Just took Cotton Swab Drug test

I've smoked 2-6 bowls a day for the last 8 years. I am a male, 6' and 245lbs. I recently applied for a job at Fred Meyer and for the first time had to take a swab test. Every job I’ve had before this one that did any kind of pre-employment screening was through urine testing (take in synthetic pee like Quick Fix Plus or actual human powdered pee like TestClear with you, easiest way hands down). I used Quick Fix Plus for 3 different tests for Rite Aid from 2006-20014 and my girlfriend just used Quick Fix Plus to pass her test for Salon Centric (an L’Oreal Company) in 2015. Here we are in 2016 and the invasion of privacy is stronger than ever. After more research I've learned that more and more companies are moving to the swab or spit test over urine tests because of 3 main factors:

- cost is far less than that of urine tests, even when sent out to a lab for results.

- can be administered on the spot.

- can give instant results.

That’s the bad news concerning swab or spit tests. The good news is that as pre-employment test, it is by and large the friendliest test for lovers of Cannabis to pass, especially with any advanced notice. Unlike urine tests which test for THC-COOH, saliva tests look for THC. As far as the instant result tests go, THC will show in saliva samples for up to 12 hours after your last toke. If whomever is testing you sends your sample in for a lab test, THC can show in saliva samples for up to 2-3 days after your last toke. That means if you know ahead of time that you will be swabbed, you only have to take a 4 day smoke vacation at the most. It sucks, I know. However; 4 days and THC is out of your spit, sweet deal. If you just can't wait there are detox mouthwash products that claim to neutralize your saliva for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. The idea is that any sample taken within this “safe” time frame will produce a negative on the test. I knew ahead of time but was told it was an instant result test. With this info I gave myself a 16.5 hour window. On top of that I bought and used two 2 oz Stinger Detox Mouthwash finishing the last bottle as I walked into the building. According to the info provided, I had a 30 minute window of 'clean' saliva. I gave a sample 20 minutes later and was surprised to see that it would be sent to a lab. I had been misinformed as to the fact that it is NOT an instant result test. I am very happy I decided to use the mouthwash but I have no idea if it is actually going to work. Some reviews of the mouthwash claim that the person smoked or vaped the day of or even on the way to give a sample and passed with Stinger Detox Mouthwash. Now anyone that wants to know knows, Fred Meyer does swab test and they do send it out to a lab called Alere in Kentucky and the swab used was the Quantisal™ oral fluid collection device. I will post an update as soon as I hear anything else.
So i just took a drug test at Fred Meyer's and it was a cotton swab test...

30 minutes prior to being at the store i rinsed my mouth with hydrogen peroxide as well as brushing my teeth and cheeks and finally rinsing with 21% alcohol mouth wash.

When i got to the store i went over my cheeks with a cotton swab and then re rinsed my mouth with non alcoholic mouth wash.

When i had the swab in my mouth, i lightly rubbed my cheek 5 or 6 times and then i just let it sit in my mouth for the 3 minutes... trying not to touch my tongue or cheeks.

That was successful, but i did touch my cheek briefly in that 3 minute time period... hopefully not to much saliva

Then upon putting the swab in the container i accidentally dropped it on the ground which was ok, cuz i put it in the solution anyways.

All went fine, but do u think ill pass? It has been 12 days about since i last smoked.

Any comments / suggestions are welcome thanks for reading!

Keep on toking!
There is a web sit that sells you the info to pass ANY DRUG TEST,HAIR BLOOD UREN,AND THE SWAB TEST.And it all works it is the same 4 people that made all those testes..Some states they can ship to but ky, they can not so you just buy the info and stuff you need for any one test is under 15.00 bucks.It take me 17 weeks to pass a piss test for pot it all depends on how much you smoke and your weight.They have a phone number and you tell them what test you need to pass and tell the truth to them and they will fix you up.iam a life member of there site..ky if you need moore info mp me...ky
I've smoked 2-6 bowls a day for the last 8 years. I am a male, 6' and 245lbs. I recently applied for a job at Fred Meyer and for the first time had to take a swab test. Every job I’ve had before this one that did any kind of pre-employment screening was through urine testing (take in synthetic pee like Quick Fix Plus or actual human powdered pee like TestClear with you, easiest way hands down). I used Quick Fix Plus for 3 different tests for Rite Aid from 2006-20014 and my girlfriend just used Quick Fix Plus to pass her test for Salon Centric (an L’Oreal Company) in 2015. Here we are in 2016 and the invasion of privacy is stronger than ever. After more research I've learned that more and more companies are moving to the swab or spit test over urine tests because of 3 main factors:

- cost is far less than that of urine tests, even when sent out to a lab for results.

