Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Hey weed, thanks! I thought I might have been worrying to much but I did catch a wiff of fresh grass smell from the roots of the plant that I completely chopped the roots off of, the other ones weren't to bad and the one there that looks terrible in the picture is the one I super rinsed under the sink and a lot of roots washed away, so that also kind of confirmed my root rot vs staining, also I mixed a glass of 50% h2o2 3% and tap water and soaked each net pot in it and the roots were bubbling showing signs of bad bacteria correct?

Also my question about the h2o2 and no organics is I currently am running h2o2 and the base and grow nutes from botanicare kind, are those organic? I was under the impression not so much so I added those but left out the pure blend tea and lk, also I might just be spacing out from the early meds... But what is hg?

Also I'm unsure of my Ppm meter conversion rate still; it was the cheap blue one off amazon with the yellow ph tester, but I was only running roughly 300ppm
Hey weed, thanks! I thought I might have been worrying to much but I did catch a wiff of fresh grass smell from the roots of the plant that I completely chopped the roots off of, the other ones weren't to bad and the one there that looks terrible in the picture is the one I super rinsed under the sink and a lot of roots washed away, so that also kind of confirmed my root rot vs staining, also I mixed a glass of 50% h2o2 3% and tap water and soaked each net pot in it and the roots were bubbling showing signs of bad bacteria correct?

Also my question about the h2o2 and no organics is I currently am running h2o2 and the base and grow nutes from botanicare kind, are those organic? I was under the impression not so much so I added those but left out the pure blend tea and lk, also I might just be spacing out from the early meds... But what is hg?
Fresh grass smell might be OK, it's the acrid, rotting material smell you don't want. H202 is an oxidizer and will attack any organic material, the reaction doesn't mean there was bacteria, it could have been reacting to the roots themselves. If you stick your finger into h202 it bubbles. Idk about the Kind line, if it's organic or not. HG=Hydroguard. Roots of young plants are delicate, the bubbling in my dwc breaks them all the time.

At this stage I always defer to less is more. I think if it was me, I'd run them on tap for a day or two, the chlorine will help sterilize, there will be trace nutes still. I'd go to the weak nutes after no more than 4-5 days of tap. Just base and HG, maybe a little LK ( liquid karma).

I pretty much went through all the same stuff. Only way I really learned was through trail and error. The info here is great, but every situation is unique and you need to try to figure out what applies to your situation and what doesn't.
Also I'm unsure of my Ppm meter conversion rate still; it was the cheap blue one off amazon with the yellow ph tester, but I was only running roughly 300ppm
You should try and figure out the conversion factor. I won't talk in ppms, when I do I list the CF. It just gets too confusing. 300 should be ok for now, on either scale, it's in the .4-.6 range. The measurement are fairly close at lower Ec. Higher ec's have huge differences 2.0EC is either 1000 or 1400 ppm, almost 50% difference.
Awesome, thank you so much for the advice, I will do as you suggested when I get home from breakfast and switch out the water again, as I mentioned my tap water is pretty bad. So do you think I should use my tap or should I mix half ro water and half tap water, also should I ph it down to what it is now to avoid shocking it due to the 1+ ph jump, also you think I should even mess with the h2o2 anymore? Or just run tap until my hydroguard arrives
Awesome, thank you so much for the advice, I will do as you suggested when I get home from breakfast and switch out the water again, as I mentioned my tap water is pretty bad. So do you think I should use my tap or should I mix half ro water and half tap water, also should I ph it down to what it is now to avoid shocking it due to the 1+ ph jump, also you think I should even mess with the h2o2 anymore? Or just run tap until my hydroguard arrives

So here is what it looks like :wall:
I know it looks pretty bad but I'm wondering at this point if I should toss the plants, in a way I would like to but at the point i need to figure out what caused it before I kill these plants to be able to test what can hold the bacteria at bay and such, also I saw some people using diluted pool shock, not sure if that's for treatment or just preventive but do you guys think I should hold out on these with the h2o2 until the hydroguard arrives and see what it can do?

