Dr. Who
Well-Known Member
all spraying a plant with a chemical such as collidial sliver does is prevent the plant from producing the hormone, ethylyne, needed to grow female, pistilillate flowers, and instead, grow, male stamenate, flowers instead.. that's it..
if a man takes a hormone such as estrogen, a female hormone, he will start to grow breasts, his voice might go higher, and he will be less hairy.... the guy isn't suddenly a hermaphrodite, again, it's the hormone that caused the man to grow breasts, and have a higher voice, and less hair, same as what cs does to plants to make fem'ed seeds.. if a male who has taken a hormone such as estrogen has kids, do you really think he's going to have kids that have breasts if they're boys? that's simply laughable.. plants are no different then people when it comes to things like this.. if the man stops taking estrogen, the breasts go away, his voice raises, and he gets lucky and has to start shaving again.. it does nothing to his dna..
I should have read deeper into the thread but, I posted to a "quote" .....
You beat me to it with short simplicity!