- can be administered on the spot.

- can give instant results.

That’s the bad news concerning swab or spit tests. The good news is that as pre-employment test, it is by and large the friendliest test for lovers of Cannabis to pass, especially with any advanced notice. Unlike urine tests which test for THC-COOH, saliva tests look for THC. As far as the instant result tests go, THC will show in saliva samples for up to 12 hours after your last toke. If whomever is testing you sends your sample in for a lab test, THC can show in saliva samples for up to 2-3 days after your last toke. That means if you know ahead of time that you will be swabbed, you only have to take a 4 day smoke vacation at the most. It sucks, I know. However; 4 days and THC is out of your spit, sweet deal. If you just can't wait there are detox mouthwash products that claim to neutralize your saliva for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. The idea is that any sample taken within this “safe” time frame will produce a negative on the test. I knew ahead of time but was told it was an instant result test. With this info I gave myself a 16.5 hour window. On top of that I bought and used two 2 oz Stinger Detox Mouthwash finishing the last bottle as I walked into the building. According to the info provided, I had a 30 minute window of 'clean' saliva. I gave a sample 20 minutes later and was surprised to see that it would be sent to a lab. I had been misinformed as to the fact that it is NOT an instant result test. I am very happy I decided to use the mouthwash but I have no idea if it is actually going to work. Some reviews of the mouthwash claim that the person smoked or vaped the day of or even on the way to give a sample and passed with Stinger Detox Mouthwash. Now anyone that wants to know knows, Fred Meyer does swab test and they do send it out to a lab called Alere in Kentucky and the swab used was the Quantisal™ oral fluid collection device. I will post an update as soon as I hear anything else.
synthetic pee dos not work no moor.I know the people that made all these new drug teast.ky
I've smoked 2-6 bowls a day for the last 8 years. I am a male, 6' and 245lbs. I recently applied for a job at Fred Meyer and for the first time had to take a swab test. Every job I’ve had before this one that did any kind of pre-employment screening was through urine testing (take in synthetic pee like Quick Fix Plus or actual human powdered pee like TestClear with you, easiest way hands down). I used Quick Fix Plus for 3 different tests for Rite Aid from 2006-20014 and my girlfriend just used Quick Fix Plus to pass her test for Salon Centric (an L’Oreal Company) in 2015. Here we are in 2016 and the invasion of privacy is stronger than ever. After more research I've learned that more and more companies are moving to the swab or spit test over urine tests because of 3 main factors:

- cost is far less than that of urine tests, even when sent out to a lab for results.

- can be administered on the spot.

- can give instant results.

