My plant has warts?!


Active Member
I have no idea what this is any help would be much appreciated. It started at the bottom and is slowly making its way up.

I got some neem oil and just started applying it tonight. any tips on how to go about applying it? I think i am gonna try to keep it off the leaves and only spray the infected area, what do you say?



Well-Known Member
those look like root nodes to me? Maybe if you are getting your stem real wet it is causing roots to want to grow there, was your soil higher than that and just get lower from watering over time cause that could cause roots to show too? Just a guess tho


Well-Known Member
I thought it looked like root node things too... When I did my clones that's what they looked like before the roots started poping.


Active Member
:edit: I just transplanted it so the soil hasnt compacted much. :edit:

now i have actually used some tweezers to pull one off and it felt like part of the plant, not something growing on it. I only water every 3 or 4 days so i dont see it being wet so much its trying to grow roots. maybe i am wrong tho like i said when i removed one it felt like it was part of the plant and actually left a scar where i pulled it off from.

Thanks again guys.


Active Member

So really tho there is nothing that could end up being a problem? like not even close? Any other plant problems with these symptoms? Or just call me a big baby and ill shut up :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member

So really tho there is nothing that could end up being a problem? like not even close? Any other plant problems with these symptoms? Or just call me a big baby and ill shut up :eyesmoke:

that looks like root nodes don't worry about it unless something bad starts to happen from it... all should be cool:peace: