24 hour light vs. 18/6.

Moon phases, huh? And Doctors performed and justified Lobotomy and gave patients Arsenic for decades. Heck, we used Led in paint, Asbestos in in everything all these things for eons until science came along. Those doctors and engineers too swore they were correct. But I feel ya, staying in bliss with Joe Grow's advice and Bro Science is more fun for some peeps. Its all good
i agree with that,but saying open your mind and try it before you make opinion,science is a good thing but if you think about it,folk get so caught up in it,they completly drain there pockets from something some one discovered and the new best thing,right,lights are the big battle these days next would be soil vs coco and so on. you dont believe or even want to believe i can get my shit done and into jars quicker my method ,so you sure wouldnt believe i used to grow this shit outdoors till the late 80's just using chicken shit,straight up truth,science then was a thing to,folk started breeding and crossing shit that smelt like a dead ass skunk on the side the road and been in the sun couple days,science then took from us some very awesome strains and suprem smoke to never have again,i cant even think of the last time i seen a landrace plant,in about 3 more years mine will be landrace p1's if everything goes alright,science doesnt have anything to do it just me working them to get to that point.this is a great world of opinions and if we all said fuck it i will try it before they discard it,wonder how things would be then.
if we could put caps on senate seat just like the presidents have,it would get those old ass minds and thoughts out of the house and open minds would change this world just from fresh minds
Moon phases, huh? And Doctors performed and justified Lobotomy and gave patients Arsenic for decades. Heck, we used Led in paint, Asbestos in in everything all these things for eons until science came along. Those doctors and engineers too swore they were correct. But I feel ya, staying in bliss with Joe Grow's advice and Bro Science is more fun for some peeps. Its all good
hey think about the wild the plant sways in the hot sun all day,once a month there is a full moon right,well if a simple red light on a extension cord can herm your whole grow,why doesnt it do the same thing in the wild under fullmoon,i have yet have anyone explain anything even close to the science behind that,what if we could replicate that,wouldnt that make the plant feels if it was outdoors,would it make stronger healther plants,just saying folk squawk out sceince in every defense,well science explain this moon face shit
Whats bro science?

If a friend, a Bro, says 18/6 boost plant growth because he can vouch for it, thats Bro Science, a method or act with obscure or no actual provable scientific basis is bro science. Hear Say science with anecdotal evidence sometimes based on coincidences and correlations, or the lack of a properly tested control
If a friend, a Bro, says 18/6 boost plant growth because he can vouch for it, thats Bro Science, a method or act with obscure or no actual provable scientific basis is bro science. Hear Say science with anecdotal evidence sometimes based on coincidences and correlations, or the lack of a properly tested control
I guess a lot of my growing is bro science then. Not the 18/6 part but many others. If you could show us some of your actual science bud pics that would be awesome!!!! Bro and show us your lab results also, would be super helpful!!!!!
If a friend, a Bro, says 18/6 boost plant growth because he can vouch for it, thats Bro Science, a method or act with obscure or no actual provable scientific basis is bro science. Hear Say science with anecdotal evidence sometimes based on coincidences and correlations, or the lack of a properly tested control
hell i like that
I agree, many ways to grow this plant. Have fun friend, i bet your medicine is great!
im working my strain right now,great fucking sativa buzz for about a hour,gets you motvated to do shit,after a hour it goes to the limbs and no pain at least till the herb wears off,and next day you got to wake and bake from the pain the day before,lmao,so i gotta grow a lot,lol
im working my strain right now,great fucking sativa buzz for about a hour,gets you motvated to do shit,after a hour it goes to the limbs and no pain at least till the herb wears off,and next day you got to wake and bake from the pain the day before,lmao,so i gotta grow a lot,lol
Sounds like your medicine is doing a good job!!!! Sooooooo Bro science or actual scientific science?
I guess a lot of my growing is bro science then. Not the 18/6 part but many others. If you could show us some of your actual science bud pics that would be awesome!!!! Bro and show us your lab results also, would be super helpful!!!!!
i dont think anyone caught that i run 24 hr till the go in for sexing,my veg room is 18/6 and they go in there in final pots till they get 14in tall,i keep it simple and imagine double stretch when flipped and thats why the 14in mark is my flower time,only thing i do diffrent than others is fuck with the lights just for sexing the rest is same as all when gardening the rest of way
Sounds like your medicine is doing a good job!!!! Sooooooo Bro science or actual scientific science?
nah i like the bro science better,lmao,im a believer in this,it isnt the plant im building its the soil and bioligy to keep from having to hit them with all that other stuff,i focus on awesome soil and when its dead on the plant does what the soil supports,so bro science because i am always working to keep my soil the best,and feel i do better just from not fighting issues that usally start right there at the pot
hey think about the wild the plant sways in the hot sun all day,once a month there is a full moon right,well if a simple red light on a extension cord can herm your whole grow,why doesnt it do the same thing in the wild under fullmoon,i have yet have anyone explain anything even close to the science behind that,what if we could replicate that,wouldnt that make the plant feels if it was outdoors,would it make stronger healther plants,just saying folk squawk out sceince in every defense,well science explain this moon face shit

My apologies about moonlight. look for peer review publications on the subject you will find plenty.

Indeed there is a time of year when photoperiodic time-measurements correspond approximately to high moonlight intensities. Studies published in National Academy of Sciences publications revealed that this is also the threshold value for synchronization of the circadian cycle and show that enough light from moonlight might disturb time measurement during 12/12. In Furtunately in Cannabis the intensity of the light coming from the moon to the upper surface of the leaf is reduced by circadian leaf movement to values between 5 and 20 per cent (or even less than 5 per cent) of full-moon light intensity. Such a reduction eliminates the disturbing effects of moonlight.

This nocturnal leaf behavior is part of the many roles played by plant's environmental time cues, called zeitgebers. It ndicates that leaf movements have an adaptive value once mentioned by Charles Darwin about survival of the fitest. It also indicates that the behavior of the upper leaf epidermis as a zeitgebers or as a``sense organ for light'' . In the short-day plants unlike Cannabis, a specific photoperiodic phenomenon was found that counteracts the disturbing effect of moonlight. Here light intensities similar to those of moonlight, introduced during the night, promote flowering instead of inhibiting it.

Also moonlight being a reflection of the sun has loses most wavelengths in the useful spectrum for c3 plants. In other words, it is taken care off in the wild.

1) Your extension cord light is much closer than the moon
2) your grow room lights do not go "down" like the sun (gradual changes in intensities till lights out) and there plants do not "read sunset to prepare. just light and dark.

Does that answer it?
i dont think anyone caught that i run 24 hr till the go in for sexing,my veg room is 18/6 and they go in there in final pots till they get 14in tall,i keep it simple and imagine double stretch when flipped and thats why the 14in mark is my flower time,only thing i do diffrent than others is fuck with the lights just for sexing the rest is same as all when gardening the rest of way
Your from the Bay?
I always equated bro science to my parents generation that told me when i was a kid to boil the roots to "shoot" thc into the tops. Or hanging drying plants upside down for all the wrong reasons. Lol
Or driving a rusty nail in the stalk for increased potency because of plant stress. There are more modern bro science "classes"....many are posts on grow forums. Lol. Dont get me started on plant "flushing" or de leafing for increased yields. I mean its cool to experiment but to fish around blindly because growers dont understand the actual science behind basic horticulture and botany (iam convinced the words are too big) is another thing all together. And then to post these "findings" on dope growing forums as gospel when its placebo and senses playing tricks on the brain is beyond bullshit. White ash is another one. Uninformed newish growers listen to these yo yos and continue the cycle. And its all complete total utter nonsense.
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Can you imagine if actual plant breeding was the majority instead of the minority amongst cannabis growers? How much bullshit would be out there with breeding? Wow thank God most dont do any actual breeding and rely on others for the genetics. We would be in real trouble.
I guess a lot of my growing is bro science then. Not the 18/6 part but many others. If you could show us some of your actual science bud pics that would be awesome!!!! Bro and show us your lab results also, would be super helpful!!!!!

Oh! that reminds me, we are on the internet. You could post cannabis pics all day and t means nothing to me. talk sense, something I can reference from literature, or replicate personally. I care less for CannaPorn unless you can somehow prove the pic is yours - Impossible on here.
Can you imagine if actual plant breeding was the majority instead of the minority amongst cannabis growers? How much bullshit would be out there with breeding? Wow thank God most dont do any actual breeding and rely on others for the genetics. We would be in real trouble.

For me Easier money in the grow. Less stess