Brown slimy growth on air disks and in res


Well-Known Member
hey all, I have been running a few DWC buckets and using general hydroponics line of nutes with h2O2 35% to keep a sterile res.
I've noticed my air disks gettin brown round balls of growth that were slimy but firm. Also just seems to be making the water nasty.
One plant even had a ball of slime gel encased around the roots like an egg sac.

Not sure what's wrong but thinking that maybe using the h2O2 is doing this.
Can anyone help out? Thanks!
I'm wondering if maybe the h202 killed any of the benificial bacteria(accidentally added those nutes too) and I didn't dose enough of the h202 to keep of with the sterile tank.
Was doing 3ml per gallon every 3 days. That sound right?
Okay I threw out the one that the roots looked bad on. The rest of the roots in the other buckets look white and healthy happy. How much of the h202 35% would you reccomend using and how often?

Also I just switched them into a flood table in 6" net pots with clay pebbles. Running 24/7 with lights so how often would you suggest flooding for established rooted plants Under 24 hour lighting?

I messed up and didn't get the piece to plumb the water pump so having to manually flood. Need to be sure to wake up however often to flood the table until tomoro morning when I can get the part.
I'm wondering if maybe the h202 killed any of the benificial bacteria(accidentally added those nutes too) and I didn't dose enough of the h202 to keep of with the sterile tank.
Was doing 3ml per gallon every 3 days. That sound right?
Are you growing organic or synthetics? If you run organics, h2o2 will indeed kill off the beneficials and cause slime in your res. If you run synthetics, you can get away with the h2o2 because it just breaks down to water after sterilizing the res. Chances are your plants will perk up a bit too when you add it correctly in synthetic grows.
I accidentally used the organically part of the nutrient line when I transferred everything into the flood table earlier. I also used h202. So does the h202 kill that benificial bacteria I put in there and leave those brown globs I mentioned? If so I'll drain the reservoir now and refill it the right way.

I know I killed all the organics but don't want it to mess up the plants.
H2o2 would have killed everything, the pythium and and the beneficials. I believe....

I had a similar situation, a few hundred dollars later I decided to plant them in soil and flower. It's really gunna slow u down if it's bad. Root rot sucks it's one of the shitty things about hydro. I gave up even using a water cooler
Gonna stick with the h202 dosig every 3-4 days I guess like it says. Wondering what nutrients on the list to leave out when using h202
My roots on the remaining plants look great. But the water was getting nasty liking the day after a water change. Now I think I've figured it out.
Just gotta figure out which nutes to use with the h202
I'm such an old man when it comes to using the computer. wish I knew a few growers phone numbers with some experience to chat back n forth. Need a mentour lol.
Did the roots smell? Like a fishtank maybe. I'm almost certain you have root rot.
You should upload some pics to this thread. Are you having ph problems? Or any deficiencies? How old are the plants and what kind of system are you running. What's the water temps? Is light getting in your buckets
No ph probs, staying right at 5.8
The plants are about 3 weeks or more old. 2-3 sets of leaves. Was running 2 DWC buckets with airstones(yes the air was hot and res temps were hot)
But was dosing with h202 every 3 days and by the first 3 days as I went to add more h2, the water looked nasty.
Tonight I switched the plants into 6" net pots in a flood table. Manually flooding the table untill I get it plumbed up.

I had a 3rd bucket that I neglected with one plant I ended up throwing out.
But there still seemed to be some type of brown sludge growth in the air stones and the water almost looked chunky.
The roots on the remaining plants don't smell and are in good shape.
I'm just trying to figure out what nutes out of this line up to use with theh202. I know I'll have to leave the ones out that are the bacteria filled but don't know which.

First time running sterile so any tips would be great! Are there defficiencies that result from running a sterile res?
I don't know the ingredients of this line of nutes.

It's general hydroponics
Floralicious plus
Rapid start

Which of these should I not use with h202 is what I'm wondering. Don't want to be adding benificial Bacteria and then killing it right away lol
Ok, so the Flora Series you are using is all synthetics and you are good to use H2o2 in it. Your problem is likely your res temps creating the perfect breeding ground for root slime. Do you have a bubbler in your res? What temp is your res running at? I wouldnt go crazy with the H2o2 either cuz it will burn your plants out when using the 35%.