Far red at night

goodro wilson

Well-Known Member
any links for an affordable source for far reds
I've only heard of it
explain to me how to utilize reds during lights out b
I think I read about 15 Min of red after lights out
Is this only for flowering? And every night during flowering?
You can get a lot of different brands of 730nm at cutter.


You could also search electronics stores like Mouser or digikey.. or use octopart.com to put in the manufacturer part number to find the store with the cheapest price.

Most people use it for 5-15 minutes after lights out to send %Pfr to ~0% quicker than darkness, increasing effective night length, and some people use this while running 13/11 light schedule or some even 13.5/10.5.
I tried this some years back......I found that the cost of equipment and the cost of running it. Was not worth the returns....Short story!

But please, feel free to try it!
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any links for an affordable source for far reds
I've only heard of it
explain to me how to utilize reds during lights out b
I think I read about 15 Min of red after lights out
Is this only for flowering? And every night during flowering?
A cheap easy way to see if you like end-of-day far red is to get an incandescent blacklight bulb. They put out almost all far red, with just a little UVA. I run them for 5 minutes, that's all you need. Speeds up ripening by 1-2 weeks. It works for me. I guess eventually they'll stop selling incandescent blacklights but for now you can still find them at Walmart, 60w. I don't think my plants were even ripening completely with 10 full weeks before the addition of far red. I still use normal 12/12 cycle but now they actually get ripe and at only 60 days. If you only used 10.5 hours of darkness then you wouldn't get the enhanced ripening effect, though you may get more weight from the extra light.
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I wouldn't even bother with trying to filter incandescent to get far-red anymore. With the availability of far-red leds we have now, you may as well just make something like the video posted above me.
Yeah but you can't buy them a Walmart, except maybe for photography. The blacklights are just easy to get. I don't like ordering stuff if I can avoid it. Maybe the UVA from it is also helpful. Nobody tried end of day far red + UVA. Seems to work well.
Idk if a black light would work it would be pretty awesome if a screw in bulb produces far red I wanted to see for myself if it "puts them to sleep faster" or what advantages the red would have
I used to have some rw-75 that had red LEDs I could have used but not sure if it produced 730nm either but I haven never made an led panel before lol
I have been wanting to make my own cob panel so bad so maybe this 20 dollar flower stimulator would be a good intro to diy
Idk if a black light would work it would be pretty awesome if a screw in bulb produces far red I wanted to see for myself if it "puts them to sleep faster" or what advantages the red would have
I used to have some rw-75 that had red LEDs I could have used but not sure if it produced 730nm either but I haven never made an led panel before lol
I have been wanting to make my own cob panel so bad so maybe this 20 dollar flower stimulator would be a good intro to diy
It can't just be red, it has to be far red (735 nm being best). Red actually reverses the far red effect. This shows the spectrum of an incandescent blacklight bulb. As you can see, it's a far red machine. The UVA is a secondary much smaller part of the output. It can't be a CFL blacklight btw, different spectrum.

Me too and yeppers was years ago
Blacklight bulbs cost about $6 and a socket costs about $5. Running a 60w bulb for 5 minutes a day is not going add much to your power bill. Anyway, to each his own. I like my crops ripening at least 10 days earlier than otherwise myself. Others may prefer the extra weight they can get from slower ripening times. With 10 days shorter cycles you could get an extra crop in per year, I would think, so the yield probably works out similarly. If I had to go to the trouble of ordering a special light I might not bother, but it was easy with the blacklight bulbs so why not? Costed less than adding lizard lights, that's for sure, which I also did and which did seem to help potency.
Blacklight bulbs cost about $6 and a socket costs about $5. Running a 60w bulb for 5 minutes a day is not going add much to your power bill. Anyway, to each his own. I like my crops ripening at least 10 days earlier than otherwise myself. Others may prefer the extra weight they can get from slower ripening times. With 10 days shorter cycles you could get an extra crop in per year, I would think, so the yield probably works out similarly.
I get faster finish and an extra crop a year by usin GasLight veg

the far red thing was not as productive for me, I didn't use a black light I used an Infrared light. I have also tried the 24 hour blue light thing, it didn't do much either

Not saying it isn't worth tryin, simply sayin I saw no benefit and stopped doin it
I get faster finish and an extra crop a year by usin GasLight veg

the far red thing was not as productive for me, I didn't use a black light I used an Infrared light. I have also tried the 24 hour blue light thing, it didn't do much either

Not saying it isn't worth tryin, simply sayin I saw no benefit and stopped doin it
Yeah but what if your IR light wasn't actually powerful enough or the right band of IR? Maybe it only works with a 60w blacklight per 1/2 sq meter like I used. How long did you have it on for?