Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

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Well-Known Member
I admire that post bongwater.

I am a 21 male that essentially just did literally 100 days of Mehff

About an ounce worth within that time

Not because of me specifically but, i was a fascinated puppy that introduced my friends to the devils bubble hash,

And thus ruined my best friend of 6 years life for a good decade or two , altered peoples perception on life, lost many and gained many new friends

Its like going to war with yourself
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Well-Known Member
You guys are the shit.

Im clean for good.

Fuck drinking hard too

I rediscovered my love for mmj and mmj

Its not fun being sober but still feel mentally spun.

Glad that my brain is finally rewiring itself

Major difference in reality
Hopin' the best for you man.

The darkest times of my life involved glass and cheeba balloons. Turned me into a decrepit young adult with an eroded sense of morality. I escaped early, but it took years to rebuild my life.

There's no better time to start that process than today.

Fight that war man - there's good stuff on the other side of the battle.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
ahh captain morgan my only true friend, drinking by myself once again instead of out having a social life like everybody else cause yeah my life is pathetic, but not because its my fault i happen to grow up with selfish horrible people without a conscience, but im a intelligent good person thats the main thing right? ugh my life is cursed


Well-Known Member
ahh captain morgan my only true friend, drinking by myself once again instead of out having a social life like everybody else cause yeah my life is pathetic, but not because its my fault i happen to grow up with selfish horrible people without a conscience, but im a intelligent good person thats the main thing right? ugh my life is cursed

Fuck society


Well-Known Member
So, I'm watching the food network. .Diners, drive in aND Dives....Guys a doucher.

I'd punch him in his throat and take his camaro

I wanna open up an mmj friendly food joint

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
watching cops and i realize most these people are just high as fuck sketched out and don't wanna get slammed on the ground, not meaning any harm but they pepper spray them and taz them anyways, usa is retarded for stuff like that i swear cops in this province are 10 times more mellow and been after let us off with driving baked, i suppose in the states guns as easy to get as smokes lol
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Virtually Unknown Member
“Last Friday, April 16, 1943, I was forced to interrupt my work in the laboratory in the middle of the afternoon and proceed home, being affected by a remarkable restlessness, combined with a slight dizziness. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant, intoxicated-like condition characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dreamlike state, with eyes closed (I found the daylight to be unpleasantly glaring), I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours this condition faded away.” -- Hofmann-Basel, Switzerland

link to complete book as .pdf
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Well-Known Member
I cant wait to get my pistol today or soon enough


fucking, its most certainly better in the end that I didnt get hard drug last night cuz life has more shit to offer

plug may be scared to run by me, ever since I told him Im getting some heat to pack due to potential break in that happened yesterday at my house while I was at work

Im just hhigh as FUCK on shatter, weed, and two morning warm up schnapps shhots. G2g till evening..

yeah fuck dat hard shit I need to be off anyway
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Well-Known Member
Life is good sober,

Nirvana very good, I like thar

Seriously. Glad I never will and havent touched bad shit in some time.

why cant I edit message? You guys going Nazi on us?
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