EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
is there even a "moderate" candidate on the gop side?
I'm so confused by people who are hating on hillary
EXACTLY! The republicans are all vying for who can be the most extreme! It's like a bad show on Animal Planet!

Mrs Clinton is a far right wing politician; the fact that she's a Democrat only tells me that she's particularly adept at spinning her reputation.

Look at this graph;

Now you tell me who the only non right wing choice is in this election?


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY! The republicans are all vying for who can be the most extreme! It's like a bad show on Animal Planet!

Mrs Clinton is a far right wing politician; the fact that she's a Democrat only tells me that she's particularly adept at spinning her reputation.

Look at this graph;
View attachment 3662746

Now you tell me who the only non right wing choice is in this election?
Clinton who wants free college for everyone and open borders is far right??? Right of who?


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY! The republicans are all vying for who can be the most extreme! It's like a bad show on Animal Planet!

Mrs Clinton is a far right wing politician; the fact that she's a Democrat only tells me that she's particularly adept at spinning her reputation.

Look at this graph;
View attachment 3662746

Now you tell me who the only non right wing choice is in this election?
How about a graph that shows what can really happen if anyone from the right gets elected.
Do you really think that Hillary would appoint a justice that is for citizens united?
You have been burned. The dude needs to back off and unite the party


Well-Known Member
I cant be the only one related to one of our modern day presidents here who is excited about our new president Hillary Clinton


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY! The republicans are all vying for who can be the most extreme! It's like a bad show on Animal Planet!

Mrs Clinton is a far right wing politician; the fact that she's a Democrat only tells me that she's particularly adept at spinning her reputation.

Look at this graph;
View attachment 3662746

Now you tell me who the only non right wing choice is in this election?
Bernie is far more authoritarian than that...


Well-Known Member
How about a graph that shows what can really happen if anyone from the right gets elected.
Do you really think that Hillary would appoint a justice that is for citizens united?
You have been burned. The dude needs to back off and unite the party
If corporate America owns the Clinton campaign in the very same way as they've bought and paid for the repukes, then please explain why she's different?

Calling people who are voting for the candidate who speaks to them in condescending tones is guaranteed to split the party.


Well-Known Member
If corporate America owns the Clinton campaign in the very same way as they've bought and paid for the repukes, then please explain why she's different?

Calling people who are voting for the candidate who speaks to them in condescending tones is guaranteed to split the party.
He's NOT going to be the nominee


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY! The republicans are all vying for who can be the most extreme! It's like a bad show on Animal Planet!

Mrs Clinton is a far right wing politician; the fact that she's a Democrat only tells me that she's particularly adept at spinning her reputation.

Look at this graph;
View attachment 3662746

Now you tell me who the only non right wing choice is in this election?
You keep presenting that graph like it is some incontrovertible piece of data. It might as well be an online IQ test or a HotOrNot ranking. Here you go, it ranks Sweden the same as Hillary Clinton



Well-Known Member
You keep presenting that graph like it is some incontrovertible piece of data. It might as well be an online IQ test or a HotOrNot ranking. Here you go, it ranks Sweden the same as Hillary Clinton

It's the closest thing I can find to objective analysis. If you can find better, post it. Besides, you haven't attempted to dispute its accuracy, so it must be right as far as you're concerned?

Here's the site;

Fuck, they're not even Americans. How objective do you want?


Well-Known Member
It's the closest thing I can find to objective analysis. If you can find better, post it. Besides, you haven't attempted to dispute its accuracy, so it must be right as far as you're concerned?

Here's the site;

Fuck, they're not even Americans. How objective do you want?
I havent seen you attempt to prove its accuracy, either. I have the URL already,feel free to keep posting it though.

Its not the nationality of the creators of that graph that sway the assessments, it is their political leanings. I say that because if the majority of politicians and countries are clustered in the right/far right upper quadrant then I would say that they are looking at things from a left perspective. If the whole western world exists in a far right authoritarian political system what would be some examples of countries (past or present times) that existed in the lower left quadrant? They claim to judge things on a fixed political center but I think they weigh some things more heavily than others which explains the wide gaps in between some candidates and slight distances between others.


Well-Known Member
I havent seen you attempt to prove its accuracy, either. I have the URL already,feel free to keep posting it though.

Its not the nationality of the creators of that graph that sway the assessments, it is their political leanings. I say that because if the majority of politicians and countries are clustered in the right/far right upper quadrant then I would say that they are looking at things from a left perspective. If the whole western world exists in a far right authoritarian political system what would be some examples of countries (past or present times) that existed in the lower left quadrant? They claim to judge things on a fixed political center but I think they weigh some things more heavily than others which explains the wide gaps in between some candidates and slight distances between others.
Maybe it's the whole world that's gone right wing, in response to the First World and American aggression?

Do you realize that America's standing military is larger than the next full dozen largest militaries on Earth... COMBINED?!

ANYONE would feel threatened enough to be militaristic themselves.

Besides, have you been paying attention to what the EU did to Greece last year? If that isn't economic warfare against an ally, please show me what is? How is what they did NOT right wing, neoliberal authoritarianism at work? I'd say the graph is pretty accurate, considering.

The graph isn't flawed, Sir- it's your perspective that's badly skewed. Not even your fault; American politics and our mass media that's the mouthpiece of corporate fascism is a hard smokescreen to see thru.