Medical Marijuana: Expect Patient Friendly Changes In Canada After Allard

And patients have been bashing Tilhay's gardens for just as long! Vancouver and a handful of other cities have licensed dispensaries supplied by mmar growers and the bm growers so I don't think the LP's have much pull. I'd love to see Tilray close it doors...
Along with tweed and anything canopy growth has touched. To me all the lps were started from harming patients.
Absolute proof, of course not. Although there is proof of Tilray sending letters to victoria MPs/council members about licensing dispensaries. When they did this they did not say "this is why LPs are better and safer" they told the council why "Tilray is better and safer" Why would Tilray give an opinion and one as biased as that to open discussion in a different city is beyond me.

Tilray has been bashing patients gardens since the get go. There were a lot of things let out once they laid off 50-60 people last year.
And no one disp
Absolute proof, of course not. Although there is proof of Tilray sending letters to victoria MPs/council members about licensing dispensaries. When they did this they did not say "this is why LPs are better and safer" they told the council why "Tilray is better and safer" Why would Tilray give an opinion and one as biased as that to open discussion in a different city is beyond me.

Tilray has been bashing patients gardens since the get go. There were a lot of things let out once they laid off 50-60 people last year.
Of course, and no one disputes that, friend. But that's not proof of what you said, is it?

You need to stop thinking anyone who asks for proof of something is defending those you are accusing. That's not how the world works. I think Tilray are shit, but your claim is baseless rumor from Wilcox, who is as big of a scammer as Lucas.
Absolute proof, of course not. Although there is proof of Tilray sending letters to victoria MPs/council members about licensing dispensaries. When they did this they did not say "this is why LPs are better and safer" they told the council why "Tilray is better and safer" Why would Tilray give an opinion and one as biased as that to open discussion in a different city is beyond me.

Tilray has been bashing patients gardens since the get go. There were a lot of things let out once they laid off 50-60 people last year.
And no one disp
Absolute proof, of course not. Although there is proof of Tilray sending letters to victoria MPs/council members about licensing dispensaries. When they did this they did not say "this is why LPs are better and safer" they told the council why "Tilray is better and safer" Why would Tilray give an opinion and one as biased as that to open discussion in a different city is beyond me.

Tilray has been bashing patients gardens since the get go. There were a lot of things let out once they laid off 50-60 people last year.
Of course, and no one disputes that, friend. But that's not proof of what you said, is it?

You need to stop thinking anyone who asks for proof of something is defending those you are accusing. That's not how the world works. I think Tilray are shit, but your claim is baseless rumor from Wilcox, who is as big of a scammer as Lucas.
Along with tweed and anything canopy growth has touched. To me all the lps were started from harming patients.

I will say I know there are some who wanted to get involved because they figured that was simply the way it was going to go and they didn't have much option one way or the other if they wanted to keep growing. Obviously wrong, and possibly a lie/cynical bullshit.

(: sorry but it's kinda funny and rather moot
And, as another growing season begins on Vancouver Island, thousands of people are planting their crop on public land, just like they've done for generations. I'm guessing overall plant count in the 10's of thousands. Funny thing is, most Vancouver Island outdoor will beat anything LP's produce...and it's absolutely free.
Who is growing 10k + plants OG? Not individuals but do you mean people who are LP's or DG's or Pharma?
Who is growing 10k + plants OG? Not individuals but do you mean people who are LP's or DG's or Pharma?
The vast majority will be well under 100 plants. Most people I know bush growing have a couple of dozen max, but they're just growing personal. The 10K plant gardens belong to a different breed of grower.
Who is growing 10k + plants OG? Not individuals but do you mean people who are LP's or DG's or Pharma?

There are small little farms in isolation all over BC. 10,000 plants sounds like a lot but it's really not if you have the location. Last year they busted someone with way more than that IIRC....
Wow. That would be some set up! To see that and to comprehend how much work that would take. Awesome is all I can say. To be able to work in that size legally, that would be very interesting.
There's some huge MMAR grows out west that ship their product by the transport truck back to Ontario and other markets. Consistently some of the best product in Ontario.
You really will believe any old story you hear. No ones transporting dope by the truck load and hiding behind mmar paperwork. Just not reality. Yes it's being transported but no no one has paperwork to cover a truck load. Dumbass.
Apparently they even make it through stops with valid MMAR paperwork.
Some of these 150g/day prescriptions coming in handy.