Bob Zmuda
Well-Known Member
I think we all (me included!) got a bit bitchy about our 420 promo orders. From what I can tell if you ordered from GLG, greenline, shoe or james bean your order is gonna come. 
Sometimes I think we forget what we order is still federally illegal as hell. Remember (very recently) when our only option was to be gouged, greentaped, and shitted on by euro banks? I'm really thankful for our new options. They ain't perfect but I'm pretty happy how the us banks are coming along.
Edit: FWIW I feel I should say the dank team has always done me extremely right. I'd estimate 1/4 of my seeds (a lot) have come from them. No issues. good freebies and quick turnaround. I've heard people have had issues but I never have.

Sometimes I think we forget what we order is still federally illegal as hell. Remember (very recently) when our only option was to be gouged, greentaped, and shitted on by euro banks? I'm really thankful for our new options. They ain't perfect but I'm pretty happy how the us banks are coming along.
Edit: FWIW I feel I should say the dank team has always done me extremely right. I'd estimate 1/4 of my seeds (a lot) have come from them. No issues. good freebies and quick turnaround. I've heard people have had issues but I never have.