USA move closer to equality in wages

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  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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Well-Known Member
It's "their point of view" because the old testament says so

So apparently they hold the old testament just as sacred as the new testament

The old testament has equally as horrible things in it that it commands of Christians as the Quran does of Muslims - don't believe me, go look for yourself

So if you think Muslims need reeducation, so do Christians

No reason to be inconsistent with Christianity other than to give it a pass. It is just as dangerous as Islam, all organized religion is
People cherry pick the bible for what they like. I don't recall the bible ordering them to hunt down the none believers and kill them.


Well-Known Member
I Invite you to read Matthew 17 or 19 where Jesus is saying that not a "jot or a tiddle" of the old testament law should be changed, that anyone who didn't follow it would be last, and that he came to fulfill the law.

The argument that somehow Jesus and the NT is meant to water down the Old Testament is completely a surrender by Christianity to modern secularism.

Mainly because all Christian apologetics focus on God being eternal and unchanging, well its the same God in the Old Testament giving all those barbaric injunctions to follow that Jesus is supposed to be the son of. So you can take that position if you want, just know that in doing so you completely undermine all your arguments for Gods existence resting on Absolute Morality, the teleological and cosmological arguments would also fail.

In short, what you just said is an argument against the existence of the God you believe in.
Ummm i don't believe in one... sorry.

Awe, shit. The last thing we need is a heroin addicted Subway sandwich operator to tell us what "God" thinks about gay marriage...
Curious how do you operate a sandwich?


Well-Known Member
People cherry pick the bible for what they like. I don't recall the bible ordering them to hunt down the none believers and kill them.
Both religious texts command the faithful to murder people

If you condemn one, you must condemn the other (and likely Judaism, too, I just haven't studied that in depth to know enough about it)


Well-Known Member
True but which one do you see people still getting slaughtered over.
Check this site out.
Christianity has an 800 year head start on Islam, what were Christians doing to people in the year 1200? They were roasting witches at the stake up until the 1700s and openly committing violence against homosexuals as late as this century

It took hundreds of years for Christianity to secularize to a point that's palatable for modern society, and if it hadn't, it wouldn't exist as we know it today


Well-Known Member
People cherry pick the bible for what they like. I don't recall the bible ordering them to hunt down the none believers and kill them.
There is one parable where Jesus tells his followers to bring those who would not accept him as their king before him and to murder them at his feet.
Ummm i don't believe in one... sorry.

Curious how do you operate a sandwich?
I don't either, I mistook your earlier statement as a defense of Christianity, which I guess it was to an extent, but also I suppose I assumed it as a de facto statement of faith.


Well-Known Member
Christianity has an 800 year head start on Islam, what were Christians doing to people in the year 1200? They were roasting witches at the stake up until the 1700s and openly committing violence against homosexuals as late as this century

It took hundreds of years for Christianity to secularize to a point that's palatable for modern society, and if it hadn't, it wouldn't exist as we know it today
I see what you're doing there but its asinine. Just because Christianity began 800 (really 600) years before Islam does not mean that these societies exist in a vacuum and progress through the same changes at the same rate.

Islamic culture has steadily regressed over the last 1400 years, they peaked around the 9th Century, stayed fairly cosmopolitan and advanced until the battle of Lepanto and they lost control of the Mediterranean and the Ottoman Empire began a steady and steep decline.

Christianity rose in a period where the Roman Empire was in turmoil. The west went through successive disaster after disaster. Attila the Hun, The Viking era, the Islamic expansion squeezing Europe between southern France and the gates of Vienna. The middle ages were a bleak and ignorant period in Europe but it cannot be said to be entirely the fault of Christianity.

Christianity nor Islam creates the circumstances that they exist in entirely. While all that medieval barbarism was going in in western Europe the eastern Europe Byzantine Christians were as enlightened as they had ever been. They were under pressure from Islam and finished off by the Western Crusaders. It took Christian Europe 400 years to throw off the yolk of darkness.

Islam has been in that same Dark period since the Mongols destroyed Baghdad, they were ran out of Spain, and the last flicker of light went out in Anatolia and Islamic culture, unlike western culture, seems to thrive in the dark.


Well-Known Member
How do yall know so much about members on here you dislike.
They don't know. Its a method of discrediting people. There have been various idiots over the past come here to post and get banned. They have labeled me as bignbushy or Nicheschiken, separately stating at different times that they were 100% sure I was each of them.

Apparently if you are some kook from the past no one has to actually read what you say.


Well-Known Member
They don't know. Its a method of discrediting people. There have been various idiots over the past come here to post and get banned. They have labeled me as bignbushy or Nicheschiken, separately stating at different times that they were 100% sure I was each of them.

Apparently if you are some kook from the past no one has to actually read what you say.
But, you are bign'bushy, and smokeydan. Dumb dumb.


Well-Known Member
They don't know. Its a method of discrediting people. There have been various idiots over the past come here to post and get banned. They have labeled me as bignbushy or Nicheschiken, separately stating at different times that they were 100% sure I was each of them.

Apparently if you are some kook from the past no one has to actually read what you say.
When I first got here several people thought I was a sock. I didn't even know what that term meant till I joined here.