are just oh so nice and trust worthy that you would put money on their books or offer 20 ppl a fucking home but ain't no way in hell id put them ppl in a home. Are you sure you weren't in a psych ward? Jail and prison is every man for them self . You might get lucky and meet a hand full of people that are cool but even then you can't trust anyone. Jail is full of snakes con artists thieves jack asses and people that don't grow up. Go ahead and bail someone out that you just met and when they skip on court that's coming back on you because you signed you name to that bondsman. Lol yeah jails full of loving caring people as long as your doing something for them. Fucking sound like a Jun bug if you ask me lol
There is thousands of good people in jail and even prisons...ky

ky man

Well-Known Member
Fin all of what you say is bullshit. No real crip or blood or anygang member is going to sit down and talk about their history with some white boy or any one outside their gang. They have rules against that and will be killed or beaten for that. Are you sure you didn't get put in solitary confinement and just make all this shit up. And why copy and paste all that shit no one wants to read all that nonsence because it has nothing to do with sitting in jail. Anyone that has been to jail or prison knows that what your saying is complete BULLSHIT.
I sean it on tv. and the net man so its got to be true.LOL LOL LOL..ky

ky man

Well-Known Member
This has been one hell of a fun read.I mite just read it over again.LOL...KY....I guess not iam out of pills. LOL LOL LOL LOL


Well-Known Member
I was actually in my home town, so a lot of people knew who I was, because I am a pretty well known person in my home town for a few reasons. So no one would have done anything to me in there. And my celly was a Salvadorian tatted past his ears, and I was helping him with his case, and he was even trying to make me get people to pay for all the legal help I was giving them.
I would have raped you. But no worries I would have spit first.


Well-Known Member
And I have lived in places that are pretty bad and I get along just fine. And I usually get along with Melenated people really well because I know about the stuff their parents and grandparents teach them about, and a lot of them like hearing it. And the Black Religions kind of leak in to the Gangs, so I have actually been able to have discussions with Bloods and Crips about their history and Religious concepts and stuff.
You're from mesquite right? I grew up in south Arlington, lived there until I was 18, then moved to east texas (tyler, longview and marshall) for about 5 years. Then I live central Tx, Waco and Lake Whitney area for 3 years. Then lived in Oak Cliff Dallas up until January this year, now I live in NoCo.. You live here Co right? Where abouts? We should trip balls.


Well-Known Member
Just as an example, there are a lot of Islamic converts in jail in America. In a country like France the jail is 80% Muslim. So when an ISIS member goes to jail, and they aren't just like "I believe in war against the West" they are saying "I dragged the bodies of Christians behind my truck", and people will start paying attention to them and joining ISIS in jail, and not everyone is in there for very long. So someone could have gone to jail for the Paris attack, and someone they converted could be coming out right now.

It was the same way knowing the law, science and history in jail. It starts little groups and structures that can exist on both the inside and outside at the same time. The Crips and the Bloods for example aren't just random groups, they have histories and nations. The Peoples Nation and the Folks Nation are examples, so even gang members are interested in learning.

And just another specific example, coming from Colorado to a Texas jail on purpose to win my Marijuana case, I knew a lot about hash. And in Texas people don't know how to make all different kinds of hash. So while other people were in Christian Church, I would hold Hindu Charas making lessons.


Well-Known Member
But legal information is serious in jail. It can be like money if you want it to be. People were calling me the Wizard because I could get their lawyers to come visit and get some people's charges dropped or Pre-trial release, and people would come to me telling me other people had told them to come to me. And when I was moved, people would write me letters.


Well-Known Member
But legal information is serious in jail. It can be like money if you want it to be. People were calling me the Wizard because I could get their lawyers to come visit and get some people's charges dropped or Pre-trial release, and people would come to me telling me other people had told them to come to me. And when I was moved, people would write me letters.
Bro you won't even answer my god damn question. People in jail ask you for all this advice but you won't even reply back to me..

Do I need to give you some damn ramen noodles?

I give up. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Last time there was a major overhaul of the Prison legal system, in favor of the accused, was Bounds V Smith, and Public Defenders weren't even really a thing yet, but were expanded by that case, and so were legal libraries. But I think it is about time for the next big overhaul, because court appointed lawyers are more worried about getting you out of jail than getting your charges dropped.