That’s the bad news concerning swab or spit tests. The good news is that as pre-employment test, it is by and large the friendliest test for lovers of Cannabis to pass, especially with any advanced notice. Unlike urine tests which test for THC-COOH, saliva tests look for THC. As far as the instant result tests go, THC will show in saliva samples for up to 12 hours after your last toke. If whomever is testing you sends your sample in for a lab test, THC can show in saliva samples for up to 2-3 days after your last toke. That means if you know ahead of time that you will be swabbed, you only have to take a 4 day smoke vacation at the most. It sucks, I know. However; 4 days and THC is out of your spit, sweet deal. If you just can't wait there are detox mouthwash products that claim to neutralize your saliva for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. The idea is that any sample taken within this “safe” time frame will produce a negative on the test. I knew ahead of time but was told it was an instant result test. With this info I gave myself a 16.5 hour window. On top of that I bought and used two 2 oz Stinger Detox Mouthwash finishing the last bottle as I walked into the building. According to the info provided, I had a 30 minute window of 'clean' saliva. I gave a sample 20 minutes later and was surprised to see that it would be sent to a lab. I had been misinformed as to the fact that it is NOT an instant result test. I am very happy I decided to use the mouthwash but I have no idea if it is actually going to work. Some reviews of the mouthwash claim that the person smoked or vaped the day of or even on the way to give a sample and passed with Stinger Detox Mouthwash. Now anyone that wants to know knows, Fred Meyer does swab test and they do send it out to a lab called Alere in Kentucky and the swab used was the Quantisal™ oral fluid collection device. I will post an update as soon as I hear anything else.
IF they send it to a lab you will not pass.ky...I know the people that makes these teast and these labe test are not like in the past.
There is a web sit that sells you the info to pass ANY DRUG TEST,HAIR BLOOD UREN,AND THE SWAB TEST.And it all works it is the same 4 people that made all those testes..Some states they can ship to but ky, they can not so you just buy the info and stuff you need for any one test is under 15.00 bucks.It take me 17 weeks to pass a piss test for pot it all depends on how much you smoke and your weight.They have a phone number and you tell them what test you need to pass and tell the truth to them and they will fix you up.iam a life member of there site..ky if you need moore info mp me...ky
Bro he wrote that in 2009, I'm pretty sure he's figured it out. Just sayin'.
synthetic pee dos not work no moor.I know the people that made all these new drug teast.ky
Tell the people you know, that their tests are not making it to every state or don't work. Did you catch the part that reads, "I used Quick Fix Plus for 3 different tests for Rite Aid from 2006-20014 and my girlfriend just used Quick Fix Plus to pass her test for Salon Centric (an L’Oreal Company) in 2015.". Apparently; in the state of Washington, your people's test don't work or are simply not used here by two fairly large companies, one of which is a pharmacy.
IF they send it to a lab you will not pass.ky...I know the people that makes these teast and these labe test are not like in the past.
You also clearly missed this part, "and they do send it out to a lab called Alere in Kentucky". There is no 'if' about it, they sent it out. I'm wondering why you think you are so sure they will catch it. For one, the only thing I can find that states THC can be detected in saliva 2-3 days after last use is a pamphlet from a lab. Does that mean it's true? How do we know for certain? Then of course there is the question of the 2 bottles of Stinger Detox Mouthwash that I used. Are you certain it does not work like it claims to? If so, how?
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detox your body urine, blood,hair,mouth,of any tox. totalidetoxfriend.com/contact.php Got questions?Call 1-252-489-4770 us est 10a-ap m-f 12p-6p s-s kitty halk nc.....These 4 men are all sintues..that is not spelled rite I know.I WOULD GIVE YOU THE INFO TO MAKE YOUR OWN MIXES WITH BUT I WOULD FELL THAT I WAS STELLING FROM THEM and I do not work that way.I would onley give it to a person that can not afford to pay them if you was despert to pass a test to get a job JUST MAYBE BUT I PRAY NO ONE ASK ME UNLESS IT IS that your in a fix and could not barrow the money to get there info.I hope you people can under stand my point of few...ky.PS..they get high just like we do but never tell no one I told you that O but YOU DONT KNOW MY REAL NAME.Just make sure that you tell them the truth of what kind of drugs YOUR needing to hide from a drug test there good men all of them.
People that I know personley have NEVER FALED A DRUG TEAST DOING IT THERE WAY.But nothing in life is 100 percent...ky I hope this helps some people out..just check out there web site and call them..
Tell the people you know, that their tests are not making it to every state or don't work. Did you catch the part that reads, "I used Quick Fix Plus for 3 different tests for Rite Aid from 2006-20014 and my girlfriend just used Quick Fix Plus to pass her test for Salon Centric (an L’Oreal Company) in 2015.". Apparently; in the state of Washington, your people's test don't work or are simply not used here by two fairly large companies, one of which is a pharmacy.
if you use them guys stuff to take a drug test and fell they will give your money back...
You also clearly missed this part, "and they do send it out to a lab called Alere in Kentucky". There is no 'if' about it, they sent it out. I'm wondering why you think you are so sure they will catch it. For one, the only thing I can find that states THC can be detected in saliva 2-3 days after last use is a pamphlet from a lab. Does that mean it's true? How do we know for certain? Then of course there is the question of the 2 bottles of Stinger Detox Mouthwash that I used. Are you certain it does not work like it claims to? If so, how?
I am not certain of nothing but I do know that the men on that site I posted can help you pass any drug test.Iam not saying your rite or wrong I probley wrote some things wrong in a post but it was not to mis inform you or no one.Thoes drug test that you can buy from wall mart and drug stores them men on that site is the same men that made those drug teast that is being sold,so they know how to beat thoese test that they developed.I hope I am making sence to you and I hope you can read my shity writing..ky..ps but when drug teast is sent to labs to test for drugs it is harder to bet them now then in the past..like if you just piss in a cup and they send it to a lab for drug testing them men can HELP YOU PASS THAT TEST and othere test as well.I hope I explained it a little beater this time..hope you can read my piss pore writing...
so I just took the saliva drug test at Fred Meyers about a half hr ago and I guess they send it to a lab! I'm freaking out! does anybody know how far this kind of test will go back? I haven't smoked in 6 days prior
I've smoked 2-6 bowls a day for the last 8 years. I am a male, 6' and 245lbs. I recently applied for a job at Fred Meyer and for the first time had to take a swab test. Every job I’ve had before this one that did any kind of pre-employment screening was through urine testing (take in synthetic pee like Quick Fix Plus or actual human powdered pee like TestClear with you, easiest way hands down). I used Quick Fix Plus for 3 different tests for Rite Aid from 2006-20014 and my girlfriend just used Quick Fix Plus to pass her test for Salon Centric (an L’Oreal Company) in 2015. Here we are in 2016 and the invasion of privacy is stronger than ever. After more research I've learned that more and more companies are moving to the swab or spit test over urine tests because of 3 main factors:

