Does this look healthy?

The soil I found was loaded with good organic mix.......ohh I made a ghetto super soil and that is on the bottom of pot. Regular soil on top so I dont burn her
Well, I'm not an organic grower I do peat with chem nutes but I do understand it (a bit) and have friends that do it and it is completely true that a good soil makes for great smoke

There are things you could do to improve but I say get this grow under your belt first

and PM me any time if ya have questions
I just thank u, I live in a real conservative town so I had to balls up and do this.....cannabis got me off of living proof!!!!! I got my 8months yesterday.
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I must say I'm amazed we had this convo without interruption LOL

Haha I was just reading the whole convo before I did, learned quite a bit cuz I'm a first timer as well, kind of similar to RM3 I'm all organic right now and am doing 4 autoflowers I have them under 4 cfl 27k I believe it is, and have some leds that will be here soon, I didn't know I was not supposed to have them in solos and should've had them in there final pot. But its been 5 days and I threw them immediately after I found out today, hopefully transplant doesn't hurt them, I did them extremely low stress they shouldn't of felt a thing. Do you think they'll be ok? Also open for any tips. Thanks bud!
Shit same here brother! Conservative towns are somethin else haha
Yea it is a joke in these towns, only advice I can give is see what mistakes u have made and learn from them....also I chose to go with more cfls at lower wattage for the heat reasons. Had four 250w and it was getting way to hot in my space so went thru quite a few different Watt and I found these to be able to be closer to tops without burning