Bob Bitchen's buds

I havn"t been able to dial in a good dose of thr big time yet, either ineffective at lower dose, or I burn em up.
While mighty wash kicks ass for me.

You going to the bbq next weekend Joe ?
If so leave a couple of days earlier and stop by Mammoth ....
I have some 1/2 price life tickets for ya..?

man thanks ! thats quite an offer i really wish i could take ya up on that ! but no go for me this year ..
i use 60ml per gallon of the big time ...
but i think mighty wsh is a better overall product after using big time awhile...
Looks delicious Bob. However, not sure if you are aware of it but figured I point it out considering those virgin pompons on the annihilator and with three weeks to go: she's throwing a couple of nanners. 1 in main bud in top pic and I think one in second pic on lower bud (about a cm above the light leaftip).

I couldn't find any nanners on the annihilator
the pic you quoted was the fireballs not
gonna have to check her again, I had her light sched a little messed up, had her out of the tent a few times to throw some pollen her way
I couldn't find any nanners on the annihilator
the pic you quoted was the fireballs not
gonna have to check her again, I had her light sched a little messed up, had her out of the tent a few times to throw some pollen her way
Yeah I was referring to the fireballs pic I quoted. Mentioned the annihilator as in being at a stage where it would be a shame if those nanners on the FB pop and pollinate her.
I'm about ready to toss my cloner and buy a clone king. I've had leaking issues ever since I cleaned it last and it's annoying as hell. I may keep the pump to use for watering my sips.
I grabbed one recently due to the same thing, if it wasn't full to a certain level it would leak. Even after adding some door trim to the lid, every once in a while it would start leaking. At their price wasn't worth bothering making another. They shipped an extra set of plugs, extra bag with sprayers. Pump's a little noisy but other than that works well.