
Were both of your parents English teachers? Because if not, you have not suffered nearly enough to appoint yourself Chief Arbiter of Punctuation and Grammar.

I'll be happy to rectify the imbalance.
To be fair, it was not so much grammar - it was vocabulary. Punctuation did not enter into it.
Spicy hot peppers.

There's a few more, but those are the ones that keep me young.
I eat a lot of garlic. It helps a lot of things. It has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. If I'm outdoors and bugs have a choice between me and someone that doesn't eat a lot of garlic, they don't bother me.

Wild onions and garlic are great. Good to eat, also if you are stranded you can rub it on you to keep bugs at bay.
Orgasm denial. You haven't cummed until you haven't been able to for awhile.
I didn't jack it all of basic training. Family comes in for graduation and I got a day pass. Dad asked what I wanted to do first.

My response was to take a private shower back at their hotel room. It was almost painful it was so good.
I eat a lot of garlic. It helps a lot of things. It has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. If I'm outdoors and bugs have a choice between me and someone that doesn't eat a lot of garlic, they don't bother me.

Wild onions and garlic are great. Good to eat, also if you are stranded you can rub it on you to keep bugs at bay.

Great. I'll come out of the woods smelling like the main course at a barbecue...
That's funny. I tell a fat friend of mine that all the time.

Actually the worst thing you can do is run.

True enough. In these parts, the local black bears know to stay well away from humans. All we need to do is make enough noise so they know we're coming and they'll make tracks. Look large, wave big things high in the air, yadda yadda.

Using cars is not effective. We once hit a young black bear up 'side the head with a Volkswagen Jetta... at 35mph. He shook it off and kept going. It was dusk and he'd bolted right into our lane. We did NOT get out of the car to investigate further!