The UK Growers Thread!

ive taken note off all that aswell tch thanks m8 lol next run auto pots for me any certain make or they all the same
no probs pomp mate an if i can help any more i will all i found that was my main mistake was first week i handwatered and then put in system after a week i switched air domes on and i didnt go back for a whole week .... when i went back after a week away the plants had gone from nothing to the whole tent was like a jungle i have never seen such growth ever i fooked up because they grew so much un controlled i actually was fighting the rest of the grow with plants bigger than i wanted alot of waste so lesson learnt this time 2 1/2 weeks veg max also i dont feed as strong as hand watering as because i didnt want build up in the trays taking evaporation into effect not all is being drank by the plants so first feed wud b full strenth second full strenth but 3rd wud b 1/2 strength this im still trying to fine tune but i did notice that the inline filer and timer i had to keep an eye on from blocking up
oh 1 more thing after u put in the system add clay pebles on top of the pots to cover and sprey with neem oil as with the damp conditions fungus knats an other creepies lay there egs in the tops of soil but i noticed neem oil really pisses them off and a light sprey on top of pebbles really puts the cunts off
copper disks also are a must root control disks peace of mind mainly to stop roots growing where they shouldnt b into aqua valves and stopping them from functioning as expected i couldnt believe the root mass and constuction when i harvested and pulled the pots the roots where clearly loving the air domes to the point where the roots grew around the dome clearly hogging the air and clearly loving it
i do love how they drink when they want and how even the entire crop grew as all same clones from same mother they all grew even and fast
no offence SpD this isnt the friendliest of threads come this time of night lol most are wrecked lol

think hes looking like a nice example of a male rottie for his age so much inter breeding and poor ''cross'es'' of so many breeds nowdays just took offence at ''what cross'' lmao fucking thing cost me near a grand better not be a cross lol jk
He was a great buy man Im super jealous he's bang on type imo n he's gonna be fucking massive man lol
copper disks also are a must root control disks peace of mind mainly to stop roots growing where they shouldnt b into aqua valves and stopping them from functioning as expected i couldnt believe the root mass and constuction when i harvested and pulled the pots the roots where clearly loving the air domes to the point where the roots grew around the dome clearly hogging the air and clearly loving it
what size air pump would u say to use or dont it matter
did my first hooch run today, ran 4 l of cheap 7.3 cider thru an airstill twice, chucked 60 percent of the yield which was utter fukin nail polish heads end, and rotting veg on the tails, never gonna drink cider again knowing meths and acetone rule the mix, the cut I did save was sweet and apply but 7 quid for 100 ml is pricey, was a practice run so a lot learned @The Yorkshireman