As the Governor of a state since 2006, she has more executive experience than the Chosen One.ya right she couldnt run the country if her life depended on it she has no experience in anything resembling presidential duties...
LOL @ 'bimbo.' Keep it up, the women are listening.Shes a 44 year old beauty pageant runner up and governs for 2 years over a state that has 1/5 of the population of the county I live in.
She wants creationism taught at schools.
She wants to ban abortion even in the case of rape and incest.
McCain has had 4 run ins with cancer in the last 10 years, he is 72 years old, and you think it is a wise choice to put a bimbo in charge of the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
As if I would ever vote for someone who wants to take my daughters basic human right to self determination away.
It boggles the mind.
Peruse some of the posts in threads here and you will see the same thing. Fear and an alarming sense of desperation in their hateful words. The better candidate stepped on her dick because it was to be a coronation, but the upstart candidate, also from Illinois, stole her crown.I don't know how many of you watched the morning shows today; Face the Nation and Meet the Press, but I can tell you this ... the MSM liberals are scared shitless of this woman. Bob Scheffer asked Rudy Gulliani about Palin's lack of experience Rudy compared Palin's experience with O'Bama's experience. The shit-eating grin on Scheffer's face was priceless! Go Rudy! Go Palin!
1. And O'Bama is a Chicago community activist who started running for the office of president as soon as he was elected to the senate. He has never managed anything. He has never had to meet a payroll. He has accomplished exactly nothing. If he has, please list the accomplishments.1. Shes a 44 year old beauty pageant runner up and governs for 2 years over a state that has 1/5 of the population of the county I live in.
2. She wants creationism taught at schools.
3. She wants to ban abortion even in the case of rape and incest.
4. McCain has had 4 run ins with cancer in the last 10 years, he is 72 years old, and you think it is a wise choice to put a bimbo in charge of the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
5. As if I would ever vote for someone who wants to take my daughters basic human right to self determination away.
It boggles the mind.
Peruse some of the posts in threads here and you will see the same thing. Fear and an alarming sense of desperation in their hateful words. The better candidate stepped on her dick because it was to be a coronation, but the upstart candidate, also from Illinois, stole her crown.
But when it came to 'change,' Obama went back to the Democratic Party old guard. No change with Biden. It's the McSame old Democrat blueprint.
Now the Democrats are faced with a Far-Left candidate who is unelectable in the general election running against a maverick Republican who energized the conservative base with his Veep choice. Hillary will be around in 2012 saying, 'I told you so.'
The old goat kicked the young dude square in the ass. Hear them wail!
If that were the case, Obama would not take the November election.I hope reason will prevail against ignorance!![]()
lol, I'm sure your hate would cause you to kill a black man. A real American rolemodel you are. I hope you .... ah fuck it! I'm clearly not in my house here! Hate on Brothers, clearly not what the Ganja gods intendedIf that were the case, Obama would not take the November election.
See, Flo ... ccodiane hit the nail on the head. Its very important that, with a person as far to the left as O'Bama, that we have a Republican president. The senate and congress are being run by ultra-leftists. If we give them the executive too, the slide down the road to Marxism will be assured. During the next presidential term, there will be two USSC vacancies for sure and maybe three. McCain will select judges who are originalists that will not legislate from the bench. You may not like McCain, but for this one reason alone, I'm seriously thinking about voting Republican for the first time in 25 years. Also, I really like the way Palin went after corruption in her own party in Alaska. Hey, she fired the entire bunch at the Alaska Agriculture Department because of the corruption she found there. Can you imagine what she and McCain will do in Washington? McCain has always been anti-pork and corruption. I'm tellin ya ... the liberals and entrenched bureaucrats are shittin' bricks over this duo.Obama is, unfortunately, the punchline. I know, it's like being the recipient of a momma joke; totally devoid of humor. Thank God for Palin.....maybe McCain will show the same wisdom in his SC judge picks. I HOPE!
She wants to ban abortion even in the case of rape and incest.
Where, exactly, do you see "hate" in any of our posts in this thread?lol, I'm sure your hate would cause you to kill a black man. A real American rolemodel you are. I hope you .... ah fuck it! I'm clearly not in my house here! Hate on Brothers, clearly not what the Ganja gods intended
Where the hell did that come from? Hit the bong again my friend.
lol, I'm sure your hate would cause you to kill a black man. A real American rolemodel you are. I hope you .... ah fuck it! I'm clearly not in my house here! Hate on Brothers, clearly not what the Ganja gods intended