bodhi seeds

I think we all (me included!) got a bit bitchy about our 420 promo orders. From what I can tell if you ordered from GLG, greenline, shoe or james bean your order is gonna come. :)

Sometimes I think we forget what we order is still federally illegal as hell. Remember (very recently) when our only option was to be gouged, greentaped, and shitted on by euro banks? I'm really thankful for our new options. They ain't perfect but I'm pretty happy how the us banks are coming along.

Edit: FWIW I feel I should say the dank team has always done me extremely right. I'd estimate 1/4 of my seeds (a lot) have come from them. No issues. good freebies and quick turnaround. I've heard people have had issues but I never have.
I take back the complaint I had about SHOE. Despite the username, he's definitely no Sour Sole. ;)

On the recommendation of y'all, I started talking to SHOE back in early February 2016 via PM here (I'm not an Instagrammy kinda guy). I only got a few, sporadic responses from him, but a lot of promises.

Come the 420 sale timeframe, I decided to not go through another seedbank or dealer for 420 sales and promos. I was placing a lot of faith in SHOE, moreso because it had been 11 weeks since we started talking and I still didn't have any payment details from him. After he didn't message me the 420 list, I thought I was going to miss out on the mega sale/promo.

Well, he finally got back in touch with me and offered to really make it up to me. He was almost too apologetic over something I thought was merely poor customer service and miscommunication (and, thus, not the end of the world). He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and I was trying to get service from him in a non-standard way (outside of his normal business model), so I figured I'd give him one more chance to come through. It's only money, right?

Today, BIG SHOE more than delivered on his promises!! :eek::eek::eek: He definitely earned his good reputation.

This is how he made up for it:

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Let's just say, most of the packs in that pic were free. I paid less than 1/3rd his normal price for the non-freebies. And then, he even gave me double freebies. Wow! I'm pretty speechless. He definitely more than made up for the hassle. :clap::clap::clap::clap:

People said the guy was extremely generous, and I now know this to be true. I won't hesitate to use him again, as long as I can get in touch.

You effing rock, SHOE!
I love the SHOEster!! But im starting to worry a little. Has anyone else not recieved their 420 order?? I prepaid too
Here's a Skywalker OG x Pipeline clone from a tester pack. It's a great plant all around. It has a good functional daytime high and smells like Lemon Pinesol + funk and it's super stinky.

And a Jamaicanx Goji OG also from a tester pack. It's got a more stupifying high without couch lock and smells like tart sweet fruit and yogurt. Really lovely.

Also I got an email today saying my GLG order was getting sent off on Monday and I got my James Bean Company order on 4-24 which was pretty freaking fast considering JB was probably pretty busy and I'm in Hawaii. No worries on GLG, it's still faster than getting seeds from Europe in most cases.

2016-04-26 11.25.31.jpg
hopefully all the delays with seed orders are coming as a result of unprecedented order volume the likes of which these US based seed banks have never seen or expected. Truly marking a change in how all of us go about getting our genetics.

And hopefully they have learned an important lesson that next year this time they need to hire a few hippy chicks to help fill orders for a couple of weeks.
Amazing pics Bob. That Blackberry Lotus is drool worthy and going on my definitely-gotta-have list. Hows the smoke? I need another Blackberry since I lost my BB Diesel. That one looks quite promising.

Nu-Be, what an awesome order. Must've been fun opening that up!

I woke up this morning pissed to the point of tears over a grow room that isn't coming along according to my specs. My carpenter has been 3 fucking wks throwing up framing for a 8x16 room! A job that should've taken a weekend. I'm outta time, outta patience, and outta room at my current grow. *ok end rant*

Seeing all these pics and how well everyone has done with their orders...well, for some reason it just calms me and helps me to re-center and come up with a new game plan. That, and a few bowl hits of Kosher.bongsmilie

The Dank Team, DragBoatJeff @glg, JamesBean, have all come through for me and I've been more than impressed with the generous offers and quick shipping. I'll still make the occasional overseas order but for the most part my money's staying stateside.

Happy Stoner-Sunday everyone:weed:
All right, don't mind me. It was an honest question. I'll dumb it down for you.

Which have better seeds?
i understand it as ...years ago , barneys farm stole genetics from reeferman. some of the stuff in their catalog to this day is based off his work.

& the barney's dude gnarked & got him on lock-down. house raided. all that.

of course after years of punishment for a plant... reeferman is out & goes by charles scott on some forums.

you knew this right ?