Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

So I'm looking at 3 females out of 10 seeds, on the bl. The one I'm going to keep stinks very nice, probably run a second pheno for fun, still working out what 12 plants to move out side. Too many choices I guess. Can't wait to see how they turn out.

Mind throwing a pic up in here of the em :)
whew, shitty weather here last few days- thunder and lightening, and windy, with tons of rain. Mini greenhouses dont seem to mind one bit. They shake a bit, but plastic is staying firmly in place, and plants are staying dry and protected, and lights are running with no water getting on em. Nice to things working the way they were meant to, all while doing it by the seat of my pants. The biggest plants just cleared the upper most level of the tomato cages, and are looking like they are nearly ready to go up into the 200s. Gonna wait till the weather is a bit nicer, and fed the empty pots AACT one more time to help the clover break down faster, and then will be nearly time to plant them! Cant wait, this season is looking like one for the books!
Well, lost the first plant to the goats - one of them ate the majority of the prime moonshine and they ate a gogi f3 x nepali from bohdi down to the soil stem and all. Bastard damned goats lol.

In happy news, our broody duck successfully hatched eggs. Dont know for sure yet how many, as she is very protective of them, counted 11 so far we think.

Such a cool lifestyle your building man your threads like a documentary with all these animals and projects you got going every time I check in there's something new happening. You must be flat out 24/7.nice work man your place looks amazing :peace:
Such a cool lifestyle your building man your threads like a documentary with all these animals and projects you got going every time I check in there's something new happening. You must be flat out 24/7.nice work man your place looks amazing :peace:

It's a lot of work that's for sure, but it's a labor of love. I have to admit, life is pretty damn good and that I love my little private oasis
loving the camo in there mushy head! mixing equipment in the greenhouse though!?

ducklings, are super cute Papa. goats not so in the good books eh.
The goats are fun at times, but they are like naughty kids To. If it's quiet, means they have a plant they aren't supposed to be eating in their mouth, or my gloves, tshirt, cans or whatever else they decide to chew.
Well, lost the first plant to the goats - one of them ate the majority of the prime moonshine and they ate a gogi f3 x nepali from bohdi down to the soil stem and all. Bastard damned goats lol.

In happy news, our broody duck successfully hatched eggs. Dont know for sure yet how many, as she is very protective of them, counted 11 so far we think.

told ya them goats will get ya weed a friend had neighbors goats eat a whole crop in a couple says when he was gone so I know what the are capable of good luck
told ya them goats will get ya weed a friend had neighbors goats eat a whole crop in a couple says when he was gone so I know what the are capable of good luck

Yep, cant say you didnt warn me! the run is definitely getting beefed up...and hopefully I can do better at keeping them contained.
I tried goats for weed control on my acreage. They ended up eating everything BUT THE FUCKEN WEEDS. I harvested them 5 months later, goat is not my favorite meat, but not bad.

Yea, I have eaten more then enough goat to last me a lifetime. I think if I ate these ones my woman would skin me! So far they have really dived into the blackberries, which is what I wanted. Sadly, they have also eaten a large section of grape vine, 2 weed plants, some hydrangeas starts. They drive me crazy a bit, but alas, woman is firmly in love with em, so must adapt.
Didnn't want to, but the plants were hungry. So got a bottle of nutes. Wanted to do no bottled nutes this grow but plants over rulled me. Got some Age Old Organics grow 12 - 6 - 6

Dream Lotus x Critical sensi star

DL X css (wet dreams) plant #2

Grrand master kush #1

Grand master kush #2 shes the hungry hungry hippo of the bunch

Wet dreams x Blueberry Snow lotus - shes going to go in a 200 have high hopes for this one.