Lesbian Kicked Out Of Women’s Restroom By Police (VIDEO)

Nancy's Reagan's youth program "just say no" was an excellent approach. How many young substance abusers do you think are RIU members? Compared to the general pop it's over the top.
But weed? I don't think a kid should go to school high unless it helps them instead of hinders them, but her approach created polarization. You then have people who use, who may not even be influencing or pressuring or harming anyone else, and the ones who don't, and she highlighted that difference enough to create animosity towards it. This was a terrible approach where marijuana is concerned, especially.
Honestly, as a Libertarian and opponent of your particular flavor of Conservative ideology, if you want to fight, I don't think any of us have a problem obliging you. I think that some circumstances call for controlled violence, but either when all peaceful methods have been exhausted, or when a tyrant presents himself. I think some of us are just seeing the inevitability of a schism in Americans, and are tired of just waiting it out. But I digress. I think if Trump conservatives want to fight back against long-overdue revolution and restoration of balance, I don't think we'll have a morally conflicting problem culling the herd of those who are bigoted, ignorant, and truly hateful without the foresight to see where they're aiming that hate. We'd just rather avoid it, if practicable.

As another libertarian, I'm not at all a fan of your categorization and culling philosophy. I don't think you should be so free using a collective "us" there.
forced integration is a bad thing.

you should google that phrase to see how many white supremacy sites come up.

that is the language and rhetoric you use. that of a white supremacist segregationist.

Both brought to you by your beloved (and racist) nanny state.

the federal government was actually the one who ended the segregationist policies that private businesses in the south put into place.

offensive force

we get it, you are offended by non-whites.

then again, you are also a pedophile.
Doesn't have anything to do with small government. It's about the law, morals, and ethics.

But a transgender "woman" taking pictures at a Target bathroom of children is OK? You guys are SICK!

DALLAS, TX 4/25: A transgender ‘woman’ by the name of James Goebel was caught snapping photos of underage girls using the restroom at a Dallas area Target store Monday morning.

One of the victims, a 13 year old girl, said she could hear someone’s iphone camera snapping and was curious, so she looked under the stall only to see the camera phone in her face. She ran out and told her father, who held the door shut until police arrived.

When authorities arrived, they arrested 28 year old James Goebel and searched her phone for evidence. They found over 700 photos of young girls using the restroom, from dates ranging in the past 5 months.

Goebel has been charged with possession of child pornography, intent to distribute child pornography, sexual assault of a minor and indecency with a minor. These charges along with prior felony convictions could land Goebel in prison for 20 years, as well as a lifelong label as a child predator.

Dallas’s local LGBT community has come together to stand in defence with Goebel, claiming she should not be persecuted because she was “born a pedophile and therefore can not change her sexual orientation”. This comment comes from the leader of Dallas’s LGBT Aqua Squad, Dorothy Wright.


Before sending this POS up on a 20 year prison sentence, "It" needs a good ol Texas ass whupping or a cap to the head to rid our streets of sick genetics.

Story is fake as shit. http://www.snopes.com/transgender-arrested-target-photos/
It's one thing to put your sights on a corrupt government and entirely another to put your sights on your fellow citizen. Whether you agree with their politics or not.
It is a shame anyone should be kicked out of a simple restroom for not providing ID.

Truth is we're all scared and uncomfortable with each other due to the huge amount of misinformation being pushed by people with simple minds and evil agendas.

The notion that allowing homosexual or transgender people into certain restrooms is going to increase the likelihood of sexual assault is a farce.

The spread of misinformation about the sexuality of this people needs to stop it's nothing more than fear mongering.

No one is dressing up as a woman or getting their genitals changed to creep in the restrooms and spy on little kids. You're a fucking moron if you think they are.

If you'd just let them go pee real quick they'd be out in a minute and no one would have to worry. For fuck sake.
It is a shame anyone should be kicked out of a simple restroom for not providing ID.

Truth is we're all scared and uncomfortable with each other due to the huge amount of misinformation being pushed by people with simple minds and evil agendas.

The notion that allowing homosexual or transgender people into certain restrooms is going to increase the likelihood of sexual assault is a farce.

The spread of misinformation about the sexuality of this people needs to stop it's nothing more than fear mongering.

No one is dressing up as a woman or getting their genitals changed to creep in the restrooms and spy on little kids. You're a fucking moron if you think they are.

If you'd just let them go pee real quick they'd be out in a minute and no one would have to worry. For fuck sake.

Lol you're stupid, says it's fake then makes a long post about the situation.
Lol you just defeated the whole thread

No, we'll never be able to convince everyone that nothing is going to happen if transgender or homosexual go to the restroom. It's a sickening state of affairs to due to the spread of misinformation and fear mongering among the weak minded masses. You tell almost any middle class family "the pedophiles are sneaking into the restrooms disguised as transgenders" and they will ask what they can do to make it safe again instead of asking "Hold up...is that even true?"

