The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Surprised no one got lab tests done on terpine content hydro vs soil
Theirs definately something though I've ran exo in Dwc / wilma hydroton / coco and soil and upto now soil is the tastiest but lowest field for me but I'm still waiting on my own coco to finish but it was coco I sampled and flavour wise it was for me almost the same as soil but a little less sweeter


Well-Known Member
fuck nos, but i been smoking the same old strains a long ol time now and most hydro grows are very poor flavourwise compared to the coco and soil, soils where its at for pure flavour carnt be beat imo but when 90-95% of buyers aint got a fucking clue who really cares lol theres no arguing with hydro yields and the stinks the same so if looking to earn hydros the one....
The best flavour I've had was from Livers grown with organic bio bizz nutrients in Plagron batmix soil.
But the yield with hydro is a lot higher. My last NFT run with cheese I got 1.26 gpw and that was with doing nothing special and that is roughly what I get every time with NFT. I normally do six plants under 2 600's with tens days veg and ten week flower.
Oh and the other difference with coco it's a pain to trim there seems to be a lot more leaf than calyx


Well-Known Member
The best flavour I've had was from Livers grown with organic bio buzz nutrients in Plagron batmix soul.
But the yield with hydro is a lot higher. My last NFT run with cheese I got 1.26 gpw and that was with doing nothing special and that is roughly what I get every time with NFT. I normally do six plants under 2 600's with tens days veg and ten week flower.
Oh and the other difference with coco it's a pain to trim there seems to be a lot more leaf than calyx
totally agree oscaro best exo,pyscho,livers ive grown has been in all mix with bio-bizz nutes ive tasted so many others hydro and grown the 3 coco many times meself but nowts came close to the soil grows but yield was shit lol

i have always worried about fucking up a hydro grow and been a believer of sticking to what ya know but if not id be growing the exo dwc, ok the exo aint the best out them 3 clone-onlys but it finishes the quickest so you can get more grows in per yr.


Well-Known Member
Surprised no one got lab tests done on terpine content hydro vs soilthe
Theirs definately something though I've ran exo in Dwc / wilma hydroton / coco and soil and upto now soil is the tastiest but lowest field for me but I'm still waiting on my own coco to finish but it was coco I sampled and flavour wise it was for me almost the same as soil but a little less sweeter
your get better yields from the exo in coco than soil and the taste is still pretty good mate, its such a easy plant to grow is very hard to fuck it up, you would enjoy the pyscho its nicer than the exo more of a fruity twang to go with that cheesefest that the exo dont have but you carnt really chop pyscho at 8wks and yield like you can the exo and them extra flower wks over a yr is near another grow etc.

looking forward to this glue tho, gonna give that a proper bash.


Well-Known Member
I've done all three of the usual suspects and Exo and livers I get the yield virtually identical. I flower livers for nine weeks and exo for ten but I veg livers a week longer because it doesn't get as big so the total grow time for both is the same. I've only been doing cheese this last couple of times because the guy who keeps my genetics has got spiders and I won't go near him until I'm double certain he's rid of them. Fucking moron didn't quarantine some cuts he got and what makes it worse was the cuts were shite ffs.


Well-Known Member
I want to give that glue a go too but from what I understand it's pretty unruly and I struggle for headroom
yeah so i keep reading had a failed fairy of it months ago but wana give it a go still, people want stink and flavour imo they want that coco-cola named brand theres far more casual them kinda stoners than there is some new untried strain buyers, and far more smokers/buyers who have not a clue tbh.

yeah exo is much nicer at 10wk but the yield difference compared to 8wk isnt much and over the space of a yr thats another crop compared to 8wk chop and the numbers dont add up what ya gaining from a 10wk chop with better smoke that most dont appreciate, in a ideal world id take the exo n pyscho to 10 and the livers to 11, livers at 8/9wk is daytime smoke imo again yeah lovely flavour n stink a very light stone.

but we all got many ways n whatnot and aslong as ya happy with what your smoking or its selling nice n quick who cares really.


Well-Known Member
In NFT livers just doesn't get a noticeably amount heavier after nine weeks. I've let livers go 13 n half weeks in soils and it was unsmokable during the day because it was too sedative. Tasted lovely though and the resin was totally Amber. I let it go that long because i didn't have time to chop it during the week. I got comments about the smell at work if I did it on a week night. Smelling of weed and driving an artic don't go well together lol


Well-Known Member
I went out after work last night n didn't get home till after 5am when the gf was leaving for work so I'd to deal with her crap first thing in the morning followed by a horrific hang over that 2 large vodkas didn't seem to help.(fuckin drink always screws me over when I go out on a session gotta nip that in the bud) then work was a disaster.not even enjoying this spliff ffs


Well-Known Member
My session on me tod last week was okay coz I didn't drink and kept away from the sniff. The Mrs wasn't too impressed lol. But she should know I can't be trusted if I'm left on my own with drugs in house lol