Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
My day was 13 hours 1 minute today, with 13 hours 50 minutes of visible light. I think my seedlings will be fine going forward. It takes about 3-4 weeks for them to get sexually mature and we are getting 104 seconds more daylight everyday. That will put me over 13 hour 40 minutes/ 14 hours 30 minutes in three weeks.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of old jars too. Sometimes it's really hard to get the lids off! I have a bunch of the old blue ones with wire on top and the glass disc...Ball I think.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Like that math. Have the rains stopped?
We have had a couple three days with some sun. But it's clouding back up today. Rain possible tonight and tomorrow. It not so much the rain, but the thunderstorms that beat down the little seedlings. I got out to the HR patch today, and all of them were a foot or better, so the rain can't hurt them. I did move most of the other seedlings to a new holding ground. They would do better if it doesn't flood on them.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I have a lot of old jars too. Sometimes it's really hard to get the lids off! I have a bunch of the old blue ones with wire on top and the glass disc...Ball I think.
Old jars are cool as hell. Mine are from the 50's, 60's and 70's mostly, so none with wire bails. But we have tons of newer canning jars at home. My wife is the queen of pepper jelly, lol.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I planted 1 seed each of CP1, CPDA, SOL, GV4 and BP in honer of the holiday. I had less than 5 seeds each of the SOL, GV4 and BP. And an even dozen of the CPDA. The BP was my best tasting bud last year, and it only had three seeds. If one of the BP's get deer ate, I may cry.


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Last week I had dropped off 6 bags of fertilizer mix in a small backpack and 5 gallon bucket, along with a short handled shovel. The plan had been to go down into the big woods and look for blown down trees. But all the recent high water made me change my mind. Instead I decided to add the six holes on to the HR patch. I got 5 of the holes dug before I lost my shovel. In my defense, pine trees look an awful lot alike. I will take a folding shovel in and dig the last hole and search for the lost shovel as well as the lost hole.

Speaking of lost, I only found 6 of the 7 {GV2} plants there. I topped 5 of them as they were taller than 6 nodes. The other one was right at six nodes, but it didn't look near as good as the others.


The bags of mix were heavy on perlite since they were planned for the heavy clay of the big woods. Up on the hill the digging is easy. But I didn't make my holes too big. I'm getting just a little spooked by the amount of plants I have out, so if they are not huge, it won't break my heart.



Well-Known Member
Last week I had dropped off 6 bags of fertilizer mix in a small backpack and 5 gallon bucket, along with a short handled shovel. The plan had been to go down into the big woods and look for blown down trees. But all the recent high water made me change my mind. Instead I decided to add the six holes on to the HR patch. I got 5 of the holes dug before I lost my shovel. In my defense, pine trees look an awful lot alike. I will take a folding shovel in and dig the last hole and search for the lost shovel as well as the lost hole.

Speaking of lost, I only found 6 of the 7 {GV2} plants there. I topped 5 of them as they were taller than 6 nodes. The other one was right at six nodes, but it didn't look near as good as the others.

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The bags of mix were heavy on perlite since they were planned for the heavy clay of the big woods. Up on the hill the digging is easy. But I didn't make my holes too big. I'm getting just a little spooked by the amount of plants I have out, so if they are not huge, it won't break my heart.

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Well you won't be lacking fruits will ya ;)?


Well-Known Member
Deer probs here too, plus they bring in TONS of ticks I'm guessing there is no way to put up any sort of fencing ? Even for just a couple weeks ?

Too keep them away we use our compost "juice". Don't know why they don't mess with it but it's all natural and free ! It stinks bad but works great.. Down side it it doesn't last very long maybe 2 1\2 weeks at most. If it rains than even sooner.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I got my hands on what is left of the original seeds I used last summer. I'm starting a few for my BIL. I also cut out five for me. Can you say BX?

There are about 15-20 more good seeds after I planted 16 for him, but I'm going to wait a couple three weeks to pop the rest of them. {And I may save back a few for next year} He wants about 25 all together. My BIL calls this strain Jack Carlos Cross, but I labeled my five 88-98. The original cross was made in 1988, and the seeds were made in 1998.

I used a blend of CP1, CPDA and tops from this year's CP1's for the ceremonial hits.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I know you guys will find this hard to believe, with me being an upstanding member of the community, and a pillar of morality, but back when I was a young man, I had a bad married woman problem. Or to be more exact, I had an ongoing problem with one married woman that lasted from when we met in 84 until I moved in with my wife in 90. {the problem could have gone on, but I ended it, and have suffered through 27 years of monogamy ever since}

Purple Rain was kind of our song when we were first getting to know each other, so I was sad today to hear of the passing of the artist formerly known as Prince. He was one of the good guys. RIP.