- cost is far less than that of urine tests, even when sent out to a lab for results.

- can be administered on the spot.

- can give instant results.

That’s the bad news concerning swab or spit tests. The good news is that as pre-employment test, it is by and large the friendliest test for lovers of Cannabis to pass, especially with any advanced notice. Unlike urine tests which test for THC-COOH, saliva tests look for THC. As far as the instant result tests go, THC will show in saliva samples for up to 12 hours after your last toke. If whomever is testing you sends your sample in for a lab test, THC can show in saliva samples for up to 2-3 days after your last toke. That means if you know ahead of time that you will be swabbed, you only have to take a 4 day smoke vacation at the most. It sucks, I know. However; 4 days and THC is out of your spit, sweet deal. If you just can't wait there are detox mouthwash products that claim to neutralize your saliva for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. The idea is that any sample taken within this “safe” time frame will produce a negative on the test. I knew ahead of time but was told it was an instant result test. With this info I gave myself a 16.5 hour window. On top of that I bought and used two 2 oz Stinger Detox Mouthwash finishing the last bottle as I walked into the building. According to the info provided, I had a 30 minute window of 'clean' saliva. I gave a sample 20 minutes later and was surprised to see that it would be sent to a lab. I had been misinformed as to the fact that it is NOT an instant result test. I am very happy I decided to use the mouthwash but I have no idea if it is actually going to work. Some reviews of the mouthwash claim that the person smoked or vaped the day of or even on the way to give a sample and passed with Stinger Detox Mouthwash. Now anyone that wants to know knows, Fred Meyer does swab test and they do send it out to a lab called Alere in Kentucky and the swab used was the Quantisal™ oral fluid collection device. I will post an update as soon as I hear anything else.

**UPDATE** 05/11/2016

I received a call and started orientation last week, it worked. Keep on puffin'..
I was given a mouth swab test at traffic control this weekend, I didnt have time to spit out the peroxide so i swallowed it.
Not a great thing to do, but hey i passed.
So i just took a drug test at Fred Meyer's and it was a cotton swab test...

30 minutes prior to being at the store i rinsed my mouth with hydrogen peroxide as well as brushing my teeth and cheeks and finally rinsing with 21% alcohol mouth wash.

When i got to the store i went over my cheeks with a cotton swab and then re rinsed my mouth with non alcoholic mouth wash.

When i had the swab in my mouth, i lightly rubbed my cheek 5 or 6 times and then i just let it sit in my mouth for the 3 minutes... trying not to touch my tongue or cheeks.

That was successful, but i did touch my cheek briefly in that 3 minute time period... hopefully not to much saliva

Then upon putting the swab in the container i accidentally dropped it on the ground which was ok, cuz i put it in the solution anyways.

All went fine, but do u think ill pass? It has been 12 days about since i last smoked.

Any comments / suggestions are welcome thanks for reading!

Keep on toking!
This is an INSTANT FAIL, the drug thc is stored in human fat cells any 12yo knows that but not you

unless you admit to ur peers that you have been messing in drugs the toll will be hi indeed

more study on this sunbect is vital for you to mature into a well heeled local person

good luck ....lol