Max. Efficiency set up (100+ Cree cxb3500 CD @350-700ma Passive)


Well-Known Member
Hello guys! I have ordered everything. The chips are on their way
and the 2 meter long heatsinks are in the process of making in factory.


just need decide on which of these 2 to go with : )
My main goal is to increase gr per watt.

Cree room VS.jpg
If 2gr per watt is possible with this light,
would you consider setup#1 (450w per 1m2) to be a bit too much for the purpose of gr>watt?
simply because 900gr per 1m2 sounds a bit unreal..

on the other hand maybe this is what's this tech is all about..

please advise.
900g in a meter might be possible but your GPW will be better with the 383w per meter solution and considering the PPFD will be over 1000 either way I would lean towards the lower watt option.
900g in a meter might be possible but your GPW will be better with the 383w per meter solution and considering the PPFD will be over 1000 either way I would lean towards the lower watt option.

"over 1000 either way"?
that's even more than I thought! : )
thank you very much for you response sir : )

than it settled.

I will also bee using Storm-X controller to create sunset, sunrises etc.
maybe I will be able to achieve more efficiency by dimming it down even more if "383w per meter solution" will be too harsh
1125 PPFD for the 383w/m solution. 1325 PPFD for 450w/m.

Seems like a sunrise and sunset cycle could increase the GPW, will be interesting to see your results if you document them.
1125 PPFD for the 383w/m solution. 1325 PPFD for 450w/m.

Seems like a sunrise and sunset cycle could increase the GPW, will be interesting to see your results if you document them.

I'll be sure to post some pics of that beauty!
and the final results ofcs

what in your opinion is the ppfd to shoot for if gr>watt is the main goal?

also, can you please estimate how high can we go efficiency wise?
for example, if with 700ma (~25W per COB) we are @ ~64% efficienct
were will we be with 350ma or even lower?
Lower PPFD is associated with higher GPW. There's no lower limit that has been well defined, so everyone is finding a balance between GPW and G/ft that they are happy with. If you don't have additional space, and do want the kind of yield you're talking about then keep the PPFD high. A lot of people have the opinion that 800-900 is a sweet spot, but higher PPFD = higher yield so again it's a judgement call

350ma would be more efficient, but the cost associated with doubling the cobs to get closer to 70% efficient would never pay for itself in electrical savings. Around .7 amps seems to be the best cost over time current.
I'll be sure to post some pics of that beauty!
and the final results ofcs

what in your opinion is the ppfd to shoot for if gr>watt is the main goal?

a uniform canopy @ 500 with no bottoms will theoretically yield the most per watt. look at the photosynthetic curve. in any kinetic/response curve like that you want to be at the 'elbow' where it turns from mostly vertical to mostly horizontal for maximum efficiency

this is math.

you will yield more grams to the right of that point but less grams per watt
you will use less wattage to the left of that point but will also produce less grams per watt (and more unusable popcorn as well)

those are CD bin of course. assuming OP is using 3500k 3590s if he woulda waited for DB 3500s hed have a better shot at 2GPW as hed have a 7% advantage

i think he can hit it with this setup at 350 ma but he will be well over $6/watt to gain a very nominal 5% efficiency over half as many cobs run at 700 mA those same 100cobs run at 700 ma will prob produce about 190% of the product for the same price

i appreciate the exercise, but maybe OP has money to burn that i dont!

as an aside OP better be using HLG-600 drivers to drive these because thats basically a 2% efficiency bump for free (same driver cost per watt)
thats pretty mind blowing that when the bin jump happens in the coming weeks that somebody can beat OPs 100 CD bin on efficiency with only 50 DB and save $2500 in cobs. puts a new perspective on efficiency. but then again were operating deep in the bowels of dminishing return land where math gets funky relatively

a uniform canopy @ 500 with no bottoms will theoretically yield the most per watt. look at the photosynthetic curve. in any kinetic/response curve like that you want to be at the 'elbow' where it turns from mostly vertical to mostly horizontal for maximum efficiency
this is math.
you will yield more grams to the right of that point but less grams per watt
you will use less wattage to the left of that point but will also produce less grams per watt (and more unusable popcorn as well)

0.1ma 1.758625w 71.92265% :o

thank you so much for the info!
seems It would make sense to dim down to ~0.5ma (or till I hit ~900ppfd) @~66%
had no clue DB bin are coming soon and that I could gain extra 7% with them. anyway I have no time to waste for wating : )

there are countries where good grade cannabis is worth more than gold (for real)
so yes, I can and must afford it to stay on top of the game.
had no clue DB bin are coming soon and that I could gain extra 7% with them. anyway I have no time to waste for wating : )

there are countries where good grade cannabis is worth more than gold (for real)
so yes, I can and must afford it to stay on top of the game.
Was glad to see you're back and on with the build you had planned. And speaking of good grade cannabis, how did your last grow turn out?
had no clue DB bin are coming soon and that I could gain extra 7% with them. anyway I have no time to waste for wating : )

there are countries where good grade cannabis is worth more than gold (for real)
so yes, I can and must afford it to stay on top of the game.
well if thats your criteria,spread them out and you'll yield a lot more. i though this was some theoretical efficiency science project
those are CD bin of course. assuming OP is using 3500k 3590s if he woulda waited for DB 3500s hed have a better shot at 2GPW as hed have a 7% advantage

i think he can hit it with this setup at 350 ma but he will be well over $6/watt to gain a very nominal 5% efficiency over half as many cobs run at 700 mA those same 100cobs run at 700 ma will prob produce about 190% of the product for the same price

i appreciate the exercise, but maybe OP has money to burn that i dont!

as an aside OP better be using HLG-600 drivers to drive these because thats basically a 2% efficiency bump for free (same driver cost per watt)
Any idea when the new bins are hitting the market
Any idea when the new bins are hitting the market
some suppliers on this site said probably mid may

i know at least one is a few weeks out from a 1000+order so maybe they'll get lucky and there will be some new stock in there
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Was glad to see you're back and on with the build you had planned. And speaking of good grade cannabis, how did your last grow turn out?
Thanks, nice to see you again!
It turned out to be decent. the second deleaf I did at day 28 was overkill I think, but even than, I still yielded my average.
so in my opinion, It doesn't really matter. but it does improve light penetration and airflow.
so I'll keep doing the usual thing, plucking leaves here and there where it seems like it's "needed".

well if thats your criteria,spread them out and you'll yield a lot more. i though this was some theoretical efficiency science project
I still want this amazing even light spread if I can afford it.
so Im leaning towards just dimming the light's rather than using less bars...
am I missing something?

Man,thus is gonna be so awesome. So you're doing what? 12.5 bars @ 48" of 8 cobs per?
I'm doing 10 bars 10 cobs per bar
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