Do any one know what type of Marijuana is this ?

I am a new grower and got these seeds from a friend with no clue what kind it is
With new growers, bag seeds are a good way to learn. There isn't the social, economic and emotional burdens of using bought seeds.

Grow them out and name it whatever you chose. They will work fine until you get a grow or two under your belt.

Good luck,

Pictures of it a little older be more helpful in identifying...rub a leaf n smell it...big broad leaves or narrow n long?? Where did seed come from..
^ even with that it is impossible to tell. There are 10s of thousands of strains and thousands upon thousands are so close. When you start looking into phenotypes as well, then you are trying to find a needle in a haystack.
True but you can distigush strains by 3 main genomes indica/sativa/ruderalis. From there u can look up the differnt types it could be..i work in mmj industry so im around 100s of strains so distguishing 1 from the other is easier for me.