EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
I never told you who you MUST vote for...only who you should vote for come November. The same way you ran around telling everyone to vote for Bernie. Just be warned that if you do write in Bernie be prepared for what your actions do. I'm pretty much set for whoever is POTUS, my concern is for those SCOTUS seats upcoming
Well you should not vote for Hillary.


Well-Known Member
Guy you're fooling no one. You are a Repuke and you will always vote as such
Actually the only time I ever voted was for Ron Paul which basically was the Bernie Sanders of the Republican party I did not vote for Romney I just knew Obama would win so I didn't waist my time and I didn't care about Obama vs McCain they were pretty much equal except for Palin. Lol

I would have voted for Bush though but I wasn't old enough buy a week or so. Bush wasn't bad better than Obama anyway.


Well-Known Member
I never said she was going to outlaw guns just going to be the toughest on guns which is bullshit and I am not voting for her a vote for Hillary might as well be a vote to keep big money in politics. There are many reasons I will not vote for Hillary after all Bill chose someone else. :)
What makes you think she would be the toughest on guns?
Obama has an F with the NRA, he didn't take our guns. All the scaremongering from the right did was make my ammo really hard to get for a minute. :wall:


Well-Known Member
What makes you think she would be the toughest on guns?
Obama has an F with the NRA, he didn't take our guns. All the scaremongering from the right did was make my ammo really hard to get for a minute. :wall:
Do you not read? I didn't say shit about taking guns!! Now Bill did ban assault weapons and Hillary has talked tough about guns expanding background checks when they don't even let you own a firearm if you have been convicted of domestic violence.

Expanding what are they going to do? If you have a simple assault you can't own a gun? Shit I have 3 simple assaults but I would not shoot anyone without a damn good reason.


Well-Known Member
Lol, yes I did read :-D
It's just that when ANYTHING is proposed about gun control, it is translated by the conservatives to mean: Obama is taking our guns!!
He might without a Republican House and Senate he certainly tried to make it harder to own a gun just failed miserably. :)


Well-Known Member
Do you not read? I didn't say shit about taking guns!! Now Bill did ban assault weapons and Hillary has talked tough about guns expanding background checks when they don't even let you own a firearm if you have been convicted of domestic violence.

Expanding what are they going to do? If you have a simple assault you can't own a gun? Shit I have 3 simple assaults but I would not shoot anyone without a damn good reason.
Hell why should you have a gun after being convicted of domestic violence. Why bring a gun into that environment. Already shown that you can't keep hands to yourself


Well-Known Member
Hell why should you have a gun after being convicted of domestic violence. Why bring a gun into that environment. Already shown that you can't keep hands to yourself
I never said I had a problem with that you shouldn't own a gun if you are a wife beater.

The expanding of the background check is my issue there is enough laws around guns as is.


Well-Known Member
I never said I had a problem with that you shouldn't own a gun if you are a wife beater.

The expanding of the background check is my issue there is enough laws around guns as is.
What part of expanding background checks you don't like?
I agree that we need to change the way guns can be sold at gun shows and online guns sells


Well-Known Member
What part of expanding background checks you don't like?
I agree that we need to change the way guns can be sold at gun shows and online guns sells
Ain't nothing wrong with online gun sales they need to be shipped to a licensed shop that does a background check. Not sure about gun show rules but as long as they are a licensed dealer I don't see a problem never been to a gun show though.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I never said I had a problem with that you shouldn't own a gun if you are a wife beater.
....and don't forget to confiscate the knives in the kitchen, those lobster scissors, the ax in the shop, Johnny's baseball bat.......

Yes, Hillary is a feel good gun confiscating, Benghazi killing nut.


Well-Known Member
....and don't forget to confiscate the knives in the kitchen, those lobster scissors, the ax in the shop, Johnny's baseball bat.......

Yes, Hillary is a feel good gun confiscating, Benghazi killing nut.
For real, I know a fellon who brought a nice samurai sword back from Thailand. Lol


Well-Known Member
Ain't nothing wrong with online gun sales they need to be shipped to a licensed shop that does a background check. Not sure about gun show rules but as long as they are a licensed dealer I don't see a problem never been to a gun show though.
you can get a gun at a gun show with just CASH and no background check in some states


Well-Known Member
you can get a gun at a gun show with just CASH and no background check in some states
Hmm, some states... I can buy a gun with just cash in all 50 states inside any gun shop. Are we supposed to use checks or credit cards??

I think credit would be worse personally as the person don't need to pay and can go shoot up a school and have no worries about his credit score. :)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Guns are not the problem, Gun Free Zones and soft targets are. You can't identify and round up all the loonies, witness the Sanders crowds.