EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

i believe it would be a good idea to have graduated privileges.

it's no longer the 18th or 19th centuries when people marry at 14 and die at age 30.

i know many who don't want to move out until they are 30 or after..it's a different time.

for voting? 18 is still fine..kids know more about what's going on than those who should know and can't be bothered to educate themselves.

Why not make it possible for them to get a job that actually pays for their expenses, instead of an insult? That's what a wage is for, right?

Why is it so hard for the right to understand that protecting your consumer is as important as protecting your business? The ultimate consumer is the American middle class, so maybe we should invest in it!

THAT'S the basic failure of the conservative economic equation, and I know they aren't stupid enough to have missed it... which tells me that they're doing it deliberately to disenfranchise and neutralize the common man, so no one can stop them from keeping all the money and all the power.

Economic serfdom among the lower classes; turn the entire middle class into wage slaves at the company store.

Trouble is, it doesn't work for coal miners in Appalachia any better than it works for the average American service worker and never has.

Another flavor of right winger isn't change. Only a real alternative in terms of policy and ideology is an alternative.

It's time the establishment figured that out... which of course they have. They're fighting as hard as they can because their party might get crashed and they think the sweat of all our labor belongs to them.

Oh, yes they DO think that, they say as much themselves!
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Be careful what u wish 4... I know several hundred Americans that won't vote 4 Clinton...they feel like me, maybe this country needs to hit rock bottom with Trump or Cruz or Kasich to truly make the move to the left .. Center = no good ..pick a lane, either right or left!
You are a fucking nutter if you think the best thing for America is to hit rock bottom.
Obama prevented a McCain and Romney administration

If you don't think that directly affects you, you don't know anything about American politics

no because clinton would have been president for 8 years.

good to see you thanks for stopping by the thread!..it's been a while..hasn't it?
This week, Lee Camp covers how CNN purposefully slights Bernie Sanders in their election programming. While a protest was occurring outside CNN headquarters, CNN continued to broadcast useless information. What is really behind this lack of Bernie coverage?

2 days ago
Hi! I live in Norway and I have removed CNN from my satellite package , like so many others will do in Norway and Europe. we can not tolerate it anymore. It makes us sick

Has the Clinton campaign addressed why they had white noise machines going so reporters outside the venue she was speaking at while fundraising couldn't hear the content of what she was saying?

That certainly seems like some straight up shady politics. Why would she be trying to hide what she's saying to high dollar donors that are funding her campaign?
Has the Clinton campaign addressed why they had white noise machines going so reporters outside the venue she was speaking at while fundraising couldn't hear the content of what she was saying?

That certainly seems like some straight up shady politics. Why would she be trying to hide what she's saying to high dollar donors that are funding her campaign?

maybe she has something to hide?

Mitt Romney's "47 Percent" Comments - YouTube
Yet you choose to write in Bernie Sanders instead of CLinton in the general election. Basically giving your vote to Cruz.
How are you so sure about Cruz? I see Trump on top of the zodiac killer. Honestly I don't think Trump is going to be worse than Hillary but we should hear more after they actually debate and choose a VP Hillary takes Bernie Sanders she will most likely get my vote but I highly doubt that. To blindly vote everyone Democrat is pretty ignorant IMHO.

What has Obama done for you personally in the past 8 years? What did Bill Clinton do for you as well? George Bush allowed me to buy assault firearms which are a lot of fun can't say shit about any other president in my life time personally.

Democratic governor's have done both good and bad in my state they did raise the penalty on child molesters to 25 years minimum so that's cool, but they have been constantly fighting the drug war harder and harder and now we have DEA informants selling heroin to kids just to get people selling just to fill the prisons. So really a Republican governor can't be much worse even medical marijuana was crushed by Democratic governor's for years in my state every time it would pass the house and Senate but veto by governor always Democratic governor's since I have been voting age anyway.

I think Rand Paul or Ron Paul might have made better governor's than what we have had. So not every Republican is terrible just as not every Democrat but overall both parties are shit.
How are you so sure about Cruz? I see Trump on top of the zodiac killer. Honestly I don't think Trump is going to be worse than Hillary but we should hear more after they actually debate and choose a VP Hillary takes Bernie Sanders she will most likely get my vote but I highly doubt that. To blindly vote everyone Democrat is pretty ignorant IMHO.

What has Obama done for you personally in the past 8 years? What did Bill Clinton do for you as well? George Bush allowed me to buy assault firearms which are a lot of fun can't say shit about any other president in my life time personally.

Democratic governor's have done both good and bad in my state they did raise the penalty on child molesters to 25 years minimum so that's cool, but they have been constantly fighting the drug war harder and harder and now we have DEA informants selling heroin to kids just to get people selling just to fill the prisons. So really a Republican governor can't be much worse even medical marijuana was crushed by Democratic governor's for years in my state every time it would pass the house and Senate but veto by governor always Democratic governor's since I have been voting age anyway.

I think Rand Paul or Ron Paul might have made better governor's than what we have had. So not every Republican is terrible just as not every Democrat but overall both parties are shit.
Oh you think neo confederate assholes like the Pauls would make good governors
Oh you think neo confederate assholes like the Pauls would make good governors
Better than my states Democratic governor's yes. But where do you get Neo Confederate? Did they call to reenslave black people?? Cause I sure did not hear it but links or it didn't happen.

Both states the Paul's are in does not have slavery unless you are with Rob Roy.