No one asks questions anymore.
Lol you're stupid, says it's fake then makes a long post about the situation.

Did you read what I wrote?

The article I linked is to another user who posted saying a transgender woman was taking pics in a Target bathroom...that story is fake. The lesbian being kicked out of the bathroom is a real story and should of never happened.
It's one thing to put your sights on a corrupt government and entirely another to put your sights on your fellow citizen. Whether you agree with their politics or not.
I suppose that's fair. Like I said though, it would only be necessary if one side refuses to compromise by even agreeing to disagree. When you use an ideology to oppress, I mean. My reference to culling was more of my own personal bitterness and disenchantment with the government in general as of late, and sorry to those of you Trump supporters who are just minding your own business, but it really leaves me feeling like there's no hope left for the country, watching you all willingly eat up the bullshit a savvy business mogul has to regurgitate for you. But it's starting to look up a bit, with legalization of MMJ here in PA among other things.
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Nah, I'm not he/she is stupid for doing that posted a completely different story link, and then basically says the whole thread is a waste.

Dude I never said that.

I linked to snopes.com to show another users THEIR linked story about a transgender woman taking pictures of a kid in a bathroom was right wing propaganda.

The actual story about the lesbian being kicked out of the restroom is a shame and it happened because the masses of people that control our country and states are ignorant fuckwads who don't know what a normal life amongst the poor of this country is like.

You need some reading comprehension dude. I know we all toke up here but damn smarten up at least a little before coming on here and tacking away whatever infantile thought enters your brain.
Here is my take if my doughter and my grand doughter gos in the bath room to take a piss and a male gos in while there in there so he can take a piss one of us is going to hell rite there on the spot.If you was born a man you beter use the mens rest room if iam there or your going to hell and iam going to jail if cought for what I do to you..ky...PS..And that boys and girls is a fact.There is also many other people that fill the same way I do.Quers are going to hell it take a sick person in the head to have sex with the same gender.GOD MADE ADEM AND EVA NOT ADEM AND STEVE
Dude I never said that.

I linked to snopes.com to show another users THEIR linked story about a transgender woman taking pictures of a kid in a bathroom was right wing propaganda.

The actual story about the lesbian being kicked out of the restroom is a shame and it happened because the masses of people that control our country and states are ignorant fuckwads who don't know what a normal life amongst the poor of this country is like.

You need some reading comprehension dude. I know we all toke up here but damn smarten up at least a little before coming on here and tacking away whatever infantile thought enters your brain.

You said that the story was fake, which In my mind translated to, "ok this thread is a waste everyone has been responding to a fake story. Anyway no need for the argument as I was stupid I basically did the exact same thing as you. I didn't watch the video at first I just went off of what you said, said you defeated the thread then felt stupid when I saw that you didn't defeat it, I don't even really know if there is a such thing as defeating a thread, defeating the purpose is the only way to say defeat that doesn't have to do with getting a victory over someone I guess

My apologies though,

And I'm being stupid again by not having read your post that I just quoted, you are not stupid at all, please disregard everything that is said above "My apologies though," as I have x2'd my stupidness

Goodnight :eyesmoke:
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Proponents of the push to allow grown men to go to the bathroom with girls and women have been circulating a video on social media.

It purports to show a lesbian woman in North Carolina being kicked out of a women’s bathroom by police because of the new bathroom privacy law in the state.

But a closer look at the propaganda video reveals some interesting facts.

The Internet fact-checking website Snopes reported that the video had nothing to do with the state’s law and was, most likely, not even filmed in North Carolina.

Moreover, according to Snopes, a Facebook page called “Urban Leak” published the video in December of 2015, long before there was a bathroom law in the state.

The video has since been touted by left-wing Facebook pages like “Occupy Democrats” as proof of the injustice of bathroom privacy laws.

And while the video does show someone who claims she’s a woman (and looks like a woman dressing like a man), being kicked out of a bathroom due to complaints, it still does not address the danger of allowing men free access to women’s bathrooms.

There wouldn’t have been an incident to report if women were comfortable with men invading their privacy in public restrooms. With or without laws to dictate it, women feel vulnerable and violated if, at their most private moments, they have to worry about the opposite sex lurking in bathrooms and locker rooms. And that doesn’t even touch on the problem of predators who will use the law to get easy access to young girls.

As a postscript: at least once in all of our lives, we’ve probably mistaken someone for being pregnant when they are not or called someone’s precious baby girl a “him.” Visual mistakes are made about people sometimes, especially when they are actually trying to portray themselves as the opposite gender. What exactly does this have to do with allowing men in ladies rooms?
