EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Has the Clinton campaign addressed why they had white noise machines going so reporters outside the venue she was speaking at while fundraising couldn't hear the content of what she was saying?

That certainly seems like some straight up shady politics. Why would she be trying to hide what she's saying to high dollar donors that are funding her campaign?

Because she's terrified of her very own Romney Moment. As well she should be, knowing just how far outside the mainstream she is.
Because she's terrified of her very own Romney Moment. As well she should be, knowing just how far outside the mainstream she is.
Where the fuck is the media on this? I haven't seen a single mainstream outlet cover it. If this was anyone else but Clinton it would be plastered everywhere. If there were any legitimate Clinton supporters on this website, I'd ask them how they justify this type of behavior..
...after warning us.
His final speech as president warning the public against special interests in the military industrial complex is highly prophetic, that dude certainly knew what he was talking about, what he saw and where we were headed.. A decade before Vietnam..

It's quite a sharp contrast from republicans before Kennedy and republicans after.. They knew they were losing so they had to rig the system (war on drugs). Then when they won, they still had to cheat (Watergate)

Scumfuck of a party since Nixon
I'll 2nd Eisenhower

Then Ford, H.W., Nixon, then W. in descending order. W. being the worst republican president in the history of the US that I can think of

What ever happened to republicans like Ike and Lincoln..

Probably the religious right..
The religious right has greatly contributed to the republican demise. Then you follow that up with the tea baggers, and the republican party is a case study in what happens when you're willing to whore for votes on a national level.
The religious right has greatly contributed to the republican demise. Then you follow that up with the tea baggers, and the republican party is a case study in what happens when you're willing to whore for votes on a national level.
I would love to expand on that

How do you think the religious right has contributed to the republican demise?

I think the religious right is hellbent on socially conservative issues, like abortion and gay marriage, and to a lesser extent things like violence in video games and "the lamestream media".

I think the majority of the voter bloc that considers themselves "the religious right" have abandoned establishment republicans. The people who make up of or represent evangelicals, big business and small government/states rights have broken and created somewhat of a chasm. Religious rights people can't subvert their values for the republican establishment, they can't win on social issues and they can't put their values aside to recognize big business, and both of the other factions feel the same way..

How will a stable republican party even emerge from all this?
I would love to expand on that

How do you think the religious right has contributed to the republican demise?

I think the religious right is hellbent on socially conservative issues, like abortion and gay marriage, and to a lesser extent things like violence in video games and "the lamestream media".

I think the majority of the voter bloc that considers themselves "the religious right" have abandoned establishment republicans. The people who make up of or represent evangelicals, big business and small government/states rights have broken and created somewhat of a chasm. Religious rights people can't subvert their values for the republican establishment, they can't win on social issues and they can't put their values aside to recognize big business, and both of the other factions feel the same way..

How will a stable republican party even emerge from all this?
In my opinion, I believe that the republican actually establishment underestimated the religious right. The are probably the most consistent voting block in the United States. If you're pandering to them, you'd better be prepared to cater to their whims. They're probably our best example of the power of the vote. It just so happens that, as a voting block, they happen to be be bat-shit crazy.
In my opinion, I believe that the republican actually establishment underestimated the religious right. The are probably the most consistent voting block in the United States. If you're pandering to them, you'd better be prepared to cater to their whims. They're probably our best example of the power of the vote. It just so happens that, as a voting block, they happen to be be bat-shit crazy.
Did they underestimate them, or are they just preparing for the inevitable? They know they won't live forever, so are we seeing the beginning of the transition of the republican establishment from the religious right to something new (likely xenophobia and a new ingrained hatred for minorities)? They need something to tie onto, some sort of ignorance to exploit, so do you think it will be republicans hatred for anything different? Religion, Racism (teh blacks), sexism (women/LGBT) are out of the picture, so who will be their next targeted demographic to hate? I think it will have to be illegal immigrants and ISIS/terrorists. They'll be able to legitimately play the terrorist card for the foreseeable future, but I think the illegal immigrant card will be stifled by the next general election. So who will they have left to pick on?
I would love to expand on that

How do you think the religious right has contributed to the republican demise?

I think the religious right is hellbent on socially conservative issues, like abortion and gay marriage, and to a lesser extent things like violence in video games and "the lamestream media".

I think the majority of the voter bloc that considers themselves "the religious right" have abandoned establishment republicans. The people who make up of or represent evangelicals, big business and small government/states rights have broken and created somewhat of a chasm. Religious rights people can't subvert their values for the republican establishment, they can't win on social issues and they can't put their values aside to recognize big business, and both of the other factions feel the same way..

How will a stable republican party even emerge from all this?
The provisions in the ACA literally saved my mothers life.
She hates illegal immigrants, for years let some Romania guy come over on a tourist visa, stay at the house and work for a local Landscaping company.
She is against Universal healthcare, but has no problem with medicare dropping almost a million dollars in chemo drugs on her

She voted for Ted Cruz
The provisions in the ACA literally saved my mothers life.
She hates illegal immigrants, for years let some Romania guy come over on a tourist visa, stay at the house and work for a local Landscaping company.
She is against Universal healthcare, but has no problem with medicare dropping almost a million dollars in chemo drugs on her

She voted for Ted Cruz
I don't understand the context of this post, man