Anyone have any suggestions to keep this from occurring when I start fresh again? Cool water, no light leaks, RO water. Will be running hydroguard in every Rez change from now on, just glad I had this problem early on and not late in flower, less time spent but I'm sure it will hit me plenty more times.


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So here is what it looks like :wall:
I know it looks pretty bad but I'm wondering at this point if I should toss the plants, in a way I would like to but at the point i need to figure out what caused it before I kill these plants to be able to test what can hold the bacteria at bay and such, also I saw some people using diluted pool shock, not sure if that's for treatment or just preventive but do you guys think I should hold out on these with the h2o2 until the hydroguard arrives and see what it can do?

Anyone have any suggestions to keep this from occurring when I start fresh again? Cool water, no light leaks, RO water. Will be running hydroguard in every Rez change from now on, just glad I had this problem early on and not late in flower, less time spent but I'm sure it will hit me plenty more times.
How much experience do you have? Those look ok to me. It's only been what, a little over 24 hrs since you posted. You need to step back and take a breath. It could take a few days for plants that young to come back. How old are they? It's hard to say what to do, I don't think you have rot, based on those pics.
How much experience do you have? Those look ok to me. It's only been what, a little over 24 hrs since you posted. You need to step back and take a breath. It could take a few days for plants that young to come back. How old are they? It's hard to say what to do, I don't think you have rot, based on those pics.
Hey, when it comes to this system I have as much experience as the age of the oldest plant in there... So let's say zero, this is my first ever attempt at anything hydro but that doesn't really worry me, and I expected a pretty large learning curve, just new to the whole "open root" style, soil they were more just out of sight out of mind, with that being said I love this system and it is what worked well for the way my flower room is set up, (long and narrow) so pots and all that was a pain, move one plant out to get to the other and so on so forth, this system allows me to more efficiently use my square footage and I love the no soil and will be completely sealing my flower room in the next year or so adding co2 of course.

With that being said I am letting the plants do their thing and will add the hydroguard when it arrives and just the base and grow nutes at half strength after a nice bleach scrub on the whole system cloner and veg, another question if you don't mind me asking, what do you run in your cloner? I was running just the RO water and clonex but I keep the temps warmer on the cloner, closer to 70-71 degrees, so I'm wondering if I should add something to warn off the funk or if I should just run my pump on a cycle again and let the cloner run cooler temps as well.
Hey, when it comes to this system I have as much experience as the age of the oldest plant in there... So let's say zero, this is my first ever attempt at anything hydro but that doesn't really worry me, and I expected a pretty large learning curve, just new to the whole "open root" style, soil they were more just out of sight out of mind, with that being said I love this system and it is what worked well for the way my flower room is set up, (long and narrow) so pots and all that was a pain, move one plant out to get to the other and so on so forth, this system allows me to more efficiently use my square footage and I love the no soil and will be completely sealing my flower room in the next year or so adding co2 of course.

With that being said I am letting the plants do their thing and will add the hydroguard when it arrives and just the base and grow nutes at half strength after a nice bleach scrub on the whole system cloner and veg, another question if you don't mind me asking, what do you run in your cloner? I was running just the RO water and clonex but I keep the temps warmer on the cloner, closer to 70-71 degrees, so I'm wondering if I should add something to warn off the funk or if I should just run my pump on a cycle again and let the cloner run cooler temps as well.
I've been experimenting with the cloner, so I have nothing conclusive. . I'm running clones so idk if it would be different for seed starts. I think 50/50 ro/tap is working the best for me, no nutes, no HG, I'll adjust PH down if its above 8.0, otherwise idon't touch it. Mine runs around 70F. I change it every 2-4 days. Once I see the secondary lateral roots, I start weak nutes, around .6ec, consisting of base, Liquid karma, ca-mg, silica and HG. Once I seer they can take it, I go up to 1.0 Ec and it's on.
I've been experimenting with the cloner, so I have nothing conclusive. . I'm running clones so idk if it would be different for seed starts. I think 50/50 ro/tap is working the best for me, no nutes, no HG, I'll adjust PH down if its above 8.0, otherwise idon't touch it. Mine runs around 70F. I change it every 2-4 days. Once I see the secondary lateral roots, I start weak nutes, around .6ec, consisting of base, Liquid karma, ca-mg, silica and HG. Once I seer they can take it, I go up to 1.0 Ec and it's on.
Awesome thanks so much freak :bigjoint: really appreciate all the answered questions, I have contacted the seller of my ppm meter as well and haven't gotten anywhere, I'm thinkin of just getting an ec meter and do away with any conversion rate/factor. I will let the plants do their thing as you advised, and as soon as the hg arrives will run weak nutes and hg, maybe they clear up, but if not and it does turn out to be rot I don't want them to contaminate any new plants that I start that don't have it. So might just let these figure out what they are going to do and then send them to flower. Then start fresh on the clone veg side with another round of bagseed, and if I can keep the funk under control send those to flower and then pop the good genetics.:blsmoke: Hopefully this course of action works.

Thanks for all the help guys, I'll update when there's something to update :clap:
So my hydroguard and pondzyme finally arrived today, I did a fresh res change from just the base nutes and h2o2 to my full recipe which is probably overkill so here it goes

Added to 10 gallon rez

20ml base
50 ml grow
20ml hydroguard
20ml liquid karma
20ml pure blend pro tea
10ml silica blast
1/8thish scoop of pondzyme

PPM 345
Ph 6.0

Cloner is running 2 gallons with 10ml hydroguard half RO water half tap ph 6 as well.

Pics are from today, have just been tossing in 50ml of h2o2 every 2-3 days until hy HG got here today Rez was surprisingly clean, a little cloudy but the walls were "squeaky" clean from just the addition of h2o2. 8-)

So hopefully won't have anymore slime or root rot deals for awhile and things will improve by a landslide. If the hg and pondzyme don't seem to do it on their own added straight to the res I plan on getting a bag of ancient forest and busting out my ingridents for tea from when I did soil..

Ps second picture is the plant I mentioned that I chopped all the roots off once rotted, came back well.
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So my hydroguard and pondzyme finally arrived today, I did a fresh res change from just the base nutes and h2o2 to my full recipe which is probably overkill so here it goes

Added to 10 gallon rez

20ml base
50 ml grow
20ml hydroguard
20ml liquid karma
20ml pure blend pro tea
10ml silica blast
1/8thish scoop of pondzyme

PPM 345
Ph 6.0

Cloner is running 2 gallons with 10ml hydroguard half RO water half tap ph 6 as well.

Pics are from today, have just been tossing in 50ml of h2o2 every 2-3 days until hy HG got here today Rez was surprisingly clean, a little cloudy but the walls were "squeaky" clean from just the addition of h2o2. 8-)

So hopefully won't have anymore slime or root rot deals for awhile and things will improve by a landslide. If the hg and pondzyme don't seem to do it on their own added straight to the res I plan on getting a bag of ancient forest and busting out my ingridents for tea from when I did soil..

Ps second picture is the plant I mentioned that I chopped all the roots off once rotted, came back well.
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You don't want to run both H2O2 and beneficial bacteria at the same time. The H2O2 will kill all the good guys and bad guys. Hydroguard is basically a bacteria starter kit.

You have to decide whether you're going to run a sterile res or not. If you go sterile you can use chlorine to keep everything clean. If you go with bennies then stay with Hydroguard and a cool res.
Girls will be boys... It's been awhile so I thought I'd give you guys a quick update. Through many trials and errors I finally did it! I was able to pop male flowers on a female plant. I used an amazing Girl Scout Cookies (Forum Cut) for the female/male. I'll be taking the pollen and breeding it with my latest and greatest. It won't be long before I'll have feminized seeds available to Oregon dispensaries and hopefully other seed banks will join the party.

Here's the list so far:
Pineapple Cookies (Pineapple Express X GSC)
Orange Cookies (Agent Orange X GSC)
Grape Cookies (Grape Ape X GSC)
Blackberry Cookies (Blackberry Kush X GSC)
Spider Cookies (Black Widow X GSC)
Cookie Kush (OG18 X GSC)
Cindy Cookies (Cinderella 99 X GSC)
Girl Skunk Cookies (Skunk#1 X GSC)
Girl Scout Crackers (Green Poison X GSC)
Cheesy Cookies (UK Cheese X GSC)
Bubba Cookies (Pre 98 Bubba Kush X GSC)

You don't want to run both H2O2 and beneficial bacteria at the same time. The H2O2 will kill all the good guys and bad guys. Hydroguard is basically a bacteria starter kit.

You have to decide whether you're going to run a sterile res or not. If you go sterile you can use chlorine to keep everything clean. If you go with bennies then stay with Hydroguard and a cool res.
Hey stink! So good to see you on here!! Let me thank you personally for this thread full of invaluable knowledge, has truly helped me grasp the idea of aeroponics and kick all the soil out the door for good! Wish I would have found this sooner!

Thanks for the advice, just to be clear I cut out the h202 now that my hydroguard has arrived :cool:, I know it's not the best thing to switch from sterile to bennies but I only used the peroxide to keep the bacteria at bay until I got my guard and pondzyme, fresh res change with bennies this time, no h202:clap:
Caused a smile or algae problem when I mixed up a nutrient solution the first time without bennies OR any sterilizer and the rot was quick to show itself, I learned my lesson quickly and will never forget that important part again :wall:
Girls will be boys... It's been awhile so I thought I'd give you guys a quick update. Through many trials and errors I finally did it! I was able to pop male flowers on a female plant. I used an amazing Girl Scout Cookies (Forum Cut) for the female/male. I'll be taking the pollen and breeding it with my latest and greatest. It won't be long before I'll have feminized seeds available to Oregon dispensaries and hopefully other seed banks will join the party.

Oregon? Any plans on going international? We need those genetics in Scandinavia.
@StinkBud how would i get my hands on some of those strains. these in particular. we love the gsc strain in reno. and would love to start a few.asap


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@stink congratulations on the breeding! Would love to get my hands on some of those as well one day! bubba cookies... Yum and the grape cookies, great combos sure can't wait to see them become readily available in Oregon! Glad to see your still around here as well, I felt I was so late finding this thread but it's still rockin and I'm super excited to get a perpetual schedule and can finally utilize my long narrow space and be able to comfortable work around plants. Not to mention no soil inside. Total plus, self watering, total plus.

On that note I still Need to get a ups still for my pumps. Anyone have any recommendations for a power supply that could run my pumps for atleast 6 hours? The longer the better but working 9-11 hour days 6 days a week and the lights running while I'm at work, would be nice assurance if power went out they would be okay until I got home from work.

Thanks guys! Excited to see what these bennies do over the next week or so. Expecting explosive root growth haha ;-)
I'm hoping some international seed distributors will pick up my seed line. I was also able to pick up Blue Dream, Trainwreck and Headband. I'm not sure what I'm going to name them yet.

Dreamy Cookies? Blue Cookies? Cookie Dream?
Girl Scout Wreck? Wrecked Cookies? Cookie Train?
Cookieband? Girl Scout Band? Girl Scout Head?

A little background on the strains I'll be breeding the GSC with.

Agent Orange (Sativa) - Super citrus smell, a little sour. If you've ever had Tang you know the smell. It has a great head high that makes you want to go and do something. This plant grows super fast and is a big producer. These seeds are going to be really special.

Pineapple Express (Sativa)- Smells like fruit with a hint of rotten something. I know it sounds weird but it actually tastes amazing. Not quit speed weed but still a pretty stimulating high. This plant grows twice as tall as everything else in the room. Hardly any leaves but huge buds spaced far apart.

Black Widow (Sativa)- This is the black pheno of White Widow. It smells like Pine-Sol. It brings me back to early to the 90's smoking B.C. weed and listing to Nirvana. By far the strongest smelling of the bunch. Classic uplifting high. It takes forever to finish but it's worth the wait.

Pre-98 Bubba Kush (Hybrid) - Rock hard nugs with virtually no trimming. Just solid golf ball sized buds of joy. It has the classic coffee, earthy smell and tastes like OG Kush. This will knock your dick in the dirt. It's really strong and the high lasts a long time. This plant finishes in less than 8 weeks!

Grape Ape (Indica) - This one smells like red wine. The nugs are super dense and white with frosty goodness. Heavy Indica body high that knocks you on your ass. It's great for movie night but don't expect to get any work done. Another quick finisher. I'm extremely excited about this mix! I think the two strains are going to compliment each other well.

Cinderella 99 (Indica) - This is another grape, berry, fruit strain. It's not as dense as the kush strains but super frosty and sweet tasting. Another great night time smoke.

Skunk #1 (Hybrid) - This pheno smells more like sandalwood than skunk. It has a wonderful woody smell with a spicy taste. This strain took awhile to start flowering then finished really quick. This strain has a nice balanced high.

Green Poison (Hybrid) - This was the surprise of the bunch. It's a mix of Durban Poison and Green Crack. I love the smell, taste and uplifting high. This might be interesting because GSC also has Durban Poison which as always been my personal favorite Sativa.

Blue Dream (Sativa) - This has been a staple in the Northwest for awhile now. Everyone loves the sweet, fruity smell and taste. The high is very uplifting and cerebral. Where does space end?

Trainwreck (Hybrid) - One of the all time classic strains. known for being a huge producer it also has a wonderful spicy taste and aroma.

Blackberry Kush (Hybrid) - This cutting has been winning awards around the Pacific Northwest and is amazing. I've seen nugs that look completely white, like they were rolled in sugar. The smell is sweet and really does taste like blackberries. It's not super strong but it tastes so fucking good you'll want to keep smoking it.

UK Cheese (Hybrid) - I'm not sure what's up with this strain. I know it's supposed to smell cheesy but this pheno is fucking crazy! It smells exactly like a bag of fresh soil. It tastes amazing. I don't even have words for it. It's like trying to describe what an orange tastes like...it tastes like a fucking orange! I wouldn't be surprised to see something really special come out of this pheno. I've heard this strain is really different but I've never grown it myself. Even the bud formation is weird. It has really small leaves that become completely covered in resin.

Headband (Hybrid) - Another OG Kush SFV cross this is the original Headband clone passed around for years and praised by many. It's known for the long lasting cerebral high and great flavor. This might be an interesting mix with the GSC because they both have OG Kush SFV in them. Sour Diesel and Durban Poison are both amazing Sativas so these seeds could be a great day smoke.

Mystery Kush (Sativa) - This cutting was supposed to be the OG Kush SFV cutting. I drove all the way to bumfuck to get it. Well I know my OG Kush and this ain't it. It's really dank but looks more like OG18 than OG Kush. It's a full Sativa with long thin leaves. It has that classic coffee, earth, skunk smell but it's not the SFV cutting. I have a buddy close to me that just got the real deal though. It won't be long before I have the Holy Grail. I'll flip the OG Kush to male and make my own version of Girl Scout Cookies!

So all these strains are going to be mixed with the Girl Scout Cookies (Forum cut). The Forum Cut is my personal favorite. Although I like the Thin Mint Cut the Forum cut has more of that spicy Durban taste and high. I call Girl Scout Cookies, Happy Weed. Everyone that smokes it raves about it! In fact I'm choosing to smoke Girl Scout Cookies as I write this now.

I would love to get some of these seeds into everyone's hands. One of you could end up with the new hot strain. It will still be a few months before the seeds will be ready. The plants still have a few more weeks of veg. I'll let you guys know as soon as the seeds are online. Wish me luck!
I've heard great things about GSC, I didn't know it was a durban cross..I love durban! I'm going to have to get me some. What's the Forum cut? I get confused and annoyed trying to find genetics, you can have 10 different breeders with the same strain, but wildly varying plants,depending on what traits they were bred for.