O Me, O My

I have all but eliminated the stretch in my garden and I have run the room temp up to 95 with no issues but do prefer it at 78. I also never run 12/12 but rather 10:30/13:30

I use the stretch to generate a faster crop, the stretch is the fastest growing period of all the growing phases
veg time is wasted time imo ,
any more than 10 days veg need to produce a reasonable size plant/yield would mean to me a plant lacks the vigor i am looking for
i would move on to more vigorous genetics
It's also about the lower PH of peat and not having to add certain things as much that are required with coco 8)
We shall see. I'm hoping the experimental mix doesn't require special treatment. The look & texture reminds me of a hydro mix called "Big City" -- and it kicked butt.
I should also mention that the coco was hydrated using 200 ppm CalMag solution.
I use the stretch to generate a faster crop, the stretch is the fastest growing period of all the growing phases
veg time is wasted time imo ,
any more than 10 days veg need to produce a reasonable size plant/yield would mean to me a plant lacks the vigor i am looking for
i would move on to more vigorous genetics
I breed, and grow a lot of land race sats, trust me the stretch can suck balls when trying to keep one small but I do understand what you are sayin
Do you measure leaf temps ?, if so how high can you take a plant ?

sorry i am unable to feel the hippy vibes, i wish i could really i do, if i had a time machine i would go back to the 60s to watch the ladies burn their bras
ladies not knowing at the time that wearing a bra can help reduce the risk of breast cancer, but more fun for us hetrosexuals

i just watch them grow faster when its hotter, and they drink more too
maybe ill write a book about it one day lol
Interesting that you mention temps now because I just lowered my temp from 85 to 78 and my plants don't seem to like it. Made em very stinky after about three days.
I'll hit em with the moisture probe tonight. Maybe I accidentally gave em too much water???
My garage reeks & the wife ain't happy about it...
I breed, and grow a lot of land race sats, trust me the stretch can suck balls when trying to keep one small but I do understand what you are sayin

the way i grow, all plants are pretty hard to keep small, once they stretch all the branches elongate they grow like large bushes
not like little lanky beanpoles lol

if i were growing land race sativas i would tie them down or chop them into the size i need them to be

its sad that many folk feel the stretch is something to avoid, when this is not the case imo
of course some phenotypes are poor and will have terrible inter node spacing and poor bud development, this is not a stretch issue but poor genetics/phenotpye

there are many sativa hybrids that express very little indica in the buds that will stretch from 6 inches to 4 feet, and fill in during that time with numerous bud sites
they will go on to produce large colas

i still like growing little indicas too if they are nice, its just a shame when i sometimes see folk who have been vegging a plant for like 5 weeks and its still tiny
and they think there is no other alternative

Interesting that you mention temps now because I just lowered my temp from 85 to 78 and my plants don't seem to like it. Made em very stinky after about three days.
I'll hit em with the moisture probe tonight. Maybe I accidentally gave em too much water???
My garage reeks & the wife ain't happy about it...

i do not know these things, my plants drink when they want to drink they control their own water supply (hydroponics)
they are very greedy for water when its hot or the plants are big, i know that much, i grew a plant that was drinking 12 liters per day which seems crazy to me

i notice my plants yield less and grow slower during the colder times of the year
during the winter my room would be 60f to 80f, summer it will be 70 to 95 in the hottest times

often easier said than done when the internodes are over a foot apart

You could always move on to different genetics if you have problems
i would not get my heart set on a special plant being the be all and end all
find another pheno with similar desirable traits and better inter node spacing
or since you are a breeder, breed this trait yourself ?
i do not know these things, my plants drink when they want to drink they control their own water supply (hydroponics)
they are very greedy for water when its hot or the plants are big, i know that much, i grew a plant that was drinking 12 liters per day which seems crazy to me

i notice my plants yield less and grow slower during the colder times of the year
during the winter my room would be 60f to 80f, summer it will be 70 to 95 in the hottest times

A buddy convinced me that lower temps improve potency. Not sure if he's right or not but I'm going back to what was working fine -- with very little odor.
I was skeptical at first, but it looks like RM3 was right about smell. Plants don't stink much if you've got your shit dialed in and they are happy.
You could always move on to different genetics if you have problems
i would not get my heart set on a special plant being the be all and end all
find another pheno with similar desirable traits and better inter node spacing
or since you are a breeder, breed this trait yourself ?
Trust me I pick the best I can find from that which I sprout and I have bred some awesome gear but ya still gotta grow em to find em
A buddy convinced me that lower temps improve potency. Not sure if he's right or not but I'm going back to what was working fine -- with very little odor.
I was skeptical at first, but it looks like RM3 was right about smell. Plants don't stink much if you've got your shit dialed in and they are happy.
lots of ways to improve potency, lower temps ain't one of em, but I do understand where they get the mythical notion from ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, heat evaporates terps 8)