Recommend me a good closed loop extractor


Well-Known Member
Im looking for something around 150-200g extractor.

I have seen a few on Amazon for around 800 or so, but no reviews. Not sure which ones would be good from other places I've seen either... So I figured I'd ask you guys! Where do I get a good set up for a smallish grower? For a reasonable price?

It's just for medical reasons (gf was in bad accident, need pain relief badly) but I need it done safely. Can't risk blowing my house up every time I blast,not to mention death.

I found a vac oven for around $1000 that seems like it would serve my purposes, but I'm still lost where to start with looking for the closed loop system... Not to mention how to work it...

Any suggestions guys?
Im looking for something around 150-200g extractor.

I have seen a few on Amazon for around 800 or so, but no reviews. Not sure which ones would be good from other places I've seen either... So I figured I'd ask you guys! Where do I get a good set up for a smallish grower? For a reasonable price?

It's just for medical reasons (gf was in bad accident, need pain relief badly) but I need it done safely. Can't risk blowing my house up every time I blast,not to mention death.

I found a vac oven for around $1000 that seems like it would serve my purposes, but I'm still lost where to start with looking for the closed loop system... Not to mention how to work it...

Any suggestions guys?

did you ever get a closed loop? i am waiting on mine to get here from best value vacs....just wondering how it turned out for you?
I just got the 1 lb unit from best value vacs, having trouble with my stuff coming out almost like that forever goo. I did some of my
Own trim and it
Came out good but for some reason my friends always comes out oily, idk if it's mystery oil of just
My friends stuff. My stuff came out a little wet but not as bad.
I just got the 1 lb unit from best value vacs, having trouble with my stuff coming out almost like that forever goo. I did some of my
Own trim and it
Came out good but for some reason my friends always comes out oily, idk if it's mystery oil of just
My friends stuff. My stuff came out a little wet but not as bad.

i am about to run one of those
we got the 1 lb dewaxxing with splatter plate

what kind did u have ............any advice for me

oh let me ask did u do the ball valve long does your run take many LBs of dry ice did u use for 1 run (how many lbs do u think for 2 runs 1 day apart ) do u get it out 100% (was thinking use a shot of iso get it runny gooey then transfer over to a lined pyrex dish and hit it with 130 for 30 mins on a pic ....weight it out and package it up)

more info i have the better the first run will be sorry to bug yah......jack the thread

best vac ........they just had a sale with 15% off but they also dropped the prices
i am about to run one of those
we got the 1 lb dewaxxing with splatter plate

what kind did u have ............any advice for me

oh let me ask did u do the ball valve long does your run take many LBs of dry ice did u use for 1 run (how many lbs do u think for 2 runs 1 day apart ) do u get it out 100% (was thinking use a shot of iso get it runny gooey then transfer over to a lined pyrex dish and hit it with 130 for 30 mins on a pic ....weight it out and package it up)

more info i have the better the first run will be sorry to bug yah......jack the thread

best vac ........they just had a sale with 15% off but they also dropped the prices
Dude pretty much same thing for me
i am about to run one of those
we got the 1 lb dewaxxing with splatter plate

what kind did u have ............any advice for me

oh let me ask did u do the ball valve long does your run take many LBs of dry ice did u use for 1 run (how many lbs do u think for 2 runs 1 day apart ) do u get it out 100% (was thinking use a shot of iso get it runny gooey then transfer over to a lined pyrex dish and hit it with 130 for 30 mins on a pic ....weight it out and package it up)

more info i have the better the first run will be sorry to bug yah......jack the thread

best vac ........they just had a sale with 15% off but they also dropped the prices
tAkes me like a hr start to
Finish sometimes a hr and a half ( I think I Can do more open tube blasting )
And I use a 5gal bucket to sit in so only 3-6 pounds of dry ice.
And I just scrape as much as I can and say screw it to it in the bottom crevice

Let me know how ya like her I'm kinda over it
Dude pretty much same thing for me

tAkes me like a hr start to
Finish sometimes a hr and a half ( I think I Can do more open tube blasting )
And I use a 5gal bucket to sit in so only 3-6 pounds of dry ice.
And I just scrape as much as I can and say screw it to it in the bottom crevice

Let me know how ya like her I'm kinda over it

when u say u mean like a 6 inch putty knife....